This Person is Too Serious

v1 Chapter 31: The suggestion is changed to: every oppo

   The day is about to dawn, and Wu Wei sits cross-legged on a wooden platform facing the eastern sky halfway up the mountain.

   The Yan Emperor Ling floating behind him slowly rotates, and the aura in his body is constantly rotating in a strange route. Every time the week turns, Wu Wang's aura will thicken slightly.

   There is no way, the foundation of spiritual practice is too weak.

   This set of exercises has no name. When he asked Senior Shennong, the senior asked him to name him anything. It didn't matter if he called him Burning Heaven, Mietian, Slaughtering God, or Killing Dogs. Anyway, this exercise can only be learned through the Yan Emperor's Decree.

   Originally, Wu Wang thought he was the only one...

   I get angry when I talk about it!

   Hearing the word ‘Shen Nong’, Wu Wang’s heart began to show respect, so much so that he was fooled into free labor.

   Want a beautiful big house, can you just say no? Is it difficult to tell yourself directly?

   I have to toss him in this way, and he is not allowed to use the star-praying technique, and he is not allowed to use the meagre mana of the Qi Gathering Realm!

   is right now.

   squeak —

   The window on the third floor of the wooden hall opened. An old man stretched his waist, yawned, opened his dim sleepy eyes, and muttered in his mouth:

   "Oh, that's great, this house built by hand without much effort is really good."

   Wu Wang's forehead instantly bounced with blue veins.

   If it weren't for this old guy, I just called out yesterday to take care of my mother, and then I started Xingyi and rushed forward!

   A patch of orange appeared in the east sky, and the frame of the Goddess of Sun was ready to go out with the sun and stars.

   Wu Wang immediately regained his spirit, facing the sunrise in the east, quietly running the Yan Di Jue, drawing on the power of the first ray of fire between heaven and earth.

   Next to the window of the wooden temple, Shennong stared at Wu Wang's figure with a smile, but he murmured:

   "The little guy has a good savvy, and he adjusted the trajectory of the week so quickly."

  As soon as the words fell, Wu Wang suddenly screamed, and the whole person jumped up, his hands kept tapping the flame on his butt.

   And the futon he was sitting on has burned into a fireball at this moment.

   Shennong laughed at Fuxu.

   Wu Wang stared at Shennong, and just wanted to ask if there was a problem with the formula, but suddenly he noticed something unusual in his body, he lowered his head and glanced down, and immediately bowed and turned around and hurriedly ran to the distance.

   Shennong's voice floated from behind: "The young man is so angry."

  Wu Wang turned his head and shouted, "Aren't you a young man when you just started practicing this technique!"

   Shennong’s calm voice floated: "The old man has cultivated as a heavenly immortal at a hundred years old, and he can be re-transmitted to the throne of the emperor of the previous generation. When he first practiced this method, he directly entered the eighth heaven, and he was very calm."

   Wu Wang blinked, stopped running, and a small light bulb lit up behind his head.

   "The ordinary life of the human race is four to five hundred years old, one hundred years old or young and strong...Ah, predecessor, are you miserable when you are one hundred years old?"

Um? Why is there no movement?

   Wu Wang turned his head and glanced at the location of the wooden hall, and suddenly saw a dark cloud slowly drifting, and the thunder interlaced within it, which contained extremely strong Muhua power.


   A flash of lightning struck straight, Wu Wei raised his foot and dodged enough to escape, turning his head and staring at the hole that was smashed into the ground, and his whole body was swallowed by the black thread.

   Can't afford to play? Just ask if you can't afford it! ?

   Wu Wang grinned at the wooden house, rolled his eyes, turned and ran towards the densely wooded place.

   Black clouds are chasing away!

   For a time, a cheerful thunder and lightning melody sounded in the forest. At that time, the high-pitched and sometimes broken tenor reverberated in the mountains and valleys for a long time.


no! Can't be so passive forever!

   To take the initiative, to take revenge!

   He Wu Wang was born in the Kitano clan. According to Kitano's tradition, it is [the sky is big and the earth is big, no one is afraid, the wife shouts and goes home immediately], the Kitano clan, no one accepts it.

  Furthermore, Shennong is so old, and he never heard him say that he has a daughter. The probability of becoming his future father-in-law is too small.

  What are you afraid of?

   What are you afraid of?

  He is the human emperor, we are still the young master of the Kitano clan! The Human Sovereign of Human Domain is equivalent to Kitano's co-owner, and their two statuses are also three or four ranks behind.

   Rounding is almost the same!

  —Although it is actually not possible to say that.

   declare war, he wants to directly declare war on the contemporary emperor!

   By the side of the small river, Wu Wang wore a tattered short shirt and shorts against a black-smoked chicken coop, and his charcoal-filled face showed a cruel grin.


   "Senior Shennong, do you know the difference between the ice made by the star-praying technique and the ice made by itself?"

   "Oh? The old man has never studied praying for the stars."

   "This is a herbal tea specially offered by Kitano to fight the fire."

Wu Wang brought two cups of herbal tea floating with square ice cubes to the old predecessor cautiously: "This is the recipe for Baihuo tea you taught me yesterday. I used Kitano's method to make it. You can taste the difference between the two ice cubes. ?"

   Shennong smiled, carefully observed the ice cubes, and then looked at the tea, and found that there was nothing unusual, and then smiled and nodded, took a sip of each, and tasted it carefully.

   Soon, he smiled and said: "This cup is sweeter, this cup is more pure."

   Wu Wang blinked, and smiled: "Can you tell which cup of ice is made with astrology?"

   "Is this an examination of the old man? Ha ha, let the old man try again."

  Shen Nong took two serious sips, closed his eyes and concentrating on the table, and he tapped his fingers on the table, and smiled: "You can't trouble me. The slightly sweeter cup should be made of ice cubes made by praying for the stars.

Um? What are you going to do by the window? "

   "Ah," Wu Wang said with a smile, "Actually, the ice cubes in the two cups are made with the astrology technique. You guessed it wrong, Senior."

   "It doesn't matter what do you try for the old man?"

   "The water for making tea," Wu Wang said solemnly, "The sweet cup is collected dew, and the salty cup is ordinary spring water."

   Shennong couldn't help showing a little smile, took the cup of sweet tea and drank a few sips, and smiled: "Oh? You are interested, so what are you going to give back?"

   Wu Wang whispered: "Don't you ask where the dew was collected?"

   Shennong's old face turned dark, Wu Wang jumped out of the window with a whistle, opened his star wings and flew towards the sky, let out a burst of presumptuous laughter.

   "It's on the tiles of the Houshan latrine! Don't worry, you are old! Absolutely clean! Hahaha!"

   "Asshole! You bastard! Come back to the old man!"

   A roar of the emperor came from the wooden hall, and the old man jumped out of the window with his wooden staff, leaving behind a trail of shadows to chase away, causing Wu Wang's laughter to abruptly stop.

   Again, a few days later.

  Wu Wang was meditating in the mountain, and Shennong walked slowly with a wooden staff.

   "Wuwang, the old man sees that your exercises are fast and diligent, but there are still some shortcomings. Here is a practice trick, do you want to learn it?"

   Wu blinked his eyes and said with a serious face: "Senior, practice should be steady and steady, and you should not be greedy for advancement. The shortcut to practice seems to be a shortcut, but in fact it is only a short-term shortcut."

   "Don't worry, this is not a shortcut, but a trick passed down by Senior Fuxi."

   Shennong said slowly: "Although the old man likes to make jokes with you at ordinary times, this kind of cultivation will not deceive you. After all, you also have a hope for the future of the human domain."

   "Could you ask how many hopes you have given out now?"

   "Probably a few hundred copies."

   "Then I can rest assured," Wu Wang said with a smile, "Then I'm not in a hurry, just practice slowly."

   Shennong's eyes showed a bit of sentimentality, he raised his head more than ten degrees, and said slowly: "Except for you, all have died."

   Wu Wang couldn't help but startled.


   "There are many reasons. In the final analysis, they can't stand the emperor's fate," Shennong sighed. "This is what I worry about the most. The emperor sets down layers of shackles, and the successor to the emperor has always been a problem.

   After all, like an old man, it is too difficult to find someone who is fortunate enough to build a foundation at the age of ten, a golden pill at fifteen, an immortal at thirty, a celestial celestial being at a hundred, and who took the time to compile the "Hundred Herbs". "

   Wu Wang:...

   I always feel that I am defeated, in a tone that can be pretended in a sad context.

   High or you are high.

   "What's the trick?"

   "Come on, take these two pills specially refined for you by Old Fu, and then use this formula."

   Such and such, such and such.

   After a while, Wu Wang appeared crimson all over his body, his breath was rapidly condensing, and extremely pure, but he was a little restless, and subconsciously covered his waist with a robe.

   Shennong's said slowly:

  "The method of refining and refining Qi is not only the initial foundation of practice, but also the key to such a trick.

Your body’s yang energy is stimulated at this time. It’s a good time to increase your cultivation level. Don’t worry, even if you can’t refine so much yang energy, you can find a woman’s palms against each other and run the mantra taught by the old man at the same time. Reconciling yin and yang is mutually beneficial.

  Oh, oh, I suddenly forgot that you can't contact women because of the illness. It seems that I can only suffer a little bit. "

   Wu Wang was sweating profusely, gritted his teeth, but immediately took a deep breath, and started to run the Yan Di Jue frantically.

  The Shennong clan drifted away, and put a pill on Wu Wang's back, and said: "If you can't help it, take this pill. If you can hold it back, you will refine the essence. This is considered the benefit of the boy's cultivation of this method."

   The old face is full of cheerful smiles.

   That day, Wu Wang entered the second stage of Yan Di Jue.

   In the three months after that, this quiet mountainous and old forest started one after another, where both strategy and wisdom were contested.


   "Isn't the young master coming back?"

   On the big ship heading south, that shadow leaned against the bow, quietly looking at the sea and the sky.

   From time to time, a fuzzy spiritual butterfly appeared around her. When the spiritual energy floating on the sea passed by here, it would also whirl around her, actively sending in some pure spiritual power.

   Not far away, the old man Zuodong was full of emotion.

   Just, it’s that simple to condense the peak of the Dan realm, and soon form a golden core, and the understanding of the golden core is full, the probability of success is almost 100%...?

  Who was the old man that day?

   One pill will make the apprentice who has been reborn once again, reborn once again!

"Little Lord…"

   Lin Su called out softly, his eyes full of determination.

  ‘I will definitely cultivate into Golden Core and Nascent Soul early, and I will rush over to serve as soon as I hear the reputation of the young master in the human domain. ’

   "Su Qing, you don't have to worry," Zuo Dong said warmly, "Little Wuwang has a deep background and extraordinary aptitude. The old predecessor must have fallen in love with him, accepting him as a disciple, and teaching mysterious techniques.

   At this time, he should be practicing happily in some deep mountain old forest, so don't worry about it. "

   "Well, the young master, he has always been liked by old people, and he will definitely get along with that senior man happily."

   Lin Su said this lightly, then turned and floated to his cabin.

   Enlightenment, practice!


   some day.

  Wu Wang was facing the scorching sun, topless, carrying a square boulder, and riding a horse on the edge of a clear pool with two shining sharp blades under him.

   There was a cloud of mist floating in the air. The mist would condense into an air hammer irregularly, hitting the boulder from time to time, shaking Wu Wang's legs trembling.

   After months of tossing, Wu Wang is indeed a little stronger than when he left Beiye.

   If Xiong Han could see such a situation, he might be excited to tears.

   An old predecessor sits by a water pool not far away, rolls up his pants, soaks his feet in the cool spring water, and floats in front of a wooden bucket with a few fruits inside.

   In a leisurely afternoon, it is time to eat melons, drink tea, toss young people and have fun.

   "It's almost a rest," Shennong said warmly, "Haste is not enough, and physical exercise is not a day's work."

   The cloud and mist dissipated.

   Wu Mao grinned and took two steps forward steadily while holding the big rock. Only then did he place the rock steadily in the pool and exhale gently.

   He untied his clothes and threw himself into the pool. He jumped to the shore after he had enough toss. He wore a big flowered shorts, showing off his young and strong body wantonly, and sat down honestly beside Shennong.

   "Senior, I think it makes no sense for us to hurt each other like this."

   "Aren't you happy?"

   "It's mainly against your tall image," Wu Wang laughed, "In this way, we each show some sincerity first. You can't eat this fruit."

   After finishing speaking, he broke the green fruit beside Shennong's hand, revealing the small fishbone hidden in it.

   Shennong smiled calmly, and took out the telescopic bamboo joints under the two sharp blades when Wu Wang was struggling just now.

   Wu Wang coughed, bowed his head and fiddled for a while, and took away the water spray mechanism in the wooden barrel and the small green water sac.

  The corners of Shennong’s mouth twitched slightly, and he removed the Itchy Dan under Wu Wei’s buttocks...

   Then the young and old looked at each other and smiled, each showing a relieved look, and got up and moved a few feet to the side before re-seating.

   "Senior, is it easy to be an emperor?"

   Wu Wang asked wonderingly, "Senior, you seem to have been teaching me to practice here recently."

"Things are left to the subordinates, and only needs to make some decisions that affect the entire human domain," Shennong sighed. It is to offset the pressure of the gods on the human domain.

   Therefore, the emperor must be strong enough. "

   Wu Wang asked again: "The emperor has imposed a lot of restrictions on the emperor?"

  Shen Nong said slowly: "Yes, Emperor Zhang did not dare to appear in the human domain, but he could use the avenue. His subordinates were in charge of the life of all souls and put the life of the human race on the shackles."

   "Can God live forever?"

   "Born with the Tao, and die by itself."

  Wu Wang thought for a while, nodded slightly, and then asked, "When can I practice here?"

   "Wait for you to condense the pill state, the cultivation technique reaches the third level," Shennong looked at the Yandi order floating behind Wu Wang, "At that time, this thing will enter your body and accompany you.

   It has many magical uses, and it can also protect your soul from death once. "

   Wu Wang scratched his head: "Isn't that fast?"

"It's coming soon," Shennong smiled, "You should do something for the human race after taking advantage of the human emperor's benefits. Later, I will send you directly to a wonderful country in West Wild, where you will be very joy."


   "Women's country, not far from here."

   Shennong gave the answer directly: "A rebellion is about to occur in the women's country, and the environment is also a bit special. Go and take a look. If you don't want to make a move, don't make it.

   If you want to make a move, use your celestial prayer to help them.

   The decision is entirely up to you, I just send you there, if you feel upset, you can fly away. "

   "Isn't this a weird trial?"

   Wu Wang muttered: "I am not interested in your trials that can refine people to death."

   Shennong raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Refining dead people? How do you say this?"