This Dream is Funny

Chapter 227: Commonwealth... Dangerous

A message sent by Mi Xiu in the name of the headquarters of the World Dream Transcendent Association,

This made Ye Zong have to pay attention.

Although, in today's world, with the frequent outbreak of dream disasters in various places, the headquarters of the World Dream Translator Association has long been in name only.

Dreamers from all countries are in their own way, and there is no reverence and respect for the headquarters of the World Dreamers Association.

However, it is undeniable that the headquarters of the World Dream Translator Association is still an authoritative organization, and the various countries' associations are still under the management of the Dream Translator Headquarters.

The appeal of the World Dreamers Association is still one of the best in the world.

And the message from Mi Xiu was the reason why Ye Zong immediately chose to come back to find Du Fang.

The World Dreamcatcher Association, just as the Invitational Tournament of the Strongest Newcomer Dreamcatchers in all countries is coming to an end, is planning to hold an exchange competition of the strongest newcomer Dreamcatchers in the Federation in the Federation!

This kind of exchange competition is only held once a few years.

However, at this juncture, Ye Zong smelled an unusual aura.

Mi Xiu's mind is definitely not pure.

Moreover, the purpose is likely to be directed at Du Fang!

Du Fang just killed Carl and smashed his Cthulhu doll clone...

Mi Xiu immediately announced that he would hold and invite Du Fang to participate in the exchange competition of the strongest rookie dreamer.

To say that there is nothing tricky in it, Ye Zong is a hundred people who don't believe it.

Of course, with the waning prestige of the World Association of Dreamers,

Ye Zong can refuse this invitation without hesitation.

But he still returned to Jiangling City and wanted to ask Du Fang's attitude.

After all, Du Fang was invited in this exchange competition, and the strongest newcomer in Daxia Kingdom was Du Mengshi.

Ye Zong floated on the balcony,

Between steps, he entered the room.

Du Fang was a little surprised when he saw Ye Zong, but he smiled and said hello. Ye Zong didn't waste time and told Du Fang the news from Mi Xiu.

Ask Du Fang's wishes.

"If you don't want to participate, I can immediately refuse."

Ye Zong said.

In fact, Ye Zong trusts the current Du Fang very much.

Even if you really participate in this exchange competition, it is not a big problem.

Du Fang's trump card is too hard.

So far, Ye Zong has not judged the upper limit of Du Fang's cards, this guy is really powerful and terrifying.

And Du Fang's own strength has already reached a height that a newbie dreamer can't reach.

Even Zhao Lingyin, Ye Zong's most proud apprentice, had no power to fight back before Du Fang, and was not at the same level at all.

Du Fang's combat power, even if it is against the existence of the ceiling level, will not necessarily suffer.

Therefore, Ye Zong is still quite at ease with Du Fang, which is why he did not refuse Mi Xiu.

He even felt that Mi Xiu was dying!

Du Fang was stunned for a moment and raised his eyebrows.

"The World's Strongest Rookie Dreamer Exchange Tournament?"

Tilt his head, Du Fang was almost happy.

This is almost a time when I was dozing off, and someone brought a pillow.

Du Fangzheng was worried about what opportunity to go to the Federal State.

He had no way to go, and he didn't know what excuse he should use to go, and he even planned to come up with the impeccable reason that "the world is so big, I want to see it".

The Commonwealth is a must.

If nothing else, even if it was to fulfill his sister-in-law's wish, Du Fang was going to leave.

Go to the tallest building in the world and have dinner with my sister-in-law.

And now, just in time, Mi Xiu has sent an invitation, how can Du Fang not go.

"I promise."

Du Fang pretended to be thinking for a moment, and then responded quickly.

Ye Zong: "..."

Du Fang's poor acting can't hide the impatience in his tone, even if the peeping boy can't spy on the tone, but Du Fang's excitement has already been shown.

Federation... Dangerous!

"It seems that I don't need to persuade you, you seem to have plans and plans to go to the Federation for a long time."

Ye Zong smiled bitterly.

Du Fang smiled brightly, nodded, and did not reject it.

"I want to have dinner on the tallest building in the world."

Du Fang said seriously.

Ye Zong's expression was stagnant, and his face was strange. He thought what Du Fang's reason was, but he came up with such a literary excuse...

It's not as big as the world. I want to see this excuse.

"Go, go... I just came to tell you about this."

"In addition, this matter should not be simple. You just killed Carl. Carl is a genius dreamer of the Federation. He has already stepped into the high-level national level before he is thirty years old. The existence of the pillar of the state was killed by you."

"Mi Xiu invited you to the Federation, maybe there is revenge, but he is pressing the World Dream Transcendence Association's righteousness. If you don't want to go, I can go back for you. If you want to go... Then you have to pay attention. one's own safety."

Ye Zong sat on the sofa and looked at Du Fang and talked.

He expressed his meaning very clearly.

"When are you leaving?"

Du Fang asked impatiently.

"The news that Mi Xiu gave me said that ten days later, the exchange competition will be held in the main city of the Federation."

Night Road.

ten days?

Du Fang pondered for a while, not too long.

And it was led by Mixiu. The name Mixiu is very familiar. It seems that after killing Carl, the will of the guy who made Carl's body become a black doll!

Du Fang narrowed his eyes. The owner didn't kill Mi Xiu along the network cable. He meant to train him. Of course, Du Fang felt more that the main goal of the owner was the will of the evil **** in the evil **** doll, and Mi Xiu's will was the same as that. Like the little ants on the side of the road, he may have been ignored by him.

Afterwards, I remembered that I wanted to kill the other party, but I was too lazy to follow the network cable...

Therefore, arrogantly, he left Mi Xiu to Du Fang to practice.

"Ten days is ten days. I will stay in Jiangling City from now on, and then I will go to the Federation in person."

"Don't I need a guide for you?" Ye Zong asked in confusion.

Du Fang went to the Federation himself?

Has Du Fang been there before?

The area of ​​the Federation is not small, and it is even less conceited than Daxia.

At that time, if Du Fang is lost in the Federation and lacks the strongest rookie exchange competition, then it will be... funny.

Du Fang naturally couldn't feel that he would get lost.

However, the guide Du Fang felt it necessary to invite one.

"The words of the guide... President, can you remember the Suzaku from the Divine Core Organization who escorted the capital to the capital?"

"She lived in the Commonwealth for a while, that's her."

Du Fang asked.

Ye Zong looked at Du Fang with a strange expression: "Lin Liuli?"

"What do you want?"

Lin Liuli is the guardian of the four elephants of the Divine Core Organization...

Although he has been removed from the small divine core, his identity is still very sensitive.

In addition, the Shennuu organization has been chasing and killing Lin Liuli. After all, Lin Liuli betrayed the Shennuu organization. With the urine nature of the Shennuu organization, she will definitely not let her go easily.

If it weren't for the very tight defense of the capital of Xia, otherwise, with the urine nature of the Divine Core Organization, they might have killed Lin Liuli long ago.

"It's nothing, the president brought her to Jiangling City. When the time comes, just let her be my guide."

Du Fang smiled very brightly.

Ye Zong silently looked at Du Fang deeply, this kid... must be thinking something!

The mind is not simple.

Could it be that Du Fang wanted Lin Liuli to take him to the headquarters of the Divine Nucleus Organization?

No way?

Thinking of this, Ye Zong's heart skipped a beat, feeling that the possibility was extremely high.

Because this is a ridiculous thing, it seems that Du Fang can do it, and he has the confidence to do it.

"You take it easy."

Ye Zong frowned and said, "The organization of the Divine Nucleus is not simple, especially their leader, who is very powerful. After researching the power of the Fallen Angel, the current strength may have reached the peak of the ceiling."

Yawen Library


Ye Zong wanted to tell him something, but as he talked, he felt that there was nothing to say.

"You can make up your own mind."

After Ye Zong finished speaking, he stood up.

"Okay, I have received your request. I will return to the capital. I will send a strong man to Jiangling City with Lin Liuli. He will accompany you to the Federation and participate in the strongest newcomer exchange competition."

Ye Zong was still worried and planned to send a powerful presence to protect Du Fang.

Du Fang nodded.

It can be regarded as agreeing to Ye Zong's arrangement.

Ye Zong left and stepped out, leaving behind a majestic dream spirit, whose figure turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky, as if a ray of sword light crossed the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Du Fang was sitting on the sofa, watching Ye Zong's disappearing figure.

Thinking of going to the Commonwealth to fulfill one of my sister-in-law's wishes.

The smile on his face began to grow stronger,

And full of expectations.

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