This Dream is Funny

Chapter 219: We are dreamers

Zhang Changlin's luck is very bad,

When he was about to walk out of the gray fog vortex, the powerful existence in the depths of the vortex had already awakened.

The protruding claws pulled Zhang Changlin back into the vortex again.

Even pulled all the way to the depths of the vortex.

Perhaps, Zhang Changlin should have anticipated this from the time he planned to eat so much spicy mud.


Zhang Changlin has gambling elements.

He planned to take a gamble that if he could get out of this dream disaster unharmed, Zhang Changlin planned to hide in the secret room for the rest of the time, and throw away all the sharp objects in the secret room.

He will practice alone in a secret room, refining the mud of adversity.

After all, the improvement of Zhang Changlin by the mud of adversity is still very significant.

Zhang Changlin's current physical body even has the characteristic of being immortal. If he devours enough mud, maybe Zhang Changlin can really obtain an immortal body!

This immortality is different from Su Jiuming's special ability of immortality.

Su Jiu's nine lives are immortal, which means that there are nine lives that are enough for him to squander, and once all nine lives are exhausted.

Su Jiu's life is also going to die.

However, the immortality that Zhang Changlin has now...

That is, no matter how you get beaten, you won't die!

The scene...was a little embarrassing for a while.

In fact, not many people noticed that Zhang Changlin was taken away.

To be able to see the situation in the gray fog vortex, one must have a strong enough dream spirit.

But at least, Du Fang saw it.

Du Fang couldn't help but be speechless: "Team Zhang's bad luck has begun again."

Tang Nai and the burly Shizuka also saw it, and the two looked at each other silently.

"After the vortex of gray fog... what is there?"

President Tang Nai asked.

Du Fang came out of the vortex, and he should be aware of the situation in the vortex, so President Tang Nai asked.

"A monster, a powerful monster."

"The weakest are the first-level subjugation-level monsters."

"A lot."

Du Fang didn't hide it and said.

Du Fang's words made President Tang Nai silent, and he couldn't help shaking slightly.

After solving the huge number of strange things, he thought that Jiangling City might have been freed from danger, but now it seems that he still takes it for granted.

In the vortex of gray fog, if it is true as Du Fang said, there are all the monsters of the subjugation level.

The crisis in Gangneung has only just begun.

After all, there are more than a dozen vortexes of gray fog covering Jiangling City today.

Once there are a large number of subjugation grades in each vortex,

These country-level monsters swarmed out, who could resist?

A non-ceiling-level dreamer, what would you use to stop him?

It's better to say that a country-level monster,

Dozens of subjugated country-level monsters... Even the ceiling-level powerhouse will feel the scalp tingling, which is extremely difficult.

"Then what?"

Tang Nai looked ugly and worried about the future of Jiangling City.

However, his eyes still fell on Du Fang, and now he can only pin his hopes on Du Fang.

After all, Du Fang has created too many miracles.

This time, if it weren't for Du Fang, perhaps Jiangling City would have been conquered by a thousand and one monsters.

Du Fang didn't answer Tang Nai, he didn't need to answer this question.

The gray fog vortex, Du Fang will definitely go there,

Because he still has a lot of things to figure out.

For example, why did he experience a different dream disaster painting style in this dream disaster?

In addition, the Black Dragon King once said before that the hand of the daughter-in-law was obtained from this dream disaster.

Is there a daughter-in-law's head hidden in the dream disaster?

All these forced Du Fang to go deep into the vortex.

However, if in every gray fog vortex, there are more than a dozen strange things of the subjugation level.

Even Du Fang would find it difficult.

Because, Du Fang can be sure that in this dream disaster... there must be a ceiling-level strange thing!

For example, the owner of the arm that captured Team Zhang just now should be a ceiling-level existence!

Valley stool

Today's Du Fang will feel the pressure and difficulty for the existence of the first entry into the ceiling.

If the other party is a mid-level ceiling, or even a high-level ceiling dreamer like Li Lianhua,

Du Fang felt that this battle would basically be difficult.

Scan around.

The powerhouse present, the one who can really help, is Shizuka.

The only national-level dreamer,

It may be able to guard and stop a nation-destroying monster in a vortex of gray fog from killing out.

The rest, even President Tang Nai, couldn't provide much help.

It seemed to sense Du Fang's gaze,

The burly Shizuka smiled brightly: "Don't worry, even if I fight my life, I will block a gray fog vortex."

"The monsters in the gray fog vortex are killed, unless they step on my corpse!"

"This is my Shizuka's promise!"

Du Fang nodded.

President Tang Nai smiled and said, "Du Fang, don't underestimate me. Although I'm only at the city level, I will stop me even if I risk my life."

"As long as you can keep Jiangling City from being destroyed... My old life, why not die."

And after Tang Nai spoke,

The captains of the other two gold medal teams, Lei Bao and Wu Qi also stood up and said with a smile, "President, you alone may not be able to stop you for too long, but, with the two of us, the newly promoted to the city level, maybe Can stop for a moment."

No one is timid,

Many dreamers are actively standing up.

In the crowd, there was even a lower-ranking dreamer who was excited and eager to try.

Du Fang looked at this picture, and was a little silent and a little dazed.

"Why are you?"

"Knowing that there is a country-level monster in the vortex of gray fog, it is not an existence that you can deal with..."

"If you go to block it, you will die."

Du Fang asked.

President Tang Nai smiled: "Of course we know that we will die... If there is really a powerful subjugation-level monster, it will not be nine deaths, but ten deaths."

"However, we are dream-flying masters, crossing people's dreams and crossing yin and yang."

"Gangneung City has our home."

"We can't just watch our home... be destroyed."

President Tang Nai's voice was hoarse, but it greatly touched Du Fang.

Perhaps, this is the insistence of Daxia Guodu Dream Master.

Glancing at the many vortexes of gray fog that enveloped Jiangling City, Du Fang thought for a while, and his mind moved,

Luluo, little pigs Qiqi appeared one after another.

With the sister-in-law, the three family members shot at the same time.

As for the hand of the daughter-in-law, Du Fang did not let it join, but attached to Du Fang's body to enhance his combat power.

Du Fang asked his family to take action and sit in the vortex of gray fog to ensure that the strange creatures in the vortex of gray fog would not come out.

This is a good way,

For the family, Du Fang still trusts their strength.


The strength of the family members can be greatly improved in the dream disaster.

It shouldn't be a problem to suppress the monsters in the vortex of gray fog.

Even the weakest pig, Qiqi, should be able to exert a ceiling-level combat power in the dream disaster.

Everyone looked at Du Fang, and when Du Fang turned his head to look at the vortex of gray fog, everyone understood what Du Fang When Du Fang took a step, his figure floated out of thin air.

Everyone understands,

Gangneung City is dead or alive,

Just look at the next.

Looking up at Du Fang, who was covered in armor, the next moment,

The airflow around Du Fang's figure suddenly burst into a loud roar, and then, Du Fang's body was like a cannonball,

Towards a gray fog vortex lasing away!

And when Du Fang was dispatched,

The burly Shizuka, Tang Nai, Leibao, Wu Qi and other powerhouses present rushed out one after another.

There is a strong wind, Xiao Xiaoxi, and Yi Shuihan's spirit,

Without hesitation, he rushed towards the black cloud that seemed to overwhelm the city!