This Doctor is Great

Chapter 122: Is the doctor's private life a mess?

Pearl River night view,

Zhou Mo, Huang Yiming, and Huang Xinyi went to Taikoo Cang for dinner after get off work.

This Taigu warehouse has Yezhu River on one side and a renovated Internet celebrity commercial street on the other. Many people will come to check in to eat, and there are naturally many restaurants.

Zhou Mo looked regretful: "There aren't many beauties..."

Huang Yiming: "…………"

I don't even know how to complain about you.

Huang Xinyi giggled: "You guys, just think about all these nonsense."

Huang Yiming rolled his eyes: "I don't believe you don't want to."

"Hey, Brother Ming..." At this time, a voice came, and everyone looked over and saw two little beauties running.

A ponytail, a shoulder-length short hair, but the looks are not bad, the only thing is that the height of the two is not high, about 155-160.

Huang Yiming: "Are you here to eat?"

The three chatted for a while, and Huang Yiming introduced to Zhou Mo and Huang Xinyi that the two women were from the same village in Hunting Village. One was A Juan and the other was A Rong.

"Wow, Brother Ming, is this your colleague?" The two beauties couldn't help but light up when they saw Zhou Mo's first glance.

Zhou Mo responded with a smile, not enthusiastic, because it was not a big wave.

Five people joined the table and ate together, which was a little more lively.

The chat between Zhou Mo and the three basically focused on gossip in the hospital and medical circles.

A Juan suddenly asked, "Are you familiar with surgeons? Isn't their private life a mess?"

A Rong next to her, after hearing this, looked displeased and pinched A Juan.

Huang Yiming was surprised: "Why do you ask that?"

A Juan: "A Rong she..."

A Rong quickly stopped: "Don't say it!"

"What's embarrassing, it's for your own good." A Juan ignored A Rong's obstruction and said, "A Rong fell in love with a surgeon, 30 years old, seems to be a city doctor from the third-grade breast surgery department. He's not handsome, but he can talk, and after chasing after a month, we're about to catch up with our A Rong... ah..."

A Rong was beside her, embarrassed and angry, and finally pinched A Juan's waist fiercely in anger.

Huang Yiming nodded: "It turned out to be like this."

A Juan clutched her loin: "Brother Ming, surgeon, what do you think?"

A Rong was also curious and looked at Huang Yiming.

Huang Yiming thought: "It's hard to say whether a surgeon's private life is chaotic or not. It depends on the person. Some surgeons are too busy to die. They are busy with operations and bed management every day.

A Rong was shocked: "Are you so busy?"

Huang Yiming nodded: "It's quite busy... Of course, there are indeed a small number of surgeons who have a messy private life. After all, there are many temptations. Medical representatives, female patients, patients' wives... There are only a few second and third marriages..."

Although he aspires to be a surgeon in the future, as the eldest brother from the same village, he naturally won't hide it in this regard.

Huang Yiming, who has the best relationship with nurses, is the most well-informed male doctor in gossip among all cardiologists.

There are indeed a few surgeons in the hospital whose private lives are relatively chaotic.

At this time, Zhou Mo said: "What Yiming said is not necessarily correct. Most of the surgeons are still good. The examples of chaotic private lives we have heard are just survivors' deviations. After all, they are few."

Huang Yiming nodded: "Mexico is right...but you have to pay attention. 30-year-old doctors are usually regular training and resident doctors. They are the busiest, and they may not have time to accompany you in a day..."

"He's really busy..."

Aron hesitated for a moment.

As an aboriginal, with such good economic conditions and a lot of rent and dividends, she naturally wanted to find someone who could spend time with her and be happy with her.

If the other person is too busy?

Aron suddenly backed off a bit.

An hour later, after dinner, everyone disbanded.


New day, Friday.

Once at work,

Brother Chen Bing ran to Zhou Mo and Huang Yiming: "You two signed up to go to the countryside?"

Crazy face.

Huang Yiming: "Yes, I heard that the food in the countryside is delicious. I have never been to the countryside when I grew up, and I want to experience it."

Senior Brother Chen Bing was mad: "Isn't that the four patients who are in charge of the bed for the two of you, and you want me to do it? You should go alone, don't go with two people!"

Zhou Mo and Huang Yiming were embarrassed.

Yes, I forgot about Senior Brother Chen Bing.

Zhou Mo raised his hand: "Senior brother, of my two patients, one is in a vegetative state and needs no treatment, and the other is mitral valve stenosis. There is nothing to do. You see, I spend most of my time reading literature."

I have to say, cardiology is really easy.

I don't know how other departments are doing.

Zhou Mo seems to have heard that the Second Provincial Hospital has a little more staff than other hospitals. Internal sources said that when the Baiyun branch first opened, there were three or four patients a day in the outpatient clinic, but eight or nine nurses were assigned, which was very cool.

Huang Yiming: "My two patients are also easy to handle. They have been diagnosed and are not critical. Just wait for the test results."

In the end, Senior Brother Chen Bing was forced to accept this fact reluctantly.

"Then today, you all **** my four patients!" Brother Chen Bing gritted his teeth.

Zhou Mo patted his chest: "No problem!!"

Huang Yiming: "Brother, calm down. I'll buy you afternoon tea later. What do you want? Egg tarts? Sandwiches? Pizza? Tiramisu?"

Zhou Mo: "..."

Why do I hate rich people?

Always take money to humiliate people, can this kind of people be dealt with?

Brother Chen Bing has been defeated by money: "Then I want pizza, Portuguese tarts, fruit platter, milk tea..."

What else could it be? Can only turn grief into appetite.

Eat poor him! (Gritting teeth · jpg)

Unfortunately, he didn't know the depth of Huang Yiming's purse.

at this time,

The nurse came to the door of the duty room: "Doctor Chen, 36 beds, here is a patient, go pick it up..."

Senior Brother Chen Bing: "Okay."

Then he turned to Zhou Mo and Huang Yiming: "The patient is here, you two, come on..."

Zhou Mo and Huang Yiming: "Yes!"


36 beds,

Zhou Mo and Huang Yiming stood by the bed with pen and paper.

Scan the data.

Chen Zhongxin, male, 43 years old,

Observing his his face was a little pale, and he felt like he was weak.

Visited the emergency department 20 minutes ago and was scheduled to be admitted to the Cardiology Department.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Zhou, and I'm currently your doctor in charge of the bed... Is there anything wrong with you?"

Patient Chen Zhongxin: "I don't feel any discomfort..."

Zhou Mo: "??? Why do you want to come to the Cardiology Department if you are not feeling well?"

Patient Chen Zhongxin: "It was the emergency department who asked me to come, so I came..."

Zhou Mo frowned.

He encountered one of the patients with the most headaches for doctors.

This kind of patient often fails to speak to the key points, and is easy to go around. This is the most feared patient in the outpatient department, and it often takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, there is enough time in the hospital to slowly cross-examine.
