This Omega is Sweet and Wild

Chapter 94: Ninety four

Chapter Ninety Four

In the next few days, Xiao Yiheng discovered that the eyes of other students in the winter camp looked at him changed. [Popular Tanmei Novels:]

It used to be faint rejection, but now it is a deep curiosity.

Surrounded by those eyes, Xiao Yiheng thought he was some kind of magical rare animal.

Amy, who was bluffing, missed his mouth and told Xiao Yiheng that everyone had found his information on the Internet.

Amy asked: "You study and paint again, do you have forty-eight hours a day?"

Xiao Yiheng: "Of course not. I'm just smarter than the average person, so I can do more with less."

"..." Amy said, "You really owe you that."

In the evening, Xiao Yiheng and Li Cheng called and told him about the winter camp.

Li Cheng laughed and cried: "I really want to see your classmate's expression, it must be wonderful."

Li Cheng thought for a while, and found that he had easily accepted Xiao Yiheng's "Almighty" and did not even think about how Xiao Yiheng could both study and paint, as if he was so good as a matter of course.

Xiao Yiheng asked: "Where are you there, are there any interesting things (fa)?"

Li Cheng: "There are no interesting things, but there are annoying things... I met a white gorilla in the restaurant before!"

Li Cheng murmured badly about the racist athlete for a long time. Xiao Yiheng's expression became more serious as he listened. If it weren't for the distant ocean, he wanted to give Li Cheng a severe lesson to the bastard.

"Recently, when we were doing daily training in the pool, we also saw the bastard. His clothes (tuo) and his (chest xiong) hair were hanging down to his stomach. I looked from a distance and thought they were wearing Australian athletes. It's a one-piece swimming suit!" Li Cheng vomited, "but that **** does have two brushes. I secretly paid attention to his 100-meter performance, and it was actually on par with me!"

Xiao Yiheng teased him: "Why, Brother Li is worried that he can't win him?"

"How is it possible!" Li Cheng was really hit by the aggressive skills. "A challenge that is difficult is interesting. Besides, Lao Tzu is so good at a person, is it possible that even an orangutan who can only paddle is inferior?"

Xiao Yiheng laughed.

The two chatted for a while, Xiao Yiheng told Li Cheng that now Li Cheng has become an Internet celebrity on the short video website, and tens of millions of people have watched Li Cheng's pick-up video.

Li Cheng triumphed: "Of course I know this, my little brother told me a long time ago!"

Li Cheng didn't have time to browse the short video website, but his brothers had time. The brothers downloaded the pick-up videos from all angles and passed them on to Li Cheng. Not to mention, some up hosts are very powerful, adding soundtracks and filters to small videos. After watching Li Cheng, he will be obsessed with his handsome self.

Li Cheng enthusiastically passed those small videos to Xiao Yiheng, so that he could appreciate it a lot. It's best to watch it three times a day. You will dream of it at night.

Xiao Yiheng said, "Even if I don't watch it, I will still dream of you at night."

Li Cheng was curious: "What do you dream of me?"

"I dreamed that you were not wearing clothes—"

Li Cheng was embarrassed: "You, you, you, you, you!"

Xiao Yiheng: "——Be my mannequin."

Li Cheng: "..." He turned into anger, "Don't pant when you speak! And when you are a model, you should be a model. Why do you want to (strong qiang) not to wear clothes?"

The alpha tone is innocent: "Because the mannequins of the Academy of Fine Arts are not wearing clothes."

Li Cheng was shocked: "No clothes at all?"

"The human body is very delicate. If you don't (take off the tuo) clothes, how can you see the texture of the skin and the texture of the muscles?" Xiao Yiheng's tone is extremely serious, "This is art, orange, don't think about it."

How could Li Cheng not think about it? His cheeks are full of anger, and the little sun in the world is mad at the little vinegar in the world.

Although Li Cheng had heard before that art-students must draw luo models, but the thought of Xiao Yiheng staring at someone's (body shen) body for several hours makes him jealous.

He pretended to be generous and asked: "You paint men and women?"

Xiao Yiheng didn't know what he was thinking, and deliberately said, "The one who painted yesterday is a female (sexual) omega."

Li Cheng: "!!!"

Gan, I knew this before. When Xiao Yiheng asked him to be a model before, he shouldn't twitch and wear clothes, he should (take off tuo)! (Off tuo) is good! Xiao Yiheng from the province has to go to see other omegas when he arrives in the capital.

Li Cheng asked sourly, "How are your paintings, are you particularly happy?"

Xiao Yiheng: "Fortunately, it's a bit difficult. The model's skin is too loose and they are all piled together, making the painting very complicated."

"……sagging skin?"

"Yes," Xiao Yiheng looked serious, but the smile at the corner of his mouth betrayed him. "After all, I am a 60-year-old (奶Nai)(奶Nai). I am the first time I have come into contact with a model of this age."

Li Cheng: "..."

Li Cheng yelled with anger, and he finally realized that Xiao Yiheng was playing tricks on him deliberately!

The two talked on the phone with no beginning, no end, and no nutrition. It was not until the door behind Li Cheng was knocked that he reluctantly said goodbye to Xiao Yiheng and then hung up.

Li Cheng hid in the toilet in the room and called Xiao Yiheng. He hid in the toilet for more than half an hour, and the phone was hot. He put away the phone, and then opened the toilet door.

Outside the door, Chen Miao put on a small curly hair and a mask on his face, and curiously said: "Li Cheng, you can finally give it up! I almost thought you were sucked away by the toilet!"

Li Cheng: "Go, go, I'm alive and kicking."

Chen Miao: "Since you are okay, come out as soon as possible. The team doctor and coach will come over for rounds soon."

As Chen Miao said, within a few minutes, there was a loud voice outside the house. Li Cheng opened the door and saw the team doctor and two coaches standing outside their room, holding devices for measuring body temperature and blood pressure in their hands.

This competition is very important. They are going for the country and they must adjust their physical condition. Every night the team doctor will come over to check on their body to make sure that they have no discomfort.

The team doctor took the ear-detection device and "beeped" in Chen Miao and Li Cheng's ears respectively. He looked at the value above, frowning slightly.

"37°2...what's going on, Li Cheng, you have been running a low-grade fever for several days." The team doctor frowned. "I thought you had a low-grade fever caused by unacceptable water and soil when you just arrived abroad, thinking about relying on your own immunity. The strength should be able to go down, no medicine is needed, but if you continue to have a low-grade fever now, the problem is serious."

The team doctor also took out the blood pressure measurement equipment. The values ​​showed that Li Cheng's blood pressure and heart rate were higher than in China. Although it was only a little bit higher, it still needs attention at this time.

Li Cheng said blankly, "But I don't feel any discomfort...neither dizziness nor vomiting or diarrhea. I feel the strength of my whole body and I can walk lightly."

Coach Yu also told the team doctor that Li Cheng has been in very good training condition recently, but it seems that he talks more than usual.

Li Cheng: "Is there? I have a lot of usual words."

The team doctor thought about it: "The inexplicable excitement, the increase in body temperature, the rapid heartbeat... In this way, it should not be sick."

Excessive excitement is not good for athletes. In the competition, you must be tight outside and loose inside. The body needs to be excited, but the emotions must be stable and the mind must be calm in order to achieve better results.

A guess appeared in the team doctor's mind, but out of caution, he did not rush out of this guess. He just drew a little blood from Li Cheng and said that he would take the test away, and the result would come out the next day.

"All right, you can smoke." Li Cheng stretched out his arm calmly. He is in such a good state now, how could he be sick.


Li Cheng did not tell Xiao Yiheng about the blood test, fearing that he would be worried. But at this time, Xiao Yiheng focused on the drawing board, and did not notice Li Cheng's cover.

In this three-week winter camp, the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts arranged hundreds of hours of copying and sketching for the students.

The outdoor sketching will only take place after the snowfall, so for the time being they can only create indoors.

Although the students have different creative directions, some are oil painting, some are Chinese painting, and some are gouache and watercolor, no matter what direction, foundation is essential.

Early that morning, when Xiao Yiheng came to the studio with a drawing board on his back, the teacher announced that he would paint a sculpture today.

It's just that this sculpture is not David, who has been painted thousands of times, but a work created by a well-known sculpture master from the Hua Guo Academy of Fine Arts.

This work is called "Hands", and the theme of the work is a pair of weather-beaten hands. The creative inspiration comes from the story of the famous painter Dürer and his brother in the 15th century: Dürer and his brother both love painting. From ancient times to the present, learning to paint has been an extremely expensive thing. So Durer and his brother tossed a coin, and finally Durer got the chance to go to school, and his brother had to go to the mine to earn tuition for his brother. Later, Dürer returned from school and became famous. He decided to sell his paintings to send his brother to study. However, his brother had swollen joints and injured his fingers due to years of working in the mines, so he couldn't hold a paintbrush to create delicate works... …

The brother used this story as a prototype to create this sculpture "Hand", which won many awards. A collector wanted to spend huge sums of money to buy this work, but the brother donated it to the internal exhibition hall of his alma mater. This winter camp opened, and the teacher specially moved this work to the studio for everyone to paint.

The booth was set up a long time ago. The students moved the drawing board to find their place, took the pen, and started to observe and paint.

Xiao Yiheng looked very carefully.

He knows the background of this work, and he has also seen Dürer's "Praying Hands". The emotions expressed in the two works are the same. These hands, carved from mountains and rocks, are rough but delicate. The knuckles are swollen, the nails are deformed, the fingertips are covered with calluses, the back of the hand is full of layers of scars, and even the blood scabs that have just healed. Both hands stretched upwards, as if holding hope, and as if touching an unreachable dream.

The light falls on this sculpture, creating a very complicated light and shadow. The directing teacher walks around the crowd, directing everyone while walking.

The people around him soon began to write, and Xiao Yiheng was a long time later than everyone before he started to paint.

However, his painting speed was very fast, he quickly took shape and began to portray deeply.

The drawing can be slow or fast. If the speed is fast enough, a sketch can be completed in three hours; if it is meticulously crafted, it is possible to finish a sketch in a few weeks. This time the teacher asked them to slow down as much as possible, to sculpt, research, and explore at the slowest speed, so they sat in front of the sculpture for a whole day.

Early the next morning, Amy woke up early, even ignoring breakfast, and rushed to the studio to continue her painting, vying for the "first place in the morning". I didn't think that when she arrived, there was already another figure in the studio.

Xiao Yiheng sat behind the drawing board, saw Amy coming, and nodded at him, even if he had said hello.

"What time did you arrive in the morning?" Amy looked at her watch and decided that she must try to come earlier than Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng replied: "I didn't leave last night."

Amy: "..." She was shocked, and when she took a closer look, there were some red blood streaks in Xiao Yiheng's eyes, and there were also slight shadows under his eyes. "Please, this is not the final assessment, it's just a daily training. Even if you want to get the final recommended quota, you don't need to work hard from now on?"

Xiao Yiheng did not answer.

She, and everyone in this studio, would not know how much Xiao Yiheng valued the opportunity of this winter camp.

They each drew for a while, during which some students came one after another. In the north of the winter, it’s bright and late, and the winter camp is also late, almost half past eight, and only one-third of the classmates came to the classroom.

At this moment, an unexpected figure appeared outside the classroom-Dean Lin actually came to see them!

Dean Lin is so old that he has long stopped taking students. His existence is more like a "symbol" of the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts. The students never expected that Dean Lin would come to the studio.

Everyone was very excited and hurriedly stood up and greeted Dean Lin. Although Dean Lin was very old, he was very energetic. He wore a three-piece suit and gold-rimmed glasses. His white (color) beard was neat and tidy, and he was very elegant.

Dean Lin walked into the studio, looked at the paintings of the students one by one, and occasionally stopped a painting, briefly commented, and pointed out the students' shortcomings and problems. When he walked in front of Amy's painting, Amy was so excited that her pink (color) hair was about to turn red (color). Dean Lin took a pen and slightly modified her painting in two places. She was just the same. The expression soaring in place, I wish I could frame the painting as a family heirloom.

Dean Lin walked around, and finally, he walked slowly in front of Xiao Yiheng.

The whole class suddenly fell silent. It was rumored that Xiao Yiheng knew Dean Lin’s students and got a letter of recommendation from Dean Lin before entering this winter camp. Dean Lin came to the studio this time. Isn’t it just to see Xiao Yiheng?

If Xiao Yiheng knew what they thought, he would have no choice but to refute the rumors: He did get the letter of recommendation from Dean Lin, but he had never seen Dean Lin from beginning to end. Teacher Qiu Xian told him that Dean Lin just cherished his talent and gave him a chance to enroll in school. As for whether Xiao Yiheng could seize this opportunity in the future, it was Xiao Yiheng's own business, and Dean Lin would not be too much. After all, at this age, Dean Lin has seen too many "genius teenagers", but not all geniuses can become talents, and there is still a large part of them.

Under the gaze of all the students in the class, Dean Lin stopped in front of Xiao Yiheng's painting. He stared at the drawing board quietly, his wise eyes patrolling every line on the drawing, Xiao Yiheng stood aside modestly, waiting for his advice.

Finally, Dean Lin spoke. But he asked a question of irrelevance (gan gan).

"Little classmate, what's your name?" He turned his head to look at the young alpha beside him, with a kind tone.

Xiao Yiheng was taken aback and replied, "Xiao Yiheng."

"Xiao Yiheng?..." Dean Lin recalled for a few seconds, "I remember, you are Qiu Xian's student?"

"Yes, Teacher Qiu is my mentor."

Dean Lin nodded, smiling very kindly: "Yes. You should call her senior sister in the future."

After saying this, Dean Lin raised his hand and patted Xiao Yiheng on the shoulder, and left with a smile.

As soon as Dean Lin left, the studio exploded.

Buzzing here, buzzing over there, the murmurs merged into one, and the center of the discussion was the sentence left by Dean Lin.

Dean Lin's meaning is very clear-he is very optimistic about Xiao Yiheng and thinks he has the ability to enter the Academy of Fine Arts!

Dean Lin stood in front of Xiao Yiheng's painting for so long, without commenting or helping him to change the painting. Is Xiao Yiheng's painting really so perfect?

Amy couldn't restrain her curiosity, and rushed over rashly, rushing directly to Xiao Yiheng: "I want to see your painting!..."

Before she finished speaking, her voice suddenly disappeared.

She stood still in front of the drawing board, staring at the work on the drawing paper blankly, trying to speak countless times, but the words were stuck in her throat, but she couldn't say a word.

If one word is used to describe Xiao Yiheng's works, Amy can only think of two words-"restraint".

They refer to the same sculpture, but it does not mean that the paintings drawn by everyone are exactly the same. Just as there are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand readers, there will also be a thousand Davids under a thousand painters.

Sketching from life is the foundation of the foundation, but in fact, it also belongs to the category of artistic creation, and there is no "absolute" objective realism. Painters have different personal experiences and create different psychological states, so the same things in their eyes will also draw different "shapes".

The sculpture they painted is called "Hand", behind which there is a story of fate making people. If you know this story in advance, you will naturally have different interpretations. When they write down, they will involuntarily substitute for the subjective (color) color.

For example, Amy is very upset for the painter's brother, and feels that he sacrificed himself to make his younger brother, so when she writes, every stroke is very hard, and even unconsciously aggravated the distortion of the hand joints. Her background was painted very dark, and her hands seemed to stretch out from the darkness. The whole painting looks angry and full of resentment at the injustice of fate.

And most of the students in this studio do the same.

However, the emotions reflected in Xiao Yiheng's paintings are the opposite. His paintings are restrained, rational (sexual), restrained, and calm. Facing the tricks of fate, he readily accepts but does not surrender.

Those hands carry an indescribable power. Standing in front of the painting, Amy seemed to really see a pair of hands that have been pierced through hundreds of years of time, stretching out from under the dark mine, bringing a hopeful light.

In artistic creation, basic brushwork and drawing skills are very important, but "expression" is even more important.

Painting skills can be practiced, but the improvement of "expression" is extremely difficult. Some people gradually learn to express as they get older and have more experience; there is another kind of person who naturally knows how to express... and the latter kind of people are collectively called As a "genius".

No wonder. Amy thought, no wonder Dean Lin saw Xiao Yiheng's paintings and concluded that he could study in the Academy of Fine Arts...

Amy murmured, "Xiao Yiheng, the Qiu Xian you mentioned just now, is Dean Lin's student and your teacher?"

"Yes." Xiao Yiheng said, "Ms. Qiu led me to get started."

Amy: "But why have I never heard of Dean Lin having such an amazing student?" He must be a stern and sharp painter who can teach someone like Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng replied: "Mr. Qiu is indeed not well-known in the industry. She is now an art teacher at Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School."

"...Are you kidding??" Amy didn't believe it at all. In her opinion, Xiao Yiheng must be a teacher, and that Qiu Xian must be a well-known painter in the industry. How could he be an ordinary art teacher in a high school?

Xiao Yiheng: "I'm not joking, I didn't start to learn painting until I was in high school."

Amy: "..."

Damn, when she was just learning to walk, she picked up a paintbrush under the supervision of her parents. She was almost as old as she was when she was painting! But this guy Xiao Yiheng has only learned to paint for three years after he has been doing his best? ?

What kind of monster is she classmates with?


Across the ocean. The day of the game is getting closer and there are more and more players from all countries in the dormitory area, and the atmosphere in the team has gradually become more serious from the beginning.

After Li Cheng left the training, the coach Yu called him to his dormitory with a serious face.

In the coach’s dormitory, the team doctor sat at the table with several spread reports in front of him.

Li Cheng was taken aback by the battle. He glanced at the contents of the report. They were all colorful letters and various zigzag lines. He couldn't understand this kind of thing, but the coach and team doctor looked serious. , He realized that this is definitely not good news.

"Coach Yu, what, what's the matter?" Li Cheng swallowed his saliva and stood up straight, "Just say anything, I can bear it."

Coach Yu said, "Li Cheng, the tube of blood you drew yesterday was detected."

When Li Cheng heard it, he went up and down: "I...could it be that I'm really sick?"

Isn't it an incurable disease? He is not yet eighteen years old, he just fell in love, he did not win the world championship, he still has a sister and a duck to take care of! !

"It's worse than being sick." The team doctor said solemnly, "Li Cheng, I have found the reason for your recent low-grade fever and high mood-because you are about to reach adulthood, your craze is ahead of schedule."

Li Cheng: "..."

Li Cheng: "???"

Li Cheng: "!!!"

Are you kidding me, is he the pheromone of the five elements in his life? In the last provincial match, his craze period passed earlier. At that time, it was Xiao Yiheng who bit him and gave him a temporary mark to suppress the craze.

But now he and Xiao Yiheng are tens of thousands of miles apart, he can't let Xiao Yiheng give up the winter camp and fly to Australia for him, right?

The team doctor slowly said: "Now there are several solutions before us. The first and best solution is to let the alpha that was temporarily marked for you fly over and give you another temporary marking. Two The alphas marked this time are all the same person, the pheromone fits perfectly and can better help you."

Li Cheng vetoed it immediately: "This won't work."

Now is the most critical time for Xiao Yiheng, he can't delay him anyway.

Team doctor: "The second way is to find an alpha in the team to help you make a temporary mark. Coach Yu said, usually you and Zhou Jian are very close, it's better to..."

When Li Cheng heard that, the goose bumps were about to rise, what a mess of it all. His name is Li Cheng, and he is not called Li (Hook gou) circle ?C  Move the Poro 牒 oval 芗 Dou Jie Huang Wuya! Eight 懔 play, so pry the file, Chen Hao   umbrella! br/>

"The third way is to give you a short-acting inhibitor directly, but—"

"That's it!" When Li Cheng heard that there was such a simple way, he rolled up his sleeves, "I believe in science and medicine, so I choose this one!"

At this moment, Coach Yu spoke: "Li Cheng, don't you want to hear about the side effects of inhibitors?"