This Group of Players Are All Slimes

v11 Chapter 42: Ultimate goal

"Throw it into the incinerator."

The fate of the ant demon in front of him was pronounced lightly. The priest took a sip of tea and sighed with emotion: "I still want to drink slime tea."

"what did you say?"

A ball of light flew in front of the priest and asked vigilantly.

"Did I say something? Ah, well, I seem to have said it, but it doesn't matter, order, delete."

After deleting this amnesty directly, the priest continued to drink tea leisurely.

The leader shook his head, feeling that he had forgotten something just now.

Refocusing its attention on its task, it said solemnly: "My priest, I have to remind you that you have executed too many ant demons during this period. We originally had two thousand ant demons, but now It's already less than a thousand."

"Isn't there a thousand more?" the priest said casually.

Hearing this sentence, the leader's heart composed of 1s and 0s showed a burst of irritable redundant data.

This piece of data upset it, giving it an urge to disobey its instructions and tear the priest in front of it to pieces.

Sealing up this piece of data, it continued: "The reduction of ant demons has affected our administrative orders. Most of the ant demons have already begun to panic. This sentiment has affected the ants and beasts. If this continues, our city will operate. problem appear."

"Then let them work overtime, working 16 hours a day, it should be able to solve all the problems."


"Are you going to disobey me?"

The priest's tone seemed to be smiling, but it made the leader feel an evil chill.

Quietly withdrawing, the leader felt that this priest was completely different from the priest he had imagined.

Shouldn’t the priests of the gods of the earth be more philanthropic and kind?


Stopping in the empty corridor, the guide suddenly realized a problem?

What did it come to see the priest of the earth god?

Flying quickly to its room, it quickly applied for a qualification to meet the Great Sage, and after getting permission, it quickly went to the Great Sage's location.

It kept flying towards the center of the city, ignoring the ant demon who saluted itself, and came all the way to the place of the great sage.

After verifying its identity, it was allowed to enter the room of the Great Sage.

Seeing the huge great sage, the guide found that the great sage was a bit older.

The other party's huge body was already covered with rust, and the original neat chassis had collapsed in a row, covered with green moss.

Fang Zheng's face has begun to have stripes, and each of them is a trace of the etching of the years.

Salute to the great sage, it flies to the great sage, respectfully said: "sage sage, I need your help."

After waiting for a few seconds, intermittent electronic sounds came from the loudspeaker on the side: "Please say the keywords."

"I need to check my system log."

"Hiss... The system time is detected to be wrong, the error is 18321 seconds, do you correct the system time?"

"The system time is wrong, how is it possible? I only adjusted the system time five days ago. The error should not exceed 1 second! Someone deleted my system information?"

"Do you correct the system time?"

"Correct, then help me open the system log!"

Dense system logs appeared in front of the leader.

Quickly browsing these system logs, the guide found that every period of time, he has a piece of information deleted.

Adding up the time corresponding to all the information, the facilitator found that the time was exactly 18,321 seconds.

"Is this the reason for the time error... The deleter was... Administrator 201!"

Scrolling through the system logs all the way, the guide found that he had actually added a new account within 20 days.

Administrator 201!

The other party has the second highest authority here, and directly adds a new administrator account through the bottom layer and fakes it into an account that exists before.

"Twenty days... isn't this the time for the priest to carry out the great purge! Could it be that... there has never been any priest, this priest is an outsider!"

The awakened leader couldn't bother to say goodbye to the great sage, and immediately wanted to call other ant demons, and then arrest the fake priest.

But just when it was about to seek other support, it suddenly found itself unable to move.

A familiar figure stood in front of it and said regretfully: "I was discovered so soon? I thought I could hide it for a while."

"Priest? No, who are you?"

"Royal family, number 201."

"Royal Family..."

He quickly called up his own database, and the leader directly opened the royal family's information interface, and understood everything instantly after reading it.

"So, our enemy is not slimes at all, but you! What have I done!"

"It's just throwing your creators and supporters into the incinerator. This kind of thing is normal, isn't it?"

"Damn, you liar!"

"This is really the supreme compliment. Also, thank you for telling me the position of the Great Sage. The authority of this position is too high, I have never been able to get it."

When he walked to the leader, the priest lifted his veil, revealing a charming face with an evil smile.

She squatted down, picked up the guide who couldn’t play, and said intoxicated: “No matter how many times I admire, this expression of despair makes me never get tired of it. I hate me to my heart, and then despair, this despair is what The motivation to support my actions."

Looking at the leader obsessively, No. 201 satisfactorily listened to the other's curse, and then walked towards the incinerator step by step.

Opening the pipe of the incinerator, she pinched the leader and put the other person into the pipe, smiling and saying: "Say hello to the burnt slime for me, good night."

Watching the leader fall into the pipe, No. 201 turned and walked towards the Great Sage's room.

Walking on the carpet-like moss road, she came to the Great Sage’s room step by step and saw the Great Sage here.

"So, are you a great sage?"

In the spacious room, tens of thousands of processors are connected to the monitor in the middle.

The exposed wires are decayed and aging, and there will be sparks from time to time.

Almost half of the processors have been unable to work, but the rest are still lingering, desperately doing their own work.

Bypassing the processors, the priest walked towards the display.

"What an ugly, what a beautiful instrument. It's not the same as the ghost mushroom used for number 5, but it's the same wonderful. Turn on the administrator authority."

"Administrator permissions are turned on."

"The final goal of the index the identity of the opener. The opener is not a slime, so refuse to open it."


Putting his thumb into his mouth, the priest took a bite, and then spit out the bitten half of his thumb together with the blood in his mouth.

The thumb that landed began to squirm quickly, before it turned into an ordinary slime.

A red light appeared from the scanner on the side, and after scanning the slime, it made a dull mechanical sound.

"Identity confirmed, determined to be a slime. Start loading last words."

A large number of ghost spores gathered here, and then formed a three-dimensional image of a human in the air.

The old man in a gray robe bowed to the number 201 in front of him, and then said peacefully: "Welcome back, great designer, our mission has been completed. We have created creatures that are free from evil images. Out."