This Forward is Not Serious

v1 Chapter 30: Is this friendship?

   On the balcony of the hotel, Lin Ying and Durant were lying on the railing and blowing the cold winter wind.

  The University of Oklahoma is not in Oklahoma City, the capital of Oklahoma, but in Norman County, a suburb of the city.

   There are not many people in American counties, but the place is not small.

   But basically the core of this city is the University of Oklahoma.

   Their hotel is also not far from the school, about two or three kilometers away.

   Standing on the balcony, the direction of the school and the stadium can be seen with the naked eye.

"are you OK?"

   There was a cold wind blowing for a while, and Lin Ying said with concern.

   To be honest, he was really shocked.

   When Christmas was at Durant's house, Wanda gave him such a good and gentle impression.

   But when he hit Durant, he was really cruel.

   But what I have to say is that those two slaps awakened Durant.

   As expected, the one who knows the son best is the mother.

   Durant reached out his hand and touched his face, still a little painful.

   But he shook his head.

   The mother beat herself because she was unbelievable and couldn't accept defeat.

   "Do you think we can't make it into Crazy Three?"

   Durant changed the subject.

   "The probability of making progress is 99%."

   Lin Ying said a conservative answer.

   This is not Versailles, but it is basically a certainty.

   First, they have been in the top 30 on the power list, and secondly, their playoffs in the league playoffs are actually not bad.

   Although I lost the fight against Kansas, there have been back and forth in the scene, and there were not many losses in the end.

   If there is no wild card in this kind of performance, then the remaining possibility is the 1%: other alliances have various black-box operations, and then they have been done.

   But that possibility is extremely low.

   Apart from anything else, from the perspective of ratings, the absence of Durant is also a big loss.

   As a data analyst, it is quite simple to draw this conclusion.

   Compared to this, he is more worried about the order of the seeds behind.

   The things inside are really inaccurate.

   And the water inside is really deep.

   If they are ranked No. 15 or No. 6 seeds, then they will go straight to 64 in 32 and single out No. 1 and No. 2 seeds. There is a high probability that they will get the Crazy Three Day Tour Experience Card.

   But Durant didn't think as much as Lin Ying, he was still thinking about whether he could go crazy.

   "If the end of our season is here, I will stay and play for another year."

   Durant continued.

   Lin Ying turned to look at Durant, making sure that he was not talking casually on a whim, and then said in a certain tone:

   "No matter if we can make the Mad Three, or how far we can go, you should be in the draft this year."


   Durant looked surprised, Lin Ying rarely said that.

   "This is best for you."

   Lin Ying definitely couldn't tell because he was a traverser and opened his eyes.

   In fact, without opening his eyes, his answer will be this.

   Durant's talent is too strong, so strong that there is no need to prove anything in the NCAA.

   Or in other words, his ability to stay in NCAA for another year is a waste of talent.

  On the contrary, in the NBA, he can get more formal training, can improve his ball holding and grow rapidly.

   "No, if we can't play Crazy Three, you can't follow me into the NBA, I will definitely stay and play for another year. I have already decided."

   Durant's tone is also very positive.

   When Barkley and Kenny Smith came to explain the game between Texas University and Kansas, they talked about his entry into the NBA.

   He glanced at the two at the time and thought that whether or not he could enter the NBA was up to one person.

   At the time, he still spoke out, and now this is the first time he has spoken out, that person is Lin Ying.

   What he promised at Christmas together, he did what he said.

   Lin Ying was stunned.

   He looked at Durant with an expression that was definitely not joking.

   Is this friendship?

   The stove in his heart burned again.

   Unspeakable excitement in my heart.

   Being so cared about by his only friend is the best thing in the world for him.

   He turned his head and took a deep breath, looking at the University of Oklahoma, looking at the place where they smashed into the sand, with a firm tone:

   "Then let us win another championship!"


   The NCAA league finals ended, and 32 championship teams were the first to advance to the "Crazy Three".

   But it will be more than a week before the "crazy three" actually started.

   Because in this week, the NCAA League Committee not only has to determine the 33 teams that have won wild cards, but also allocate them to the four divisions.

   This will be a big project.

   For the 32 teams that have already been promoted, this is their final preparation and repair time.

   For the rest of the teams, it is basically certain that the hopeless team has already begun preparing for the new season;

   There is still hope that is relatively suffering, because no one knows whether that hope will turn into disappointment in the end.

   Lin Ying and Durant are also ordinary people, and they will definitely be worried.

   In order to ease that emotion, after returning to Austin, they put more energy into training.

   Regardless of the result, there is nothing wrong with training.

   Durant is strengthening his shooting ability against defense.

   Lin Ying also focuses on training the footsteps and hooks under the basket.

   If you lose in the big12 finals if your skills are not as good as others, then improve your skills.

   As long as this technique can be slightly improved before the start of "Mad 3" and can be used in official competitions, that is the biggest improvement.

   Time is fast, and five days have passed in a blink of an eye.

   Lin Ying and Durant have been training in a closed session until Springman came to them with a smile.

   He only brought one piece of news, and it was the news they had been waiting for for a long time.

   Kansas University, as the second seed of the big12 league, was promoted to the "Crazy Three"!

   Durant yelled in excitement when he heard the news.

   Lin Ying had already expected this result, but after hearing it, she stretched out her hands and clenched fists excitedly.

   Although the NCAA championship is still far away for them, at least they officially have this opportunity!

   There is also good news in the news brought by Springman, that is, a total of three teams from big12 have been selected for the "Crazy Three" this time.

   In addition to Kansas and the University of Texas, the third team is the University of Oklahoma Shortcuts.

   This is an accident, you know, the Shortcuts were eliminated in the first round of the big12 playoffs.

   But this also shows that compared to the playoffs, the NCAA League Committee is more important to the performance of the teams in the regular season.

   This is also very reasonable.

   As I said before, this time is to screen the strong teams into the crazy three, not to see who plays better in the singles.

   And this is also good news for the University of Texas.

   Because the University of Oklahoma can also enter, it means that the University of Texas has a high probability of being ranked higher in the lower half.

   Springman is gone, but Lin Ying and Durant are a little excited and can't control their emotions.

   That feeling is really the same as the feeling that you know that you did a good job after checking your college entrance examination results.

   They couldn't even calm down even after training.

   "How about we go to see the Bulls game?"

   Durant suggested.

  This Bulls team is certainly not the Chicago Bulls team. Chicago and Austin are separated by thousands of miles.

   The last time Durant and Lin Ying finished shouting, they also found out about the Austin Bulls.

   But he is not to blame, because this NBDL team only moved to Austin in 2005, the year before they came to the University of Texas.

   They were called the Columbus River Dragons before they moved here, and then they changed their names to the Bulls.

   And there is a little Lin Ying also has a memory deviation.

   The Bulls are not yet a subordinate team of the Spurs at this time. It is a common subordinate team of the Celtics, the Rockets and the Spurs.

   Austin is not small, but Cedar Park Center, home of the Bulls, is not far from the University of Texas, and it takes less than half an hour by taxi.

  Moreover, the Bulls are not very popular when they first arrived. They usually don’t have enough spectators in the game. They will distribute some free tickets to specific groups.

   This includes players from the University of Texas.

   It stands to reason that they are so close and there are free tickets. They should go there a few more times.

   But they are usually reluctant to waste training time. The Bulls did not play on holidays like Christmas before, so they never made it.

   Now I can’t rest my mind to train, and it’s a good choice to watch the game.

   Lin Ying agreed.

   The two hit it off and called Randy Williams, the three of them drove his 5-speed manual transmission classic car directly to the arena.

   Williams visited several times last year, and shared his experience of watching football in the car.

   Although the NBDL is a development league of the NBA, there are many decentralized NBA players, but the level is not much higher than that of the NCAA.

   "Kevin would be the core of the team if you played there."

   Durant felt comfortable with what Williams said.

Lin Ying beside    also nodded.

   Speaking of this, it has something to do with them.

   The NBA introduced a “no high school students allowed to participate in the draft” during the 2005~2006 season.

   That rule requires high school students to have completed one year of high school and reach the age of 19 to participate in the NBA draft.

  In other words, when he and Durant finished high school, it happened to be the year when high school students could not stand for election.

   Of course, this has little to do with them, because even Durant didn't skip the NCAA's idea of ​​running directly.

   It was Oden who was already interested in each other with the Raptors.

   As a result, it was stipulated that he could only go to college, and then he stayed on top of Durant's head.

   So if it weren't for that regulation, Durant would now be the top pick in the 2007 class.

   This is the current situation, but before Lin Ying crossed, the NBA had allowed high school players to play NBDL directly.

  Many top-talented high school students have therefore chosen to abandon NCAA and play NBDL.

   Although the NCAA broadcast fees are sky-high, and the advertising endorsement fees are flying all over the sky, it has nothing to do with the players.

   Even if you have any deals with sponsors in private, you will be banned by the NCAA and even lose your NBA draft qualifications.

   But NBDL is different. Not only can you accept the endorsement contract in advance, but you can also get the salary!

   Later facts also proved that top high school students are fully capable of playing NBDL, and they are not left behind in the confrontation with those adult players.

   So this assumption of Williams is completely valid.

   Within half an hour quickly, they started talking while chatting, and the effort came in a blink of an eye.

   The game hadn't started yet, they entered the arena earlier and sat down in a position with a good view.

   As mentioned before, the NBDL has a low attendance rate, and the tickets are cheap or even free, and the income is pitifully small.

   Except for the decentralized players who have NBA contracts, most of the remaining people only cost 10,000 to 20,000 dollars a year.

   Yes, there is no less than one zero. This is lower than the salary of most ordinary Americans, and it is more likely to be a fine for NBA players.

   Kuban often gets a ticket from Stern, a ticket costing $25,000.

  Of course, this is also the closest place to the NBA. Basically, the players who play here are all dreaming of the NBA.

   So it is not difficult to understand why Williams often runs here to watch the ball.

   For a player with mediocre talent but a basketball dream, this is probably where he works after graduating from college!

   After they sat there for a while, fans came in one after another.

   What makes them a little strange is that when the fans came in, they all looked at them and then whispered.

   These two are okay, but after more, they will be too strange.

   Durant couldn’t help but looked at Williams, then at Lin Ying, and finally pointed to the top of his head:

   "Is my haircut messy?"

   Lin Ying stretched out her hand to support her forehead.

   You’re a good-for-nothing!

   What they didn't expect was that there were quite a few people watching the game today.

   The stadium with an attendance of 3,000 people was already seated for about one third in a short while.

   Just when they were puzzled, the players on both sides came out to warm up and at this time they understood.

  Because they saw Steve Novak on the Bulls side!

   Novak is a rookie with the Rockets and has little chance in the NBA.

   But they are very familiar with Lin Ying!

   Novak is a famous NCAA three-pointer!

   Just one stat tells everything, Novak University made 368 three-pointers in four years, 793 shots, and 46.4% shooting!

  The key person is still the power forward!

   And it’s not surprising why so many fans are here today.

   Novak is not a big role in the NBA, but his three-pointer is a bug in the NBDL.

   Well, you who can shoot are called Dad.

   At this time, more fans entered the stadium, and Lin Ying began to sit down next to them.

"excuse me?"

   A voice rang in their ears.

   just when they thought it was borrowing to get up and give up their seats.

   "Are you Kevin? Kevin Durant?"

   But the other party's words left them stunned for a while.

   Durant smiled and nodded when he heard it.

   He didn't expect anyone here to recognize him.

   "God, it really is Kevin Durant!"

   But Durant was startled by the man's next reaction.

   Lin Ying and Williams also fought hard.

  Recognize it when you recognize it, why is it scary to shout so loudly!

   But what they didn't expect for the three of them was that after he finished shouting, the other audiences all looked towards them in unison.

   Then, when Lin Ying saw the scene in front of her, she unconsciously remembered the name of a movie:

"resident Evil"!