This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come

Chapter 54: Heaven and earth have not been born, I h

After the first catastrophe of Hongmeng, Yang Shou had a rough estimate of the potential of Hongmeng space species.

Each world level is different. The wizarding world and the rune world are just extraordinary worlds upgraded from ordinary worlds, and the level is not high.

And the Hongmeng space, because it is a self-created space, contains a lot of gray aura and nine purple qi, so the first batch of creatures born will be extremely powerful.

Right now, he only has such an advanced world.

But in contrast, the beasts inside are all sixth-level adults, and they want to give birth to a qualified extinct species...

It is too difficult. Once released, the Wizarding World and the Rune World will have no resistance.

"The world is divided into high and low, but unfortunately I only have one stone..."

Thinking of this, Yang Shou suddenly regretted why he only had one stone...

Abandoning this crazy idea, I am a creator god, can't always rely on the growth of stones in the body to open up the world?

There will definitely be other ways to open up the world in the future, but unfortunately even Koos only put forward a superficial introduction to space.

"It's better not to think so far. The road to level 7 has not yet been deduced. My cancer has not been completely resolved, and there are still more things that need to be done."

Yang Shou took a few copies of the Divine Movement and drank it in one gulp. The remaining life on the watch increased by a few hours, and the life extension was successful.

The remaining life is six days and twelve hours.

After insisting on drinking medicine for this period of time, Yang Shou gradually replenished the decreasing lifespan, and had more time to evolve the world.

"I haven't seen the turtle shell for a long time. I don't know how it is wandering in outer space."

The two petri dishes that he originally evolved into the world, one turned into Hongmeng space, and the other was thrown into outer space.

Yang Shou suddenly remembered the tortoise shell that he could survive several times in the world. The Taotie and Bi Fang clans parasitized on the tortoise shell and were exiled to outer space. It accelerated in one hour and 180,000 years. Now it has passed. Nearly two million years, it is no exaggeration to say that it has been vicissitudes.


Yang Shou was looking forward to it. He ran the teleportation array and sensed the coordinates of the turtle shell. The teleportation runes under his feet kept flashing, and the whole person gradually disappeared from the earth.

The next second, appeared in the vast universe.

Yang Shou looked around for the first time and found that... he could no longer find where the earth was.

In front of him, there is a small planet with a rough estimate of 10,000 meters in diameter, which is making periodic motions around a planet in the universe.

After sensing it, Yang Shou found that this small planet was the turtle shell...

It has not been seen for two million years. The life on Earth that it evolved from a Tai Sui has developed into a large planet with a diameter of 10,000 meters.

And the planet that captured it is extremely huge, about three hundred times larger than the Earth.

"Fortunately, the solar system is still here, but this planet, how come I look more and more like Jupiter?"

Yang Shou could feel that in the distance, the majestic and blazing radiance of the sun means that he has not yet left the solar system, but the tortoise shell seems to be captured by this planet and becomes its outermost satellite.

"There are more than 60 satellites in total. Should only Jupiter have so many satellites in the solar system?"

There are more than 60 satellites revolving around the super planets in front of us, moon-like planets, including tortoise shells. The tortoise shells are the smallest among these planets.

"But that's fine. A satellite that turns into a planet is the best camouflage, and astronomical observers on Earth shouldn't be able to find it in a short time."

After confirming that he was still in the solar system, Yang Shou began to observe the planet he originally named Honghuang.

He whispered "Honghuang" softly, and the planet trembled slightly, conveying a trace of consciousness, wanting to leave the planet and come to him.

With the soul gem, he is extremely sensitive to the soul, and naturally knows that this is the consciousness of the birth of the tortoise shell, but the consciousness is still very vague, without forming logic and memory, it just wants to get close to itself according to its own instinct.

Maybe it was because he brought it into the universe by himself, and when he held it and put it into space, he left some fragmented memories for it.

"The last time we met, there was a trace of consciousness. Two million years have passed. At best, this consciousness is a little strong. It is still too difficult to turn into a planet to give birth to a real consciousness."

Yang Shou glanced at the prehistoric land. It was a wasteland. This was a planet with a turtle shell as its core and countless meteorite fragments assembled.

All kinds of toxic radioactive elements are flooded in it, and there is no air. Even for two million years, no species has been born.

The Bi Fang and the gluttonous clan who first came with the tortoise shell also all died, and a small part of the remaining genes fell into a deep sleep, trying to wait for the environment to change and recover one day in the future.

But if Yang Shou did not intervene, the prehistoric consciousness would never think of forming an atmosphere, and life would never be born in this world.

"Honghuang, squeeze out the gas in the meteorites on your body, and lock them with gravity to form a closed loop..."

Yang Shou slowly conveyed consciousness to the turtle shell, but...

The sentence is too deep, the turtle shell is completely incomprehensible, ignorant, and the vague consciousness is floating around in the wild land.

After communicating several times, the flood consciousness couldn't understand what he meant. In the end, Yang Shou could only do it himself, and slowly landed on the flood land from space. on the ground.

In just an instant, hundreds of sixth-level witchcraft were released by Yang Shou, like a catastrophe, shattering the smooth and flat earth, and various fractured canyons, hills, and mountains appeared.

During this period, it formed the highest mountain in the whole flood, with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet, straight into space.

After just one blow, Yang Shou looked at the sorcery he performed and was a little frightened. His destructive power...

After he broke through to the sixth level, as the God of Creation, he has never fought with anyone, and now he knows that he can easily perform hundreds of magic tricks at a time when he is at the sixth level, and this is not the limit...

It is hard to imagine what kind of realm the legendary seventh level will be.

After feeling it for a while, Yang Shou was relieved very quickly. This is the power of the God of Creation. It is 1.298 billion times the power of a sixth-level wizard. With a little more effort, he will not be able to smash the prehistoric planet. A little stress.

So, on the land of the Great Desolation, the consciousness of the Great Desolation remembered the most unforgettable scene in its life.

An existence that exudes endless brilliance and can destroy the sky and the earth with just a single gesture. With a wave of his hand, there are hundreds of magical techniques, creating the world, shaping mountains and rivers, countless terrains rising from the ground, and a mountain reaching into the sky.

After smashing it for an unknown time, Yang Shou sensed that gas was gradually escaping from these meteorites, just like a volcanic eruption. Every mountain pass and every canyon produced a lot of heat under his violent destruction.

"Hydrogen was born."

Yang Shou has made up for some necessary conditions for the birth of life these days. One of them is the formation of the atmosphere. The original atmosphere is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

As for oxygen...

Yang Shou pondered for a moment, then communicated with the Hongmeng space, and gave an order to Ross, who was building the Zixiao Immortal Palace to welcome Lingian's arrival.

"Make her cry!"

Naturally, she was referring to the hook snake. Ross, who had spent hundreds of years choosing the site, had to put down his work and returned to the sealed tree hole under the building tree after being ordered by the gods.

And then... he tried every means, but still couldn't unlock the seal.

This seal is as he said when he arranged it, it can't be opened inside, it can't be opened outside, and even the person who arranged it can't open it...

Hearing Ross' reply in the Hongmeng space, Yang Shou was a little speechless, MMP, what seal is this arranged? Are you arranging such a stable seal formation to imprison the snake to death?

Although Yang Shou is confident that he can break the seal, if he wants to appear in his body, he can only appear in the Hongmeng space as a projection in his soul state.

"If it wasn't for a god, you would definitely be able to break the seal..."

Under Jianmu, Ross was a little apologetic. No one thought that the gods would use snake hooks after being locked up for hundreds of years.

Yang Shou ignored him, let him stay where it was cool, thought for a moment, and then used the teleportation array to return to Earth, then went out, stopped in a reservoir not far from his home, and secretly carved a rune teleportation array .

That's right, others come to the reservoir to steal fish, but the God of Creation comes to the reservoir to steal water!

After controlling the speed of the teleportation array to transmit water to ensure that it would not be too obvious, Yang Shou returned home, opened the teleportation array, and returned to the prehistoric world.

Standing in the prehistoric wilderness, he chose a grand canyon that was smashed by himself, and Yang Shou engraved the corresponding teleportation array here.


As fast as a large water pipe is pumping water, water sources continuously emerge from the teleportation array.

The prehistoric consciousness looked at this scene out of nothing, and felt more and more that the existence of opening up the world in front of him was incredible, and it was difficult to think about it!

Watching the canyon gradually being submerged, forming a small piece of ocean, where future life will be born, Yang Shou felt a faint sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The water vapor evaporates, and an atmosphere similar to the earth will be formed on the prehistoric planet in the future, for the growth of all living beings.

"Honghuang, these gases are useful to you. I'll use the formation method to circle them for you first, and you will have to rely on yourself to maintain them in the future."

Yang Shou glanced at the fragmented consciousness of Honghuang around him, regardless of whether it understood it or not, after saying that, he set up a circle of formations around the periphery to ensure that these gases would not be lost, and then returned to Earth through the teleportation formation.

Right now, Emperor Lingian of the wizarding world is about to come to an end. He promised Ross that he would invite Emperor Lingian to meet him as a benefit of working, and he could not break his promise.

Watching Yang Shou disappear into the wilderness again out of thin air, UU read www.'s prehistoric consciousness suddenly became anxious, wandering around in the prehistoric land, constantly searching for traces of that existence, searching for an unknown number of years, but always found nothing.

During this period, it witnessed a miracle of life, countless tiny beings were born, died, and died in the canyon, and they continued to evolve and form various creatures.

However, there are too many radioactive substances in the prehistoric land, and the lifespan of living beings is extremely short. The extinction one after another makes it feel the evolution of the world, and it seems that it has come into contact with some kind of avenue.

This was later recalled by it and called it the Way of Heaven!

When discussing the Tao with the living beings of later generations, it recalled this scene countless years ago.

"Unknown existences are like creation gods. They cannot be thought about, and cannot be looked directly at. They raise their hands to create the situation, shape the prehistoric world, create something out of nothing, and evolve endless creatures."

"I have been born before heaven and earth were born, and I have seen the primordial **** slaying Hongmeng. Beyond the black and yellow of heaven and earth, I shall be the head teacher."
