This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come

Chapter 3: The birth of intelligent creatures

In the 500,000th year of prehistory, vertebrate creatures became the overlords of the ocean. Species in the form of fish roamed freely in small puddles, multiplying wildly.

But compared to the fish on earth, they are much smaller in size, and the largest adult is only the size of a fry.

But the crazy reproduction of any species is bound to be accompanied by a shortage of living space.

In the 510,000th year, the petri dish species climbed the ladder again, following the glass wall of the petri dish, trying to reach the sky.

Yang Shou brought up the boiled water that had already been boiled, and was extremely skilled in mass extinction, becoming the mastermind behind each era.

In the 540,000th year, more vertebrate species were born in this era, and Yang Shou could even feel the messages and emotions they sent through their body language to communicate between races.

"Are you coming again?"

No need for a microscope anymore, Yang Shou could see creatures the size of small ants marching toward the glass wall.

Pick up boiling water, splash it, and turn it into a black hand that covers the sky for eternity. The fourth mass extinction has begun.

"It actually produces heat resistance!"

Life is really amazing. Yang Shou discovered that after the four extinctions, some creatures were happily swimming in petri dishes!

"You guys had so much fun!"

Yang Shou took a packet of salt from the kitchen and poured it into a petri dish.

Salt dissolves in water, and those living creatures kick their legs and burp at once.

"Gulu! It's really fragrant—"

Yang Shou swallowed a mouthful of water. The fish soup in this petri dish is too fragrant. With salt added, it must taste good. It would be even better if sprinkled with some chicken essence.

These are all prehistoric fish. Although they are only a little big, they must be extremely nutritious!

In the end, Yang Shou held back his appetite. These fish soups are the food for the evolution of species in the next era.

"The prehistoric era records that the fourth mass extinction of organisms occurred. The seawater became salty for unknown reasons. From then on, marine life was divided into freshwater and saltwater."

Yang Shou recorded in his notebook, this creation notebook, he plans to name it "Genesis", which is specially used to record major events such as species evolution and biological extinction.

Ten minutes later, 570,000 years ago, the fifth mass extinction began.

600,000 years ago, the sixth mass extinction began.

After six mass extinctions, the diversity of species has become more and more abundant, and the genes of small body size have been written into the new species.

In the 610,000th year, all species were very small in size, and even the largest animals were only as big as normal ants.

"Now you can rest assured. The petri dish can hold a hundred ants. I need to survive the fittest and accelerate the birth of intelligent species."

Because of the uncontrollability of species, Yang Shou was originally worried about the evolution of some terrifying species, but now his body shape is controlled, this worry is basically zero.

Unless they give birth to extraordinary powers, or the technological civilization develops to a certain extent, it will only be a matter of pouring one pot of boiling water for him. If not, then two pots will be poured.

If you want to speed up the birth of species, you need to find the genes of intelligent species.

The intelligent species on earth, apart from humans, are ancient species such as monkeys and dolphins.

"The remaining life is 89 days, 5 hours and 25 minutes. The current balance is insufficient. Please recharge in time."

Looking at the time on the watch, Yang Shou gritted his teeth, chose to cut his finger, and dropped three drops of blood into the sea of ​​the petri dish.

He didn't have so much time to deal with the blood of monkeys and dolphins, so he could only start the test with the blood that he had taken away from the cancer cells.

Watching the blood gradually melt, with the acceleration of time, the fish in the ocean... perished at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, my blood... is it so poisonous?"

The seventh mass extinction begins, because of three drops of blood.

Yang Shou had a word in his heart, MMP, and scolded directly at the petri dish.

At 610,000 years ago, the once-30,000-year mass extinction cycle was advanced.

By the time of 620,000 years of prehistory, after 10,000 years of cultivation, the species prospered again.

In the ocean, a new type of fish successfully fused Yang Shouyou cells, the fins began to evolve hands, legs, and tails gradually became longer, trying to go to land.

"Finally successful!"

Yang Shou is very excited. Although the lifespan of this new species is only one second, which is equivalent to five years in a petri dish, it is already a great improvement.


They made an unknown voice, probably because they heard the words Yang Shou said at the beginning of their birth, and accidentally remembered it in their genes.

They walked onto the land, ant-like little people, more than a hundred people gathered together, and began to hunt for a living.

"You are evolved from fish, so you are called fish ape."

But the corresponding problem also came. More than 100 fish and apes developed wildly. In a few minutes, even if they died extremely quickly, as a species with superficial intelligence, they swept all terrestrial species in an instant and occupied the entire land.

Because of the restriction of the genetic lock, the largest species in the petri dish is a shark-like fish, the size of a little finger, and still lives in the ocean.

Without natural enemies, the entire land is full of small people.

"Looking at it, I've suffered from intensive phobia. It's time to find a new home for them and create a world."

The previous petri dishes were simply too small to support a race to develop civilization.

The two major elements of species reproduction and evolution are resources and space, which now limit their development.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the originally more than 100 fish and ape races, because of space and food, to start a fierce competition, fighting, and the number dropped sharply. In the blink of an eye, only a dozen or so died.

The next second, they continued to multiply to hundreds, and then, the environment reached the upper limit of the race, and they fought again, sharply decreasing.


They roared, holding home-made stone spears, fighting fiercely for resources, watching Yang Shou's flesh hurt. These are all wisdom species that have finally evolved after absorbing his blood cells, and he is reluctant to lose any of them.

"How to do?"

Yang Shou frowned, and suddenly remembered that there was a basement in his house for refrigerating vegetables. However, because both parents went out to work, it was abandoned.

Yang Shou hurried to the basement. Fortunately, there were not a lot of clutter in the basement. It took him an hour to clear out all the useless things.

A large basement of 80 square meters is enough for these species to evolve for a long time. Anyway, their genetic locks limit their size. As long as they are the offspring of species born in a petri dish, they will not grow to a large size.

In the basement, it is often dark, there is no sun, but there are lights...

Yang Shou checked the tungsten filament light bulbs and wiring. They can be used. In the future, this will be the sun of the fish and ape family. Although it is a bit old, it will be used in the future. I will give you a new sun in the future.

I tested the fan at the exhaust vent. Well, the air is well-ventilated, and it won't suffocate. I fixed it at the first gear, and if the fish and monkeys are disobedient in the future, I will turn it on to the fifth gear...

In terms of water, Yang Shou smashed a big pit of four or five square meters in the middle of the basement, and regarded it as the ocean, the place where life originated.

When Yang Shou found the bottle and tweezers, and was about to pick up the fish apes one by one, he found that they made a "woohoo" sound, like resistance and fear.

"They kill each other, and the best and the worst survive from one generation to the next. It's only been an hour, and they've been able to make simple words. It shouldn't be far from simple communication."

Like taking care of the children, Yang Shou put them in a bottle one by one and took them to the basement.

"Go, I hope you can surprise me."

Watching more than a hundred fish apes crawling slowly on the ground, Yang Shou twisted the crown of his watch to adjust the time multiplier. After careful consideration, he decided to reduce the time flow rate to three hundred years a day. The flow of time remains unchanged, and species continues to evolve, and high-quality species are selected and placed in the basement.

Three hundred years a day, an hour is more than ten years, enough for him to observe the evolution of the ape civilization.

He still expects the fish and ape family to take the extraordinary route. If he can develop the fairy system in Eastern mythology, he may really be able to solve his cancer.

Thinking of the legendary sword qi that spans 100,000 miles, Yu Jian rides the wind and all kinds of magical powers between heaven and earth, maybe in the future, it may really be realized from the time converter?

The evolution of civilization is varied. Legendary gods may not be realized through species evolution. After all, there are always one or two species that have evolved over hundreds of millions of years with incredible abilities.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Shou silently looked at these apes with anticipation.

Now his time is tripled. If he wants to maintain the time flow rate of the petri dish and the basement, he must continue to consume his lifespan, leaving him not much time.

At this time, in the petri dish, after the disappearance of the fish and ape family, after 200,000 years of evolution, new giant beast species evolved on the land.

Their bodies are covered with a thick layer of scales, their teeth are sharp, but their movements are slow, and they are four centimeters high, but reproduction is extremely difficult, and there are only a few dozen in 200,000 years.

"A race without natural enemies is a race without hope. It's time to bring a crisis to the ape family."

Yang Shou also put these giant beasts into the basement. For him, it is only four centimeters, but to the fish ape, it is like a giant beast of more than ten meters, the absolute world overlord.

Not only the giant beasts, he also put all the other animals and plants that grew out of the petri dish into the basement. Otherwise, with the flow rate of the basement, animals and plants would need to be reborn. Before that, the giant beasts and the apes would have to starve to death.

"I'm starving, let's eat."

After stretching, Yang Shou walked out of the basement, preparing to go downstairs to eat a bowl of noodles.

He has done all the preparations that should be done, and then it depends on the development of the fish and ape clan.

"Xiao Yang, what's wrong with your hair? How come you have a bald head?"

The proprietress of the noodle restaurant had grown up watching Yang Shou from a young age. Looking at Yang Shou's pale face and shaved head due to chemotherapy, she probably guessed something.

"It's okay, I just like bald heads all of a sudden."

Yang Shou smiled kindly and panicked a little. He didn't dare to tell the truth. You know, only his ex-girlfriend knew about his illness, and he didn't even tell his parents.

If the proprietress knew about it, it would be no different from knowing the whole community.

The proprietress snorted, but her tone was still full of regret and regret, and she sympathetically brought a bowl of beef noodles to Yang Shou, "You rarely come back after graduation, so you won't be charged for this noodles, and you will have a good taste of your childhood. ."

"it is good."

Yang Shou was not pretentious, "Aunt Zhao, your shop still tastes old, you can't eat it outside if you want."

"That's right, how can my mother's noodles be bad?"

A clear voice came, and Yang Shou followed the voice to see that it was the daughter of the proprietress, who is now majoring in biological sciences at Yanjing University.