This Person is Too Serious

v1 Chapter 30: Emperor Yan!

   Next to the river valley stream, Wu Wei frowned and sat there with his lips pouted, looking at the smiling old man in front of him.

  What the hell? What's the matter? How is this?

  , a little dizzy...

   The contemporary king of Human Domain, leading the Human Domain against half of the gods in the Great Wilderness, is like the Human Emperor who stands in the Southern Wild and is more and more prosperous, just sitting in front of him so casually?

  ‘Would you like to salute? ’

   Wu Wang thought this way in his heart, and then he laughed dumbfounded.

   Be serious, now I can’t hippie smiley.

   This is not only because the old man in front of him is the rumored Yandi Shennong; it is also not only because the other party said that he can cure his own strange disease.

   In fact, there is also a thick from my hometown myths and legends.

   Wu Wang took two steps back, and did the usual way of doing things for the old man who claimed to be the old man Lianshan in front of him.

   "Many boys are rude, don't blame the emperor!"

  Shen Nong shook his head and smiled: "Let's just talk about your strange disease, and ignore the rest for the time being. Do you trust me?"

   "Believe, what can the seniors plot against the kid?"

   Wu Wang smiled and said: "The younger generation also imitated the human domain monk, and gave himself a Taoist name called Wuwang, which means no worries and no worries."

   "Wuju? No disaster?"

  The Shennong clan was immediately happy.

   "Hahaha, your name is really appropriate, this strange disease is really a disaster."

   Wu Wang wondered: "Senior knows the root of this strange disease of juniors?"

   "Also, let me consider how much I can tell you. Some internal information is related to the fate of the human race. It is not convenient to explain to you at this time."

   Shennong groaned a few times and said:

   "Go to the nearby resting place first, and then explain to you slowly."

After    said, Shennong stood up and took Wu Wang's shoulders and took a half step forward.

   The light and shadow around    changed the sky again.

   They are among the rolling mountains, standing in the maple forest halfway up the mountain. There are half red maple leaves everywhere. Birds can be seen circling far away, and there are boundless pines and cypresses farther away.

   The breath is swaying with the wind, the mountain spring falls from the clouds, and there are no people anywhere, and it is a good place for cultivating immortals.

   There is a small cottage not far away, and Shennong’s voice came from the side:

"come on."

   Wu Wang didn't dare to look more at the surrounding scenery, and quickly followed.

   There was the sound of cranes in the distance, and two white cranes spread their wings and flew, hovering on the grass house for a while, dropping the ganoderma lucidum in their mouths, and spreading their wings away.

   There is a small fence yard in front of the Cao Lu.

  Shen Nong walked to the front of the courtyard, shaking the wooden staff in his hand, a strong wind blew, and the stone table and stool piled with fallen leaves under the tree became dust-free.

   "Come, come, sit down."

   Wu Wang did not refuse, but Yiyan sat opposite Shennong, sitting quite upright.

   "Where should I tell you?"

   Shennong's moaning softly, said slowly: "Wuwang, your spirit is not weak, obviously you have cultivated the Kitano Astrology Technique.

   has cultivated the Qian Na Jue again. With the cultivation base of the Qi Gathering Realm, someone secretly opened the door of convenience for you, isolating the feeling of the Star Temple.

   Is your mother the head of the Kitano Seven Days Festival in the last few hundred years? "

   "Yes, my mother's name is Cangxue."

   "Speaking of which, the Star God's control over Kitano has loosened again."

   Shennong muttered to himself, and then smiled: "The Northern Wilds can be so prosperous, and it can be considered as a guarantee for the human blood, which is really good."

  Wu Wang thought a little, and asked, "Senior, is the situation in Human Domain not optimistic?"

   "It's okay, but it suddenly occurred to me that someone was arguing in my ears before, saying that I would gather the Nine wild human races into the human domain, and some people said that the human race is now the best situation in the scattered world."

   Shennong's expression was a bit disgusting, obviously he was annoyed.

   then regained his previous gentle smile, took off his clothes and put it aside, there was still a little stain on his robe.

   does not stick to small sections.

   "They often quarrel with each other on a question, and there is no conclusion for a hundred years and thousands of years; I won't mention this, let's say that you are a strange disease."

   Wu Wang immediately became a bit more energetic.

  Shennong said: "Have you heard of ancient **** wars?"

   "I have heard that Kitano can find documents that most juniors have read."

   "Talking to you is easy," Shennong smiled, "The root cause of your strange disease is that ancient battle of gods."

   Wu Wang frowned and became Chuan.

   What is the principle?

   "Then?" Wu Wang asked tentatively.

   "There is only so much I can tell you now," Shennong Shi Fuxu chuckled.

   Wu Wang almost slapped the table, but after thinking about it, he still feels that he should respect this boss.

   After all, I can't beat it.

   Wu Wang said listlessly, "Thank you, senior."

   Shennong smiled and said: "Don't be sad so quickly, your strange disease originates from the innate gods, but it's not only the innate gods who cursed you.

   I have a method that can help you achieve success in your practice, and it can also free you from the curse of strange diseases.

   But this method is quite precious..."

   "How precious is it?" Wu Wang said hurriedly, "I would like to ask Senior to express it."

   "This method is related to the future of the human domain," Shennong's eyes were somewhat profound, "but as long as you cultivate this method to the ninth level, the strange disease will disappear by itself."



  Wu Jing blinked: "Is there only nine layers of this technique? It is about the inheritance of the human emperor. If you reach the highest level, you can become the next emperor, and you will have the power to fight against the innate gods?"

   "Hahaha, you are really smart enough."

   "Senior, are you really willing to pass this exercise to me?"

   "This," Shennong said, "The doctor is kind, if there is a way to cure your strange disease, you should not hide your own privates, but this is really important...

   How about you say something nice to hear?

   Maybe the old man smiled and gave you this opportunity. "

   sounds good!

   Wu Wang was a little bit dumbfounded, but he quickly calmed down, sitting there and looking at Shennong, but a little picture appeared in his heart.

  【Volunteer Wu Wang! You are the only volunteer to reach the wormhole! The fate of the entire human race is tied to your wrist!

   If you can come back alive, you are the hero, the greatest hero!

   If you do not come back, your contribution will not be forgotten, and will never be forgotten!

   Volunteers who sacrificed before reaching the edge of the wormhole, the meaning of their sacrifice will be given by you! 】


   Wu Wang's expression was a little tired, and he whispered:

   "I am not evading responsibility, nor am I afraid of taking responsibility, can you give me some details, why am I?

   You found me today, it should not be just because of my strange illness.

   If the human race in the great wilderness needs me to stand up, I can stand up, but I must take the initiative to stand up.

   I want to make my own decision, rather than being held hostage by any name. "

  Shen Nong stared at Wu Wang, his smile gradually reduced, and he said with a serious face: "I don't know how you can sharpen your mind in the simple place of Beiye."

   Wu Wang didn't know how to answer for a while.

   Shennong said: "Wuwu, I will ask you, if the human domain is facing the crisis of overthrowing, you can't defeat the powerful enemy at all, are you willing to die?"

  Wu Wang thought for a while and replied: "If the human race is facing the crisis of overthrowing, instead of just referring to the human race human race, I will die."

   "Yes, here is the opportunity, it depends on whether you can grasp it."

   A flame flew out of Shennong's sleeves, and the flames gathered but did not disperse, and condensed into a wooden sign in front of Wu Wang.

The wooden sign is generally in the shape of a trapezoid with a wide top and a narrow bottom. In the center is a light white flame that is constantly jumping. There are complicated runes carved on the left and right. These runes seem to have evolved from hieroglyphs, but Wu Wang is completely unaware of its meaning. .

   The wooden sign rotates slowly, and the huge character "yan" on the back reveals its traces.

  Wu Wang tried to reach out and touch it, but a group of flames appeared above the wooden sign and floated into the air.

  "This is the order of Emperor Yan.

   has a period of one month. If you can get its recognition, you are the owner of the Yandi Order.

   contains the first Taoist classics in the human domain. This is the only way to explain your strange illness! "

   In Wu Wang's eyes, two hot flames lit up.

   didn't notice the big guy in front of him at all, with the subtle arc of smile at the corner of his mouth.

   Two hours later.

   Dang, Dang!

   In the forest on the north side of the Grass Cottage, Wu Wei wore a short shirt, trousers, and leather boots. His long hair was simply tied behind his head, sweating profusely, swinging a stone axe, and cutting the towering giant tree in front of him.

   Behind Wu Wang, the Emperor Yan made it float quietly, and the flame on it jumped slightly.

  The first test of Emperor Yan's order to recognize the Lord!

  【Strong physique is the basic quality of the heir to the Emperor, he does not rely on praying for astrology and practicing mana, cut down a hundred trees here, and carry the logs back to the grass house. 】

   Fight strength, fight physical strength, Kitano man is not afraid!

   Wu Wang carried an axe and went up to the mountain. He claimed to be the cultivation base of praying for the stars and gathering energy, choosing the thickest woods and cutting down the tallest giant trees!

   This is the dignity of Cangshan men, the face of their bear clan, how can he, the young master, be ashamed in front of the king of the human domain?

   So Wu Wang worked hard to cut the wood for half an hour.

   "Ha, ha...much."

   Wu Wang helped cut a half of the tree trunk, raised his head and took a sip of the spring water that was just returned. After breathing for a while, his whole body was soaked with sweat.

   Forget it, he is a long-range spellcasting mage, and he can't force the physique of warriors.

   I can’t use my breath, I’ve never exercised myself, and I’m not able to use the star-praying technique. I choose the thickest giant wood, and I can’t finish my first mission in a month.

   retreat and seek the second place, retreat and seek the second place.

  Wu Wang carried the axe, dragged two corrected logs, and drove slowly towards the next forest.

   half a day later;

  , it's not impossible to be finer.

   two days later;

  It’s not easy for a tree to live for a thousand years. Go and cut down the ones that are less than a hundred years old.

   Seven days later.

Wu Wang paralyzed sitting next to the Cao Lu, watching the empty Cao Lu and the unseen Yan Emperor Shennong, taking the pill in front of him, a fiery breath suddenly appeared in his body, as if it was not useful. Finished strength.

this is……

  ‘Sure enough, seniors think that I am more focused on spiritual practice, and physical fitness is a weakness. ’

   Thank you senior!

  Wu Wang said to the empty Cao Lu, Yan Di Ling trembling slightly behind him, words appeared in Wu Wang's heart, and the second test had come!

  【Building a house, people can withstand wind, frost, rain and snow in weak hours.

   Please use these woods, do not use the astrology, and build a building that you are most satisfied with as soon as possible. 】

   This level seems to be just letting myself build a building, but it actually hides the test of my aesthetic and overall planning ability.

  Senior Shennong's shot was really extraordinary.

   Wu Wang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and a wooden hall slowly appeared in his heart.

   opened his eyes and looked at the piled logs in front of him. With a roar, he tore off his blouse and rushed up with a big axe.

   show up!

   Aoki Shrine Shrinked Version!

   So, another half a month later.

   A ten-foot-high hall rises from the forest. The hall is blue in color and is divided into three floors. Although there are no flying eaves and carved dragons, the gleaming wood attribute treasure mine on the top layer is particularly conspicuous.

  Wu Wang could not help tears in his eyes while standing in this beautifully polished building.

   Did you make this yourself?

   Thank you for the test arranged by the predecessor for giving him such a chance to re-recognize himself.

   It turns out that being a carpenter also has endless happiness...

   hum! Hum!

   The Yan Emperor Ling trembled slightly, and the third test still appeared in Wu Wang's heart.

  【Water, the source of life, human races lived by water in their early years and migrated with water.

   Please dig a stream to lead the clear spring on the top of the mountain and flow past the building you built. 】

   Wu Wang shook his arm, gave a low growl, and rushed towards the forest with his axe.

   Three days later, there was an extra stream behind Mudian.

   Two days later, the woodland not far from the wooden temple was reclaimed, and there was a large medicinal garden. Wu Wang, who was now almost perfectly integrated with this place, planted seedlings in the medicinal garden with a wooden basket on his back.

   Two days later... and two days later...

   There is an elegant garden halfway up the mountain.

   Finally, Shennong walked slowly with a long stick, looked at the ingenious decorations everywhere, and nodded in satisfaction.

  Wu Wang also received the last test of Yan Di's order.

  【Migration is often due to avoiding irresistible disasters.

   Please move the things in the original wooden house to the main hall, arrange them carefully, and realize the difficulty of human migration in ancient times. 】

   Wu Wang laughed a few times. Like a whirlwind, he ran back and forth between the original wooden house and the Aoki Hall, and soon carried the wooden boxes and cabinets over.

   And when he finished placing the last wooden box, Yan Diling, who had been floating behind him, slowly landed on Wu Wang's palm.

   The flame on it converged on its own, the warm breath penetrated into his palm, and a formula slowly emerged in his heart.

this is!

   Wu Wang sighed slightly, holding this token, his mind couldn't calm down for a long time.

He did it!

  I came to Dahuang, do I have to shoulder such a difficult task?

  Ah, the happy career of the young master will be gone forever from today...

   Click, click!

   Wu Wangxun looked at it, but it was the last wooden box he had just moved.

It may be due to the age too old, and when I put it down just now, when I put it down, the wooden strips on the side of the wooden box collapsed on their own. Submerged.

   Why are these wooden signs so familiar... familiar...

  Wu Wang looked down at the wooden signs on the ground, at those very familiar runes, at those dragons and phoenix-like flame characters, and at the strange texture that is hard to define at a glance...

   held one and picked up one, he could feel the warm breath dig into his palm, and the formula he had just obtained reappeared in his heart.

   The gate of the hall came out, and Emperor Shennong Yan, who was coming with his staff, silently retracted the soles of his feet.

   "Predecessors, seniors."

  Wu Wang's voice was like a cold wind in nine loneliness, and the black line on his forehead permeated everywhere, engulfing the corners of the temple, the lowered head was slightly lifted, and a sharp red glow appeared under his eyes.

   Wu Wang wailed and rushed out with a big axe he had already used.

   The barefooted old man turned his head and ran, holding a wooden stick in the passing spot, a field of asakusa wildflowers appeared, and the forest filled with laughter of the old man and the roar of the young man.

   "Oh ha ha ha ha ~ disrespect to the emperor is a big crime!"

   "You must not be insulted! The Kitano tribe is not under your control!"

   "You have to be reasonable, young man, hahaha! You are not very happy in this process! The old man just wanted to build a pill room here. Who knows that you are so tyrannical that you can build a hall without any strength."

   "You return my dream of saving the world! How determined I am to take the Yandi order!"

   "Hahahaha! Can be made, can be made, the old man suddenly wants to train you!"

   "No need! I don't need it! Young people's dreams are the most precious!"

   That day, Wu Wang accomplished a feat that the emperor had never done before, holding a sword and chasing the contemporary emperor across the mountains and plains, from dusk to the starry night.