This Group of Players Are All Slimes

v4 Chapter 7: hope

Different from 3l’s masochistic gameplay and weak chicken man’s dog-licking gameplay, the editor’s gameplay style is insignificant.

If you can sneak attack, you will never play head-on; if you can use bugs, you will definitely play abnormally.

This is a despicable player who has carved the hole in his bones, even if other players who are innocent and committed, they will spit when they see him.

But he has a good relationship with the wind reviews. I am really a DJ. This is a point that all players don't understand.

Thinking about this huge KPI pressure, the editor frowned and thought hard.

"I'm really a DJ, do you think we can complete this trial if we build a Gundam?"

"I have no objection, but the premise is that you can create and find new humans."

"Which version are you looking at? When does Gundam need new humans. What about EVA?"

"Let’s find Adam first. Then you need a young Stockholm boy who has been tortured by humans, and his father who has not been shot too many times."

"Well...Let's take a look at the edge of the city first to see if we can contact the outside."

The two players acted immediately, found horses from the defenders, and rushed to the edge of the city.

But at the edge of the city, they could only see a thick white fog, and a transparent but actual wall blocked there, making it impossible for them to pass.

"Air Wall, it seems that this dungeon is determined to let us accomplish this goal. Go, let's go back and find out what our permissions are."

Returning to the Lord's Mansion, the editor put forward his needs to Boqi, and Boqi immediately happily handed over all the permissions to the editor.

After surrendering all the permissions, Porch added: "Friendly reminder, after you make any decision, you can skip a period of time. At this time, this space will evolve on its own according to your decision, which can be greatly reduced Waiting time."

"How long can you skip?" the editor asked.

"Whatever you want, just skip to the last day."

The editor immediately used the permissions and skipped to the last day.

He did nothing, the first thing he saw was the scarred city.

The demon army had not yet arrived, and the city was almost destroyed.

The guard at the door had turned into an icy corpse, and the store manager had died, leaving only a girl with a blood on her face, holding a tattered doll, and staring blankly at the army coming from here.

I was really the DJ looking at the surrounding situation in confusion, and then I analyzed it seriously.

By listening to the surrounding sounds, he formed a detailed picture in his mind, "seeing" the surrounding situation.

He is a sympathetic patient.

This disease is not so much a disease as it is a gift.

His hearing and vision are almost 100% connected, and when he hears the sound, the corresponding picture can appear in his mind.

Combined with his special skills in the game, he immediately saw the surrounding situation and obtained more detailed information than ordinary observations.

"There are already demons raging in the castle, and there is more than one. Then can I think that the demons did not appear on the last day, but the demons appeared in the middle?"

Hearing the inference that I was really a DJ, Porch nodded appreciatively: "Yes, it is true. Some humans have already thrown into the devil, and they will perform demon summoning rituals in the city to disintegrate the castle from within. If you want to know who it is, I can tell you this information."

"No need, I already know."

I was really a DJ and immediately left the lord's mansion with the editor, walked through the ruined castle, and found a spiked demon that was raging.

The editing hands of the combatants in the duo immediately rushed towards the demon.

He accurately avoided the demon's attack, and quickly turned on the psionic energy after fifteen seconds of fighting, and used his own skills, the progress bar.

For a moment, the demon's side was full of afterimages of editing hands.

He jumped at high speed within fifteen seconds, and every jump was accompanied by a Ling Li attack.

After the 3 second skill time was over, the spiked demon in front of him had been cut into pieces of devil meat, and the pieces couldn't be broken anymore.

Jumping back to where I am really a DJ, he immediately asked: "Did you find the position of the controller?"

"Found it, there!"

Pointing to a room on the side of the road, the editor climbed along the wall into the room, and then there was a scream.

The blood-covered editor jumped out of the window, and then said, "Finished, next one."

After all the raging demons in the city were cleaned up, they launched a special permission and returned to the first day's position.

Back in the shade, the editor asked the **** painter outside to help draw the portraits of everyone and send them to my QQ, and then continue to discuss with me, who is really a DJ.

"You saw the last scene, the 20 million combat power is really not blown out." The editor grabbed the wine from Poqi's hand and said while drinking.

"Yeah, the combat power here is only over a hundred thousand. It's hard to make up for such a big gap."

I'm really a DJ to expand the panel, then click on the detailed information, and continue to look at it.

The city is located in the center of many trade routes, so it is rich here.

However, most of the resources are monopolized by several huge noble families, and the lords here occupy very few.

Through the scenes they saw before, these noble families seemed to have anticipated the fate of the city, so they transferred their property before the last day and fled.

The editor thought for a moment, and then asked: "Master, can we save it? It means to save the previous gameplay experience and reset it to that point in time when resetting."

"Yes, I have used this method many times."

"That's good, let's go, DJ! Let's have some exciting music!"

"Who do you think of me? Is it a free song station?"

"Of course it's a close friend! It's strange to say When I first saw you, I felt like you were a good friend."

"Interesting, the first time I saw you, I just wanted to kill you. Forget it, let's have a torture song."

I was really a DJ and there was a lively music immediately next to me.

Accompanied by the rhythmic music, the two slimes hopped into the castle and started hunting the noble family.

But Porch looked at the backs of these two slimes, feeling that they were really not easy.

Although he had his own help, the other party found a direction in a very short time and began to work hard in this direction.

Whether it is action or decision-making ability, even his time can be said to be a strong person.

"Maybe they can really pass this trial."

Porch took a sip of wine, and there was a little hope in his heart.