This Dream is Funny

Chapter 217: 1 moment, clear

Big cats are really fried!

It was a feeling of being stared at by a terrifying existence!

As a fallen angel, the big cat has been looking forward to this day for a long time. He has been waiting, waiting for the day when Su Jiu Ming, this little human, seeks his help.

At that time, it was His chance.

As long as Su Jiuming releases his will, then his will will completely occupy Su Jiuming's body.

Magpie nest dove occupy, become the master of Su Jiu Ming's body!

Let the real Su Jiu die, and he will take his place and live in this real world.

And he succeeded!

This time into the dream disaster, the entire Gangneung City has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Therefore, Su Jiuming had to choose to release his will.

With the help of His power, I want to settle this crisis.

And this is His chance for true freedom and rebirth.

After he came out, it was impossible for him to go back!

I don't want to go back!

Although it is said to be a Fallen Angel, he has already died once. Facing the boundless darkness, even the only one yearns for freedom and light!

The feeling of flesh and blood is what He wants!

As for everything Su Jiu Ming asked for,

The big cat sneered,

This dream disaster is not that simple. It would be good for him to protect himself. He wants to fulfill his promise and help Su Jiuming attack this dream disaster...

That is absolutely impossible!

As for reneging on promises...

Who said Fallen Angels can't break their promises?


As soon as he took control of this body, the big cat felt the crisis.

Looking at the figure shot out of the gray fog space, the figure covered in the armor, made the big cat think of something...

It seems that a long time ago, He once saw the picture of the king of the gods traveling!

This trance did not last long.

Because of a fear that came from the heart, it quickly spread all over the big cat.

Because the figure shrouded in the armor had already appeared beside the big cat, and indifferent eyes emerged from under the armor, staring at the big cat.

"You are not Su Jiu Ming."

Du Fang floated in the air, looking at Su Jiu Ming lightly.

No, the person in front of him is not Su Jiuming.

The coquettishness that radiated from his bones disappeared.

The fear deep in his eyes made Du Fang very uncomfortable.

Old Su, facing him, it is impossible to show such fear.

But when the big cat saw Du Fang, he did not hesitate and began to retreat quickly, planning to find an opportunity to escape from this dream disaster and stay away from the place of right and wrong!

Du Fang would not let him escape,

After all, Su Jiu Ming's body was occupied by a strange creature, which made Du Fang's heart surge with anger.

In an instant, Du Fang appeared in front of Su Jiuming who was retreating.

palm out.

Su Jiu's body twisted like a swimming fish, trying to break free from Du Fang's shackles,

The huge cat phantom behind it also screamed.


In Du Fang's eyes, a golden light suddenly flashed,

Then, the hair turned silver!

A terrifying coercion slammed down, and the big cat's eyes flickered with confusion, and he found that he couldn't even move his body.

He could only watch helplessly as Du Fang slapped him on the body.

At the moment of being touched by Du Fang's palm.

The big cat felt a terrifying sense of oppression bursting out. As a Fallen Angel's powerful will, it was uncontrollable.


The big cat seems to have fallen into the misty space.

He saw a supreme being, sitting on a chair high above, as if sitting in the galaxy.

The other party condescendingly looked down at him,

He is like a jerk.

A shrill scream!

The big cat's Fallen Angel's will, without hesitation, retracted into Su Jiu Ming's body.

However, just that is not enough,

Because that's not enough insurance.

Big Cat Fallen Angel felt that his Fallen Angel's will could still be pulled out, and finally...


Yes, it was eaten...

He felt the gaze that was seen as food.

Such eyes are naturally not unfamiliar.

Because it wasn't enough insurance, he retracted the Fallen Angel's will in Su Jiu Ming's body with a bang...

It exploded in Su Jiu Ming's body!

The will of the Fallen Angel that exploded...

All of a sudden, it turned into bits and pieces, spread all over Su Jiu Ming's body, and merged into Su Jiu Ming's flesh, bones, spirit, and soul...

Du Fang: "..."

What a decisive cat! Gu Jia

The Big Cat Fallen Angel was actually betting that Du Fang would not kill Su Jiu.

If he had to be eaten, then Du Fang could only eat Su Jiu's life.

After all, his remaining power was basically integrated into Su Jiuming's body.

Du Fang stopped.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, even though the big cat Fallen Angel still had a vestige of will in Su Jiuming's body.

However, the Fallen Angels, who had lost all their power, were basically unable to turn the tide.

But the power scattered by the Fallen Angels will nourish Su Jiu's life, so that Su Jiu's physical body, strength, and dream spirit will be greatly increased!

Du Fang tilted his head and looked at Su Jiuming with a blank face.

After all, the palm did not continue to shoot.

The golden light in Du Fang's eyes dissipated, the silver hair faded,

The arrogant will, angrily turned and left.

Du Fang smiled and said, "Now it's best to absorb and refine these scattered energies, which will be of great benefit to you."

Su Jiuming was sweating profusely. Looking at Du Fang, his eyes gradually became more focused. After thinking for a while, he understood what Du Fang meant.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

Su Jiuming didn't know what happened in his body.

That Fallen Angel's will that has plagued him for so many years...

Today, it was actually planned that it would be integrated into his body and become a part of nourishing him to become stronger!

Even though the energy of the Fallen Angel's will was too huge, Su Jiuming couldn't completely refine it in a short period of time, but it was like Su Jiuming was sitting on a mountain of treasure.

He will have enough time and energy to dig this treasure mountain!

And Su Jiuming knew that he was able to get this great benefit because of Du Fang.

Du Fang...

That's right, Du Fang... how did he appear here?

"Du Fang, aren't you participating in the champion contest in the capital?"

Su Jiu Ming sat down cross-legged and began to enter the refining state while asking.

In fact, when Du Fang appeared here, Su Jiuming felt an indescribable sense of security in his heart.

This sense of security made him no longer afraid of what Jiangling City would face next.

With Du Fang here, Gangneung should be safe.

Perhaps the reason why Du Fang appeared here was because he sensed the crisis in Gangneung City, so he rushed here?

As for the secret in Du Fang's body, Su Jiuming guessed a little.

In addition, this time the fallen angel in the body was so frightened,

Let Su Jiuming understand the existence of Du Fang's body, maybe it's outrageous.

This means that Gangneung is safer!

"The battle for the champion is over, come back and have a look."

Du Fang said lightly.

He stood up straight,

Ignoring Su Jiu's life, he looked around, and as far as his eyes could see, they were all monsters like zombies.

These strange creatures swept out from the many gray fog vortexes.

One is full of madness.

And Du Fang's dream consciousness scattered in all directions,

I also saw many dreamers who fought desperately and fought with blood.

I saw Si Nan, Zhao Lu, Chen Xi, Tang Nai and others...

Du Fang took a deep breath.


Du Fang opened his mouth.


Behind Du Fang, sister-in-law Susu did not know when she appeared quietly.

"All resolved."

Du Fang didn't look back at the sister-in-law, but the words made the morbid smile on the sister-in-law's face even more intense.

"Okay, brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law said how to come, then how to come."

There was a bright smile on the corner of the sister-in-law's mouth.

next moment,

"La la la la..."

Crazy laughter echoed between heaven and earth.

Outside Gangneung City,

The many zombie-like monsters that were running towards Jiangling City trembled and froze in place.

And behind them there are shadows wriggling.

Then, sister-in-law after sister-in-law with crazy smiles slowly stood up from the wriggling shadow.

All holding **** pencils,

plunged into the head of every zombie-like monster.

In an instant,

In the horrified eyes of all the dreamers who guarded the city,

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The heads of countless monsters exploded!

Like a dense spooky creature,

for a moment,


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