This Dream is Funny

Chapter 163: Death and Change

"This dream is very interesting (

Before the elevator, the atmosphere became extremely awkward, as if an iceberg had moved in.

The cold air rustled.

An ugly look appeared on Lisa's beautiful face.

Looking at the figure that appeared in the elevator, I didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, the words of the other party are like a rush!

As if choked on gunpowder.

"General Manager Lu..."

Lisa opened her mouth.

The old man put his hands on his back and glanced at Lisa: "Are you Ye Zong's secretary?"

"Just right, lead the way, I want to ask Ye Zong for an explanation. If I don't give the old man an explanation today, the old man will really turn his face."

"Researchers in our research office work hard every day, work overtime, and painstakingly research and create artificial taboos. Young people's hair is falling out a lot, and as a result, they are beaten."

"Don't give a reason, the old man lives here today!"

The old man's temper was very hot, and as soon as the words came out, Lisa, who was directly confronted, didn't know how to respond.

Du Fang frowned slightly, staring at the old man.

Zhu Hao behind the old man had a smug smile on his face.

Are you not arrogant?

Aren't you squeamish?

There are also people behind him, Zhu Hao, and not everyone in the research office would dare to offend him.

Since you have offended the Research Office, you must be prepared to face the storm!

Before the research office actually killed Ye Zong's office, this was something Du Fang never expected. After all, Ye Zong, as the president of the Dream Transcendent Master Association, was extremely powerful.

It is one of the ceiling powerhouses in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Why did the old man in front of him dare to ask the guilt with such a big fanfare?

Du Fang unabashedly released Meng Ling, wanting to perceive and explore the strength of this old man. After all, there were contradictions between them, and Du Fang was too lazy to make excuses.

However, the old man seemed to be covered with a strange gauze, isolating Du Fang's investigation.

The old man's eyes were deep, staring at Du Fang: "Good boy, you are really brave!"

The old man's words fell,

Taking a step, he grabbed a hand towards Du Fang.

Du Fang was cold and quiet, since the other party made a move, he naturally would not continue to be polite.

A punch was pushed out horizontally and smashed towards the hand grabbed by the old man.


The old man's fingertips suddenly appeared black metal fragments, as if coming out of the capillaries under the skin.

Afterwards, these metal pieces gradually covered the old man's arm, like a jet-black steel armor, covering the entire arm!

Du Fang's punch collided with the old man's palm!

A huge force swept through like a tsunami!

Du Fang instantly turned on the red state,


Between the collision of forces, invisible energy fluctuations swept through.

The secretary Lisa and the researcher Zhu Hao both involuntarily took a few steps back when they were hit by this force.

A look of shock appeared on the faces of both of them.

Zhu Hao was shocked that Du Fang could actually fight against the old man.

This is the chief engineer of their research office!

The red windbreaker on Du Fang's body was constantly swaying, and his face was extremely serious.

He felt it, felt the strength of this old man, even though he couldn't sense the dream spirit of the other party, but the power of the other party made Du Fang feel like a mountain oppression!


At the moment of touching, the daughter-in-law's hand burst out with special power.

Otherwise, under this punch, Du Fang is likely to suffer a big loss.

National level?

Or is it... a powerhouse at the ceiling level? !

"Oh? It's actually blocked?"

The old man raised his eyebrows: "Nice ability, special ability to transform?"

Du Fang looked at him indifferently and did not answer.

The hand of the daughter-in-law had already come out of the cabin in the dream space, and lay quietly on Du Fang's shoulder.

Then, he climbed like a spider, climbed to Du Fang's arm, and held Du Fang's arm.

next moment,

The strength on Du Fang's arm began to increase, increase!

The old man narrowed his eyes,

The lacquer-black metal covering the arm seemed to be roaring vaguely, clacking, as if countless bugs were squirming.

The strength of the old man is getting stronger and stronger, and the strength on Du Fang's arm is also getting stronger and stronger!

The relaxed and freehand expression on the old man's face disappeared, and a solemn expression began to appear...

and amazement!

This boy...

The Fallen Angel within the body is really powerful!

No wonder Zhu Hao stared at him and wanted to go out and plot against him.


A figure appeared between Du Fang and the old man.

Ye Zong, in a blood-colored robe, stretched out his hand unhurriedly, grabbed the arms of Du Fang and the old man, and slowly separated the two.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

"Lu Taiheng, that's enough for you. You're a person who's about to be buried in the ground. You still care about like a child, and you even used the power of the Sequence Taboo 005 'Strange God Armor'. Isn't it shameful?"

Ye Zong smiled lightly.

The hand of the daughter-in-law returned to Du Fang's shoulder, and Du Fang glanced at Ye Zong.

My heart was slightly shocked,

This trip actually showed Ye Zong's strength very intuitively.

Ordinary people really don't have the ability to pull the frame so easily.

This time, Du Fang relied on the power of his daughter-in-law.

The strength cannot be underestimated!

Lu Taiheng, chief engineer of the research office, gave Ye Zong a deep look.

After such a rough fight, Lu Taiheng realized Ye Zong's cultivation base, and he was indeed a powerhouse at the ceiling level.

However, it was Du Fang who was even more shocked by Lu Taiheng.

After all, what he used was the Sequence Taboo 005 'Stupid God Armor', which was the highest-level Sequence Taboo in the Great Xia Kingdom!

Under the cover of the magic **** armor, his power is extremely powerful.

However, it was blocked by a young man.

Even though he only shot at will, his power should not be underestimated, and ordinary national level might not be able to stop him.

think of this,

Lu Taiheng glanced back at Zhu Hao behind him.

This Zhu Hao was punched and not killed,

It's really a big deal.

Of course, it should be because Du Fang didn't care too much about him.

"President, you have to decide for the researchers in my research office."

Lu Taiheng took a step back, the metal armor on his arms began to penetrate under his skin, and he could no longer see the slightest bit.

Du Fang's red clothes also dissipated, and he regained his composure and calm.

I have to say that the old man in front of him is the first time Du Fang has encountered a difficult person.

want to kill him...

I'm afraid the hands of my daughter-in-law are not enough.

Maybe add Piggy Qiqi, Luoluo and sister-in-law...

The whole family shot, took turns to fight in groups,

Should be able to kill him 100%.

"President, please call the shots for me!"

After Lu Taiheng finished speaking, Zhu Hao who was behind him shouted, his eyes filled with tears.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Wearing round-frame glasses, Ye Zong scratched his fluffy gray hair and asked.

"He shot and hurt people and beat Zhu Hao in public. Many people can testify."

Lu Taiheng said lightly.

"and then?"

Ye Zong looked at Lu Taiheng with a smile.


Lu Taiheng said.

"What compensation?"

"A tube of blood."

"Whose blood?"

"Blood of the wounded."

Ye Zong and Lu Taiheng, one question and one answer.

The surrounding atmosphere became very stagnant and cold,

It was as if the temperature had dropped a few degrees abruptly.

Ye Zong looked at Lu Taiheng calmly, there seemed to be electric sparks stirring between the two.

To say it is **** for tat is an understatement.

Du Fang stood aside indifferently.

Secretary Lisa and research director Zhu Hao had goose bumps on their skin and felt a heavy pressure on their hearts.

One is the president of the Dreamers Association, and the other is the chief engineer of the Research Office.

They are all very important figures in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Lisa was really afraid that Ye Zong would directly attack Lu Taiheng.

At that time, with the temper of the research office, I am afraid that those parliamentarians who are controlled by the chaebols will criticize Ye Zong, and even reduce the welfare of the Dream Transcendent Association, and cut off the sale of artificial taboos and other means of protest.

"Want Du Fang's blood?" Ye Zong laughed.

"It turns out that this is your real purpose. For research, it's really crazy enough."

"However, let's not talk about this matter, let's go back."

Ye Zong said lightly.

"President, he absorbed a small divine nucleus from a member of the divine nucleus organization. Our research office has made a lot of progress in the study of small divine nucleus. However, there are still some difficulties that have not been overcome. If there are ready-made small divine nucleuses. Shennuo’s research may be able to make a major breakthrough, benefiting the country and the people.”

"So, can the president let Du Fang cooperate with us to study together?"

Lu Taiheng continued to speak.

Ye Zong's eyes suddenly became sharp, he turned to look at Lu Taiheng: "I said it, don't talk about it."

"You can't overcome the difficulty of the small Divine Nucleus. That's your problem. Why is the Divine Nucleus organization able to create a small Divine Nucleus from nothing, but you can't? Doesn't this just mean that you are trash?!"

"Du Fang is about to participate in this year's rookie champion competition. If you want blood or people, there is no way!"

"No more trouble, don't blame me for dismantling the research office, don't think I dare not."

Ye Zong said coldly.

The air suddenly became viscous, and it seemed that a sharp sword energy began to cut through the void.

Lu Taiheng's color changed slightly. Under his skin, black metal seemed to be constantly surging, and it seemed to pop out involuntarily.

It was a spontaneous pop-up caused by Ye Zong's threat.


"What are you, if you don't leave, I're welcome, even if you wear the stupefying armor, you may not be able to stop me."

"Don't think that my patience with your research office over and over again is really like my Yezong bullying!" Yezong's voice became more and more cold: "If it wasn't for your research office's contribution to the artificial taboo device, I have already hacked your research office building with a sword!"

Lu Taiheng took a step back, his complexion constantly changing.

Zhu Hao, who was behind him, was already covered in tattered armor, trembling all over, and did not dare to let out the air.

They never thought,

Ye Zong would actually protect Du Fang from death, even if he did not hesitate to offend the research office, even if he did not hesitate to turn against Chief Engineer Lu!

"Okay, Ye Zong, remember what you said today."

Lu Taiheng took a deep breath and said.

Then, he turned around and took Zhu Hao into the elevator, and the elevators slowly closed.

Isolated Ye Zong and Lu Taiheng.

When the elevator door closed,

The heavy pressure between heaven and earth instantly disappeared.

Ye Zong stretched his waist and patted Du Fang on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the Research Office won't bother you again."

"The research office actually doesn't have any bad intentions. They are just a bunch of dead brains who focus on research. When they encounter something of research value, they will lose their minds.

"Go back and rest and prepare for tomorrow's affairs."

Ye Zong said with a smile, after the secretary Lisa smiled at Du Fang, she stepped on high heels and hurriedly followed.

Du Fang looked at Ye Zong who disappeared, and then stepped into the elevator.



Research Office Building.

Lu Taiheng returned to his own office with a cold face, Zhu Hao lowered his head and said nothing.

"Chief Engineer, let's just let him go?"

"He definitely absorbed the power of the small **** core, and this kid also contains the power of the Fallen Angel, which is an excellent research If we can get his blood, we can definitely study it. make a big breakthrough."

Zhu Hao asked reluctantly.

Lu Taiheng sat on the old wooden chair, and glanced at Zhu Hao with his old eyes: "He is protected by Ye Zong now, who would dare to touch him?"

"You're not afraid of being beaten to death by Ye Zong, so just go."

"I won't stop you."

"Also, what Ye Zong said is not wrong. Why is the Divine Nucleus organization able to create a small Divine Nucleus, and we can't overcome the difficulties? Doesn't this just mean that you are trash?!"

Zhu Hao's face turned red when he heard the words, Chief Engineer Lu, why do you say that?

You are also the person in the research office. So, aren't we just trash together?

"Okay, let's go out, spend more time on research, maybe you have overcome the difficulties long ago."

"Today's beating is a long lesson. Don't be scheming when you have nothing to do. The researcher should still focus on research."

"This time it's your fate, if that kid really does it, you will die."

Lu Taiheng's words made Zhu Hao instantly discouraged.

Isn't he dedicated to research? !

However, Lu Taixuan put on his reading glasses and began to write on his notes. Obviously, he was too lazy to listen to Zhu Hao's continued chatter, so Zhu Hao had to turn around and leave.

After Zhu Hao left.

Lu Taixuan stopped writing, raised his head, and took off his reading glasses.

The coldness on his face has long since disappeared, and his eyes are shining with the wisdom of continuing to think.

"Ye Zong protects this newcomer so much, it seems... there is going to be a big move."

"Is it related to the battle for the champion?"

"It seems that Ye Zong intends to use this kid as a spark to ignite the fuse that involves the entire chaotic capital."

"It's going to change."

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