This Group of Players Are All Slimes

v12 Chapter 46: the person in memory

"My name is Snow, and I am an unknown person. If you see this sentence, then I am dead. I just want to tell you, please cremate my body and throw it into the sea, if a group of slimes want to If you want, then absolutely don't give it, I don't want them to use my body to do weird experiments."

After writing this sentence, Snow thought for a while, and then said to the housekeeper beside him, "Do you have any last words? I can help you write it."

"Would it be too early for you to give up." The butler frowned and said, "I think we can go out."

"I think it's good to die here. Anyway, you know the blood of our family. This kind of dirty blood is cut off. I don't want to be the puppet of that disgusting god."

The housekeeper glanced at Snow helplessly, then took his hand naturally: "Let's go, this passage should be left by your father to escape for his life, as long as you go down, you may be able to find your father, and then you will be able to find your father. You can go out."

Snow struggled for a while, and found that the butler's strength was much stronger than his own, and he was completely unable to break free.

Being dragged forward by the housekeeper, Snow began to observe the surrounding situation.

This is obviously an artificial tunnel, barely able to accommodate two people walking side by side.

The ceiling is so low that you can reach out and touch it, with glowing moss that fills the tunnel with a dim light.

They fell in through a hole in the ceiling, which closed as soon as they passed and could never be opened again.

This setting is very convenient to escape, and can trap the follower later, which is a relatively good design.

But in Snow's view, this design is to kill them.

The tunnels are also built very carefully. Sometimes the tunnels go up and sometimes down. There are different passages in some places.

Walking through the intricate tunnels, the butler suddenly asked, "Is there nothing in this family that is worthy of your memory?"

"My mother, well, there should be one more."


"I used to have a dog named Red Wine Stewed Dog Meat. I liked it very much, but for some reason, it disappeared."

"...I think you gave it that name to make it run."

"There is another one, a gentle and lovely big sister. I like to visit her every day. But she also disappeared later. Of course, it may also be the reason for my inaccurate memory, after all, my mother replaced us. There are many side effects of making sacrifices, and our memory is one of them."

The housekeeper paused for a while, then asked, "Do you think there is such a possibility that the big sister was just a fantasy of yours, in order to resolve your precocious sexual fantasies?"

"Don't talk about other people's beautiful memories so wretched...but...maybe...Damn, I'm starting to suspect that it's my hallucination now."

The housekeeper stopped abruptly, and Snow, who was caught off guard, directly bumped into the housekeeper's back, and was immediately pulled aside by the housekeeper.

"Don't talk, be quiet." The housekeeper covered Snow's mouth and whispered.

A group of priests walked silently beside them, but they did not find the butler and Snow who were close at hand.

Snow looked down, and found that the pin on the butler's chest released a faint blue light. It was this blue light that blocked the sight of the group of priests and reminded Snow of something.

Dark tunnel.

Familiar pins.

And the phrase "don't talk, be quiet".

The fragmented memory made Snow feel like he had a splitting headache. After the priest team disappeared, he squatted down with his head covered and gasped violently.

When the pain subsided, he stood up and asked the housekeeper, "Who the **** are you, and why do you have that pin?"


Before the butler could answer, a flying knife suddenly appeared from the darkness, directly piercing the butler's body, causing the other party to fall down with wide-eyed eyes.

Then, in the darkness, someone stretched out a hand, grabbed Snow's hand, and rushed towards the other end frantically.

"Wait, who are you, what did you just do! You killed the housekeeper!"

"That's not the housekeeper, you should look carefully!"

Turning her head, Snow, with the help of the dim light, saw the housekeeper who had been pierced sitting up again, a large number of granulation sprouts spreading over the wound on her chest, and after a while, her body returned to its original state.

Staring straight at the direction Snow left, she let out a wolf-like howl and shouted fiercely, "Snow, come back!"

Snow ran faster.

Although he has been talking about cutting off his own blood, once the danger comes, Snow finds that he is actually a mortal, and he still doesn't want to die.

Struggling to follow behind the attacker, Snow could feel the fishy wind blowing behind him, and the smell of a beast was behind him, making him force out his full potential and keep running forward.

The attacker seemed to be very familiar with the tunnel. Under the leadership of the other party, Snow felt that he was getting farther and farther from the danger behind him, until he couldn't feel it at all.

After turning into a more spacious place, Snow couldn't hold on any longer, lying directly on the ground and breathing hard.

"Why do I keep encountering such unfortunate things?" Snow said helplessly, "Also, thank you. Who are you?"

Snow had the opportunity to look at the person who had escaped with him.

The other party was wearing a cape and a leather armor, and his slender figure stretched like a wicker.

"What's the matter, don't you know me?"

A familiar voice rang in Snow's ears, making him in a trance as if he had returned to the past.

When the other party lifted the cloak, Snow looked at the familiar person in front of him and couldn't help saying, "Big sister?"

"It's me, long time no see, Slater."

The other party was still the same as he remembered, and even the tear mole under the corner of his eye still and became more dazzling and attractive.

She looked at Snow carefully, suddenly hugged Snow in her arms, and said emotionally, "You're back, great, I knew you would definitely come back."

Snow's hands were in the air, not knowing whether to push the other party away, or take the opportunity to hold the other party in his arms.

When I was a child, I only felt that the other party was a gentle sister, but now it seems that the other party is completely a charming woman, so that Snow, who has no desire to reproduce, also thinks that it is good to have such a wife.

In particular, the gentleness that the other party could feel through a layer of leather armor was entirely from Snow's XP system.

"Well, I'm glad you're still alive, but I want to know what's going on here? Of course, if you don't know, don't force it, we can chat and explore together."

"No, I know." The elder sister smiled softly, "Let's go, we have to go to a place to meet someone first."


"Your father."