This Doctor is Great

Chapter 169: Schizocephalic Schizophrenia, "Lin Daiyu


79 beds,

The patient Wang Dan was lying on the bed.

Zhou Mo conducted routine consultations and physical examinations on her, but in fact it was similar to what an emergency doctor did.

Finally, patient Wang Dan asked Zhou Mo curiously: "Doctor, I like eating raw fish, but I'm afraid of parasites. Just now my boyfriend helped me find a way to eat intestinal worms... Can I eat it? After sashimi, can I avoid parasites by taking it?"

When Zhou Mo heard this, he suddenly became serious: "Intestinal bug clearing is useful, but you are not a doctor, don't take medicine randomly... Eating too much will damage your liver and kidneys, and eating too little will have no effect, but it may cause insects. Antibodies are produced, and the reaction occurs.”

Patient Wang Dan lowered his head: "Okay..."

Zhou Mo finished the consultation, and then said, "It has been confirmed that you have a large number of parasites in your body. Now you are hospitalized, just to take medicine and deworm them..."

Wang Dan and her boyfriend nodded repeatedly: "This, the emergency department has already told us."

Zhou Mo: "For specific medication, take praziquantel orally, 3 times a day for 3 days... Then when the time comes, we'll see the specific situation."

Praziquantel: It is an anthelmintic drug for humans and animals, specifically for the treatment of tapeworms and flukes. It is especially effective against schistosomiasis, Chinese liver fluke, and Schizophrenia.

Wang Dan and her boyfriend nodded.

These, emergency doctors have said.

At this time, Zhou Mo said again: "In addition, in addition to deworming, you may also need to do a CT of the brain..."

"Ah? Why?"

Wang Dan suddenly made a questioning voice.

"Does that thing have radiation?"

The boyfriend also hesitated: "Yes, I heard that CT radiation is very strong, must I do it? Besides, my girlfriend is just a parasite, right? Why do brain CT?"

The couple both looked at Zhou Mo with the eyes of 'You want to cheat me' and 'Sure enough, the big hospital is so dark, I always want to give me all kinds of useless examinations'.

Zhou Mo: "…………"

But it can only be explained patiently.

"Because after inspection, it was found that you have antibodies to sparganes in your body, which means that they existed before. Sparganes may be parasitic in the brain..."

(Picture of Sparganus)

"If there are sparganes in the brain, it will lead to headache, epilepsy, dizziness in mild cases, and severe brain tissue being swallowed by sporocysts, cerebral infarction, etc... It is fatal."

"Have you ever experienced headaches and dizziness for unknown reasons before?"

Zhou Mo looked at the female patient Wang Dan.

"Yes!" the boyfriend shouted loudly.

"It seems that there is." The patient Wang Dan's face turned pale, "Once I was running with him, suddenly my head went black, and I didn't understand anything..."

Zhou Mo raised his brows: "Running? Is there a lot of exercise? Is the load heavy? Are you tired?"

The patient Wang Dan thought for a while: "I ran for a long time, and I was a little tired from running."

Zhou Mo said with a smile: "It's possible that the exhaustion of running will cause the brain to lack oxygen, causing the eyes to go dark... However, it can't be ruled out that it's a sparganum. Why don't you just do a brain CT?"


"Okay, okay, do it! Must do it!"

At this time, the patient Wang Dan no longer dared to object, but rather urgently wanted to do it.

When I think of a long bug in my head, I feel terrified.

Zhou Mo: "Okay, I'll make an appointment with you."

"Next, 3 days, you can stay in the hospital with peace of mind, take the medicine when you should take the medicine, kill the bugs, and then re-examine after 3 days..."

This patient, there is no special diagnosis, just take medicine and kill insects.

If the CT results show the existence of sparganosis, on the one hand, we need to see if we can take medicine to kill it.

If it doesn't work, you will have to send it to the Department of Neurosurgery for surgery to remove the worms. How to do it depends on the results of the consultation outside the gods.


There are not many things today, except for the female patient of this parasite,

Zhou Mo has nothing else to worry about.

"Would you like to finish "Seeing a Doctor for Lin Daiyu (Part 2 today?"

After half an hour,

Zhou Mo prepared everything and started recording the video.

"Hello, everyone..."

"In the last issue, we analyzed why Lin Daiyu is not tuberculosis, so today, let's analyze what kind of disease Lin Daiyu is?"

"First of all, the first possible cause is - bronchiectasis!"

"This is also the cause of many people's speculation."

"Bronchi" is the sub-bronchus of the "trachea".


"Bronchiectasis", colloquially means diseased and fibrotic due to inflammation, making the bronchi brittle, hardened, deformed, and destroyed.

"Its typical symptoms are chronic cough, a large amount of purulent phlegm and repeated hemoptysis."

"Lin Daiyu's symptoms are somewhat similar to bronchiectasis, but in the early stage Lin Daiyu mainly suffered from dry cough without thick and foul-smelling phlegm, and in the late stage, there was no fatal hemoptysis..."

"Furthermore, I don't support Lin Daiyu's focus on 'nighttime disease'."

"So, rule out -- bronchiectasis!"

"Then, consider lung cancer, but the characteristics of lung cancer and Lin Daiyu's 'seasonal cough, decreased activity tolerance, and paroxysmal dyspnea at night' do not fit the symptoms of lung cancer."

"So, rule out -- lung cancer!"

"Another possibility is mitral valve stenosis."

"The symptoms of patients with mitral valve stenosis have a high degree of overlap with Lin Daiyu. For example, typical signs of mitral valve face (red cheeks, overwhelming peach blossoms); typical symptoms of valve stenosis, such as orthopnea (often coughing at night) And get up and sit upright).”

"In addition, for patients with mitral valve stenosis, the return of blood flow increases when lying down, which will lead to aggravation of pulmonary congestion. It is very similar to "Lin Daiyu tossing, lying down and sitting up, sitting up and lying down". "

"Also, Lin Daiyu's long-term and repeated coughing (infection, enlarged atrium compresses the bronchial tubes), expectoration (infection with congestion), and hemoptysis (late bronchial vascular rupture) are common clinical manifestations of mitral valve stenosis."

"So, this cause cannot be ruled out for the time being..."

recorded here,

Zhou Mo looked at the time.

5 minutes have Forget it, there is still "congenital heart disease" and patent ductus arteriosus, so I'm afraid the recording will not be finished. "

Zhou Mo ended the recording.

Then the video was sent to the publicity department for post-editing.

Get it done.


It's a pleasure to get this money!


That night, the video was edited and posted on Douyin.

Title "Seeing a Doctor for Lin Daiyu (Middle

Within an hour, the number of likes exceeded 7,000, and the comments were also over a thousand.

"Why (middle), what about (bottom)?"

"If you don't know how to cut it, go and cut the wires!"

"That's it? That's it? It's better to go to the factory and turn the screws."

"I haven't considered the mitral valve, but after listening to Dr. Zhou's analysis, it's really similar."



the next day,

10 o'clock in the morning,

Parasite patient Wang Dan went to the radiology department for a brain CT!


I actually found a schizophrenia!

Moreover, this Sparganus is almost approaching the functional area of ​​the brain!

When Zhou Mo informed the patient Wang Dan of the CT results.

Wang Dan cried out with a wow!

Angrily glared at her boyfriend: "It's all your fault, why didn't you stop me from eating raw fish?!"

Boy friend:"…………"

The whole person was beaten by this punch as an idiot!

On the side, Zhou Mo hehe: licking a dog can't be a house~~

