This Omega Kisses Too Fiercely

Chapter 53: kiss too fierce 53

kiss too fierce 53

Master Lu and Mrs. Lu are rarely in the villa. Now the royal family is busy with government affairs and basically always live in the palace. When they received the video call from Luo Xinghe, they were finishing their meeting, and they rarely received calls from Luo Xinghe. Also rare.

"What's the matter, Your Highness, did Youyou cause trouble?"

Luo Xinghe watched the video at the other end of the video, and saw that the background of Patriarch Lu and Mrs. Lu was a beautiful garden. He knew in his heart that this was a certain part of the palace, which made him even more eager to get his things back and become stronger.

Why did Luo Xinghe appear in front of him so arrogantly after taking his things, and wanted to use Song Xi to approach Lu You to hurt his heart.

"Is it convenient for the two of you to talk now?"

"Convenient, there is no one here, and no one will hear it. If your Highness has any orders, just say it." Patriarch Lu leaned on the back of his chair and looked at Luo Xinghe, who seemed a little anxious on his light brain, wondering if his house would stink. What did the kid do to hurt Luo Xinghe's heart?

The last time he and his wife left the house, the two were still arguing, and now I don't know how.

"I want to go back." Luo Xinghe looked at Patriarch Lu on the other side of the screen with determination: "I have decided, I want to go back."

Madam Lu was a little surprised when Luo Xinghe said this: "Did His Highness's birthmark appear?"

"Yeah." Luo Xinghe thought that the birthmark on his lower back was always hot during this time, and he looked at it that day and it really appeared: "It did."

"How did it appear..." Patriarch Lu was a little worried about his son, right? Maybe Luo Xinghe couldn't help but let his son mark it: "Youyou—"

"Youyou didn't mark me, I cut off the gland." Luo Xinghe said: "The birthmark appeared on my own."

"Cut off the gland?!" Madam Lu covered her mouth in shock, her eyes showing a bit of distress: "Why do you do this, silly child."

"Lu You knows that I have dark attributes. He wants me to leave him in this way because he is afraid. It's not because he doesn't like me, but because he likes me, he gave me the opportunity to let me take the initiative to say it, but I didn't say it. I made him sad. Several times I couldn't control my temper and released pheromones to stimulate Lu You. I didn't want to hurt him. I was even more afraid of an accident before Lu You was twenty, so I cut off my own glands. ."

Patriarch Lu never imagined that Luo Xinghe would be so infatuated. It seems that this 100% fit will really make each other fall in love: "Then what's wrong with your current body? Have you let Doctor He see it? He said it would be right. Will you be hurt in the future?"

Luo Xinghe said with a smile: "It's alright, even if Lu You and I don't have the pheromone compatibility, we still like each other, and the pheromone won't be a barrier between us." As he said, his eyelids drooped and his eyes darkened: "Now Someone wanted to move Lu You, I didn't want to go back, I thought that as long as I could let Lu You stay by my side, he forced me."

"His Royal Highness, have you met 'that one'?" Patriarch Lu made a guess when he saw Luo Xinghe's unhappy expression.

"He wants to play 'Luyou Survival Countdown' with me." Luo Xinghe sat on the hanging chair that Luyou personally woven for him. The room is not Luyou's room, it is not big, it is the secret small room next to Luyou's room. , there are a lot of small things in Luyou, and he rubbed his hand on the armrest with a faint expression: "Does he think I don't know anything? I know everything, and he wants to touch my most important person to torture me, thinking that I will retreat? Lu Patriarch, Mrs. Lu, I would like to ask you to do me a favor and give me the opportunity to go to the palace. I will personally take back everything that belongs to me! Only in this way can I protect Lu You, and I will not let people have the opportunity to touch the road. Swim a hair."

Why was he abandoned because of his gender defect, he had to personally ask his biological father, who he had never met, what he thought, and would rather have a child instead of sitting on the throne of the Luo family.

Whether it was because he disliked him for waking up late and disliked him as an Omega or an Omega with a gender defect, then he would have to see how that Luo Xinghe could compare to him.

It depends on whether the Omega with the dark attribute is strong or the Alpha strong.

He pretended to be weak just to get more attention from Lu You. It is unnecessary now. Only by becoming stronger can he protect his beloved from being hurt.

Patriarch Lu heard that someone had threatened his son's life to play some kind of 'Countdown to Survival', his face was ugly, and he was very relieved to hear Luo Xinghe say this.

"Child, we have been waiting for the day when you wake up. The era of tyrant rule should end rather than continue. The Luo family should not continue under such a notoriety, but should start anew in another way. Your father, also It is the current king, he is already ill, we don't know how long it will last, we only know that he is about to start." The head of the family said: "We have known since he brutally killed the innocent queen. This child will never be able to stay in the royal family. The queen has always wanted to change the administrative method like the king, but she can't change it. She hopes that her next generation can be a wise king, but no one would have thought that the king would condone the maid to send you out of the palace or even Changed a child."

"And this child you replace is very ambitious. He clearly knows what he wants, that is, he wants a position above ten thousand people. He tried his best to perform well, and he was indeed loved by the king, but this Not the monarch the country wants to see, this will only discredit the Luo family, and we all hope that the real heir can come back."

"Not long after, the king will personally choose a concubine for this child. It happens to be his birthday, which is actually your birthday. All the Omegas in the official's family are required to attend. This is compulsory, but it is also an opportunity. Your Highness, would you like to? ?"

Birthday? ?

Concubine? ? ?

Luo Xinghe's teeth are itchy, this Luo Xinghe is really too much, sitting in his seat still has the face to use his birthday to choose a concubine? ? ? ?

"There will be a very special competition that day, this kid is very strong, he likes exciting things so much, so there will be a shooting competition, a shooting competition with Omega. You have shown excellent shooting talent since you were young, and this time is a very good one. A good chance to show your face." Patriarch Lu looked at Luo Xinghe and seemed to have something in his eyes: "Accidents are always inevitable, no one can predict it."

Luo Xinghe immediately understood what Patriarch Lu meant and nodded: "I understand."

Isn't it just pretending, as long as he can have a chance to solve that guy's pretending to be anything.

"Then you have to make it clear to Youyou." Mrs. Lu was a little worried: "That is, the two of you have a marriage contract. Although this time to attend the birthday party is just a pretense, but you are worried about misunderstanding. The housekeeper said that the two of you are now reconciled, but Don't be unhappy about this again, you must make it clear, you know?"

Luo Xinghe's eyes were a little sad when he heard the word "marriage": "When we were quarreling before, Youyou told me to cancel the engagement, I said yes."

The head of the Lu family and Mrs. Lu had the same shocked faces: "Didn't you cry and say you won't break the engagement?"

"He said to break up with me, I said yes."

Family Master Lu and Madam Lu looked at Luo Xinghe helplessly: "No, why don't you keep it? Youyou is just a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person."

"He doesn't seem to want to tell me to get back together yet." Luo Xinghe didn't know if he would be persuaded by Lu when he said he was going to participate in Luo Xinghe's concubine election.

After thinking about it, Lu You might not say it, but instead...

play him.

"Then come on." Mrs. Lu clenched her fist and raised her to give him a little encouragement: "We are here to watch for you, then you have to play against each other well, this is worthy of me and the owner, you two can be good We've always been great, and we're just afraid that you two are not good."

Patriarch Lu nodded in agreement: "Before we were all worried that you would hurt Youyou because of the dark attribute, but you said that you cut off the gland and the birthmark appeared, which means that what He Li said may no longer exist. You have overcome the worst possibility. Then lobby Lu well about your ideas, and communicate more to touch your feelings. One person cannot solve the problem."

Luo Xinghe nodded and accepted the teachings of his elders humbly. After hanging up the communication, he sat alone and thought for a long time.

Then his gaze fell to the torn white shirt hanging on the side of the cabinet door.

He secretly made a decision in his heart, this is a good opportunity, an opportunity to let him go back, he should have a good talk with Lu You.

He would assure Lu You that if it were him, he would definitely not choose a concubine.

Because the queen is only a road trip.


In the room at the end of the corridor, the painting style is a bit strange at this time.

For those who didn't have a tea table originally, the housekeeper brought a tea table in to create a tea-drinking atmosphere. Lu You and Song Xi sat on both sides of the tea table and looked at each other face to face.

The butler poured the brewed tea into the exquisite tea cup, and the hot tea was filled with heat and the fragrance of the tea was overflowing.

Lu You put his hand on the table against his chin, tapped the table with his fingertips, and looked boredly at the housekeeper making the tea: "Song Xi, the tea is ready, just say something."

Song Xi touched the medicine in his pocket and his palms were sweating: "When the housekeeper goes out, I want to talk to you alone with Lu Shao, I just want to talk to you."

He wanted to throw the medicine into the tea and let Lu You drink it.

As long as Lu You drinks it, he will be poisoned, then he can be considered to have completed the task given to him by Luo Xing, then there is still hope that he can get what he wants.

Moreover, Luo Xinghe no longer cared about him, the past seemed to not exist, and his love was ignored like this, which made him even more unwilling.

With a ding, the butler put down the teapot and looked at the two with a smile: "Then I'll go out first. If you have anything, you can ring the bell to find me, and Dr. He will also be waiting outside."

Considering that Song Xi had just finished the injection and didn't know what the situation was, Lu You let He Li wait outside, and then nodded: "Well, then you go out, I'll have a chat with Song Xi."

The butler nodded and turned to leave the room.

The moment the door of the room was closed, Song Xi immediately stood up and rushed to the balcony, only to see him grabbing the balcony as he was about to jump off, grabbing the railing and turning his head to look at Lu You with tears in his eyes:

"Young Master Lu, I really like you. As I said, I can jump off the building for you!"

Lu You propped his head up and didn't have time to react when he saw Song Xi repeating his old plan. This time he was smarter and would not be as stupid as before to hunt for people.

So he nodded: "Well, let's jump."

This guy is really sitting on stupid things day by day. Before he was willing to cooperate, it was not to stimulate Luo Xinghe, but now it is unnecessary.

Song Xi: "..." He moved back to the house from the balcony, and he sat back crying and grabbed Lu You's arm, his face full of grievances: "Young Master Lu, do you really not like me?"

His small eyes aimed at the position of Lu You's teacup, he was actually thinking of playing a few rounds with Lu You and then throwing the medicine into the cup without knowing it.

So how do you make it less obvious now?

Lu You withdrew his hand from Song Xi's hand: "I can't accept AO, I'm someone who has a partner, and I respect myself."

"Scumbag." Song Xi retracted his hand and whispered.

Lu You picked up the teacup and took a sip, sat lazily on the back of the chair, and then looked at Song Xi with a very gentle smile:

"Each each other."

He clearly liked Luo Xinghe, but he always wanted to be by his side. At first, it could be said to be revenge, but now he obviously has other goals. Is it that easy to want him to die?

Anyway, he has more time now, he just wants to see what Song Xi wants to do. To be precise, it was the civet cat Luo Xing and what Song Xi wanted to do, and they were brothers, did they know that?


Forbidden love.

The tea seems to be very fragrant.

Song Xi kept staring at Lu You's cup, thinking what to do, the pill in his palm was about to get wet by him: "Young Master Lu, will you give me another chance, I can prove to you that I am I really like you."

Although he knew that this reason was too fake to be fake, but now he had nothing to do but stalking.

"Song Xi, there's no one else here, stop pretending, let's have a heart-to-heart chat." Lu You folded his hands on the table and looked at Song Xi seriously: "What you like is Luo Xinghe, and you are close to me for revenge. I, I tried my best to think of my death, right. But you found that your strength is not enough to kill me. It happened that the one who marked you in estrus that day was Luo Xinghe, the one who is sitting in the position of the heir to the throne now, he Let me tell you, I have a period of estrus, and my period of estrus can stimulate the awakening of the dark attribute in Luo Xinghe. As long as you kill me, the true heir Luo Xinghe will not be able to wake up with the dark attribute, so he will not be able to go back. He is in this position. You can always occupy it, and you, what can you get, right?"

Song Xi didn't expect that Lu You could guess seven, seven or eight, and his eyes were a little flustered. He held the tea cup in front of him with one hand and his fingertips gradually became cold. He lowered his eyes and took a small sip: "...How do you know? "

The hand with the pill hidden under the table also trembled.

How would Luyou know?

Lu You naturally wouldn't say that he was hooked. He was not afraid of the excitement while watching the movie, and he also had another even more exciting secret in his hands.

[Many, these brothers don't know that the other is a real brother, right? 】

【do not know. 】

Lu You hooked his lips interestingly, he picked up the teapot and wanted to pour tea for Song Xi.

Song Xi's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the position of the teapot's spout, and the one that was holding the pills under the table immediately lifted up and held the teapot's spout.

The pill fell into the tea water along the position of the spout.

Dissolved in water in an instant.

"Young Master Lu, I'll come." Song Xi picked up the teapot and filled the teacup in front of Lu You, his hands trembling with excitement when he succeeded in his heart: "Yes, I was indeed marked, but this is not my intention."

Seeing that Song Xi didn't seem to feel any fear of being exposed, Lu You directly told him that he was marked, and muttered in his heart where did the confidence come from, holding the teacup and rubbing his body with suspicion: "So?"

What do you think is weird?

[Lu You, Song Xi poisoned the tea. 】

Road Tour"!"

Looking down at the black tea in the cup dumbfounded, poisoned? Has anyone really been poisoned these days? ? ?

[However, there is nothing wrong with you drinking, the state of suspended animation. With love, I won't die with you. Which time didn't you save you, or you drink it, the following plot may be more exciting. 】

Lu You: […Drink? What if Luo Xinghe was frightened by suspended animation? 】

[It's time to test Luo Xinghe. 】

[This is not good. ] Lu You felt a little uncomfortable thinking that Luo Xinghe might cry half to death.

[Fake death is a good opportunity, a chance to let Luo Xinghe deal with the civet cat in a fit of rage, you will always be the only one who can make Luo Xinghe angry, why don't you try? 】

The road trip is a bit confusing.

[If you drink Song Xi and think you have succeeded, then he will wait more eagerly for your drug to take effect and watch you die. Let him follow him before your meds kick in, and he won't live long. He will definitely turn his head and tell the civet cat Luo Xinghe about this, and the civet cat will definitely take action after that. Aren't you guys still going to play the secret room? If you invite Song Xi to go, a terrible thing will happen in this secret room, and Song Xi will be offline for a long time. 】

【Oh? Won't it happen right away? 】

【Won't. 】

Song Xi looked at the cup of tea in Lu You's hand with anticipation, and his face was still very aggrieved: "I just acted helplessly, do I still have the freedom to choose after being marked as an Omega, not to mention that the object is my fundamental The irresistible alpha, he threatened me to want me to kill you, but how could I have the ability to touch Lu Shao you, I can only stalk you close to you like this."

While talking, he meditated 'drink it, drink it', and after drinking it, he moved closer to the prosperity and wealth he wanted.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu You raised his head and drank the tea, his eyes lit up.

Lu You quickly put the finished teacup back on the table and pushed the teapot to Song Xi: "It's useless to stalk me, have you forgotten, I marked Luo Xinghe long ago, his Birthmarks have appeared a long time ago, and if you want me to die, then you will suffer."

"It's okay to provoke me, but don't provoke Luo Xinghe, the dark Omega will eat people, he is fierce. Oh, by the way, don't you really want to stay by my side right now, then, don't go, these few days Just stay with the Lu family, and I'll see if Luo Xinghe, who threatened you, will come to you."

As he spoke, his smile grew brighter, and he looked at Song Xi with a smile on his chin: "Let's play together."

Song Xi: "..."