This Group of Players Are All Slimes

v12 Chapter 78: Birth of a new god

"I'm finally leaving, but I'm still a little reluctant."

Looking at the results of his business during this period of time, Cai Mao felt both relief and regret.

Goodbye my eight-legged octopus, my multi-cow, my milking clam, my multipurpose broiler.

Wiping away a tear that didn't exist, he turned to Blank and said, "Let's go, what are you doing, our response has arrived."

Blank looked up at the big hole above his head.

Whenever he looked up at the sky, he could feel the sky hugging him.

He likes the moonlight leaking from the void, the warmth of the spring sun, and the faint sounds of birdsong from outside.

He likes the breeze and the rain. He likes everything from the outside world, and he yearns for everything from the outside world.

Reaching out his hand, he felt that the sky was within reach, but for some reason there was a boundless hesitation. it really nice?

As a special priest of the God of Perfection, his only previous use was to provide the perfect fantasy of the Pseudo-Perfect God of various things.

He had fantasized about the outside world countless times and longed to get out of his cage, but when the cage was really opened, he didn't know how to fly out.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally made up his mind and said to Cai Mao, "Uncle... I'm not leaving."

"Why? Didn't you always want to go out and see?"

"I don't know, but I don't dare. I think it's good to be here, and I feel like I don't need to go out. It feels good to be with these fusions and imagine the days outside every day."

"However, there is always a gap in what you imagine. The things outside may be more interesting than you imagined."

"You said it too, it's only possible, then what if it's not as good as you imagined? Can you give me a definite answer?"

Cai Mao was at a loss for words.

Looking at Blank's worried eyes, Cai Mao knew that the other party was at a very critical moment.

You can decide the future of the other party with just one sentence. Even if you know that the other party is an NPC in the game, the weight is still too heavy for Cai Mao to answer.

Just when Cai Mao hesitated, the old man walked over and said, "We can't guarantee it."

"Hey, say something nice."

The old man ignored Cai Mao's complaint and put his hands on Blank's shoulders: "There are many very painful things outside, and there are many confusions outside. We can't guarantee that the outside world will be as you think, but we swear, we are making it Lead in the direction of perfection. At least...don't let Arthur's tragedy happen again."


"They said don't call me that, I'm just an incompetent old man. Okay, so have you made a decision?"

Blank smiled bitterly: "I still don't know, but what do you decide to do, Dad?"

"I'm leaving and going with them to destroy Seth."

"Okay... I'll keep thinking about it here for a while, and maybe I'll leave here one day. Well, it's a bit shameless to say it, but after your task is completed, would you like to come and see me? Occasionally, not with It doesn't matter who the father is."

The old man looked at Blank.

After a long time, a smile that was not seen for a long time finally appeared on the face full of scars: "No problem."

The editing hand with the feather fall technique fell slowly.

He confirmed the number of people, and after learning of Blank's thoughts, he expressed his understanding, and then directly used his loophole to send the group out.

When only Lu Fan was left, the chubby slime bowed his head respectfully in front of Lu Fan.

"Salute to you, Lord Demon. I apologize for what I have done before, and I also thank you for everything you have done."

"Indeed, the time for fishing has been shortened a lot." Lu Fan sighed, "Look at the **** you've done."


"It would have been good if you came here obediently to work for me, and the whole group of people will be fine with you. How could it have become like this."

"...Stop talking, I'm about to cry."

Lu Fan sighed deeply: "Forget it, it's not your fault. Even without you, the gods can create a lot of problems. You're just a tool, you're just stupid."

"I am also a person with a head and a face, can you sell me a face?"

"What do you want the Demon King to do if your face is worth it? Let's go, we have to wipe your **** for you quickly, or the kind that has a pair of pants."

"Tell me to give me a face!"

The afternoon of the fifth day of the seven-day plan.

There was another slime in the conference room where the four of them took off their clothes.

Lu Fan stood at the window and admired the battle between himself and the gods outside, and said helplessly: "It's not easy to fight."

After taking off his clothes, he came over and said, "That's right, and do you feel that God has used all his strength?"

"No, He still has a game mentality. I have seen fate, and the fault of fate has been in the past few days. I feel that this fault may also have something to do with God. If I guessed correctly, most of his energy Put them all in the world."

"It's quite like what he did. I'm tired of this game, and start a new game."

"Don't say it so lightly, okay?" The professor shivered aside, "This place is destroyed, what should we do?"

"Find your location directly, and then harm the real world." Lu Fan responded.

The professor imagined that reality was discovered by the gods and then reduced to the other side's toy.

Demons are rampant, gods are dancing wildly, and after God understands the piles of novels and animations in reality, maybe he will create a few rules and completely ruin his world.

"I don't want this kind of thing! I just hoped to win the Nobel Prize and became the first person to fill the Nobel Prize!"

"You're not a warmonger, what capital do you have to win the Nobel Peace Prize." Arturia said unhappily, "And just rely on your bad book, what kind of literature award."

"Don't look down on me! I'll start a war when I go back!"

Looking at Arturia and the professor who were arguing, Lu Fan suddenly laughed.

I used to think that these **** were noisy, but now they seem to have a different flavor.

Looking back at the beginning, it was these noisy **** who pushed themselves to this position step by step, and they in turn fulfilled themselves and closed the world.

After reading the "Report that the Demon King on Hanging Can Read in One Minute" prepared by taking off his clothes, he already understood everything.

The matter of the royal family, the matter of world fusion, the matter of Seth...

The connection between the two worlds is enough, the past and the future are close enough, and it's time to unleash your ultimate plan.

"Take off your clothes, you have done enough, and you need to continue to cooperate in the future."

"Professor, the study of theology will continue. I hope to see a world where humans and demons use gods as tools rather than idols."

"Arturia, I am very optimistic about your military talent. In the future world, you still have a lot of room to play."

"Editor, what happened before is really not your fault, but it is still necessary to make up for it."

"There are many other people I want to thank, but time is running out. I will leave the rest to you, and I believe you will complete the rest of the plan."

Aware of Lu Fan's determination, he could not help feeling sad when he took off his clothes.

Crawling in front of Lu Fan, he took off his clothes and said softly, "No matter what the future holds, you are our demon king. No matter how much you pay, we will get you back."

"Okay, then I'll go."

A strong desire surged in Lu Fan's heart. Under the call of this desire, a small wooden cup appeared in front of Lu Fan.

In the wooden cup, the clear water swayed slightly.

Holding the Holy Grail, Lu Fan drank all the water in the Holy Grail. His long-cherished wish was fulfilled at this moment.

His wish is only the first link among multiple wishes. If he wants to truly defeat the gods, this wish is not enough, but the price he can pay can only satisfy this link. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Follow-up wishes, they need to take off their clothes and they continue to satisfy them in various ways, but Lu Fan believes that they can do it.

"I, Demon King Lu Fan, hereby make my wish to let me fully know my divine name and vocation, and fully integrate my own power!"

Lu Fan in slime form quickly disappeared, and Lu Fan in the temple also turned into a bubble, replaced by the demon king who entered the complete body.

The two laws of the devil and the brave collided in Lu Fan's body, and the contradictory laws merged at this moment, reaching a realm that the editor could not reach in his previous life.

The world held its breath at this moment, and then cheered, expressing its heartfelt joy for the new born true God of this world.

The **** in the sky stopped.

Feeling the power echoing in Lu Fan's body, he asked peacefully, "Is this really worth it?"

"I've always been indifferent."

"Then go ahead, Demon King... No, it should be the God of Nothingness."