This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 102: Revenge of Reginald Windsor

In the carriage, Baili broke the contract and Archie has completely transformed into a fan sister.

"So, as long as we appear in the storm capital city, wherever it is hot, the media will never let go of this kind of news that increases exposure and a large number of topical topics. The reason for turning around in the city is to wait for influential big media Arrived, after all, big media are more powerful and can help us more. "

So why not bird those wild paparazzi? Amazing!

"Then it was reasonable to reveal our mission, arouse the curiosity of the reporter, and accidentally point out who we were looking for ... If you were a member of the big media, what would you do? Of course it was an exclusive buyout, right? If you want to broadcast exclusively, you must exclude others? Naturally, you will be very attentive! And the name of the Duke has been heard by many people. For the sake of speed, what do you say he can do besides a carriage? "

Playing tricks! Nothing more!

"But it is not up to us to decide whether he can enter the Duke's Palace in the end ~~~~~"

Vicious heart! But brother likes it ~


In the end, the handsome reporter of "The Empire" regretted that he was stopped outside the Duke's Palace ... sorry for the P, obviously all counted, the guards checked the customs documents, and the names of the two girls were written on it! As for other civilian civilian players? Can only say where the sound rolls back and where ...

Is said to be the Duke's Palace, and it should be called the Duke's Castle! As an aristocrat of the imperial nobility, naturally there is a huge enclave, and it is a matter of course to manage the enclave and own its own city-state.

After explaining the intention, the two sisters were quickly met. A bad old man lying on the sofa, occasionally picking up a wine bottle and filling it, it is hard to believe that he is the famous Duke of the World.

"Hello Duke Reginald Windsor."

The Duke waved his hands impatiently: "Gossip without saying anything, let's be practical!"

Rub Le, it's not the same to benefit!

"Please read the documents ..." The butler took the letter and bowed to the Duke, but before waiting for the other party to open it for a closer look, Lord Lin Lin Meng again said, "Of course it is all nonsense, the actual plan is completely different ..."

Then Master Lin Linmeng concealed all the original plans and plans without concealment: "The above is the actual policy, so the real force against pirates can only be provided by Lord Duke!"

Duke Reginald Windsor threw away the wine bottle and stood up hard. Although his body was drunk a little all year round, his eyes were surprisingly bright.

"Meaning that the black dragon is the source of all evils?"


"My son probably died in the hands of the black dragon?"

"Yes! I don't think the pirate's light ship has the power to rob your son's giant ship!"

"Ha ha ha ha !!!" Lord Duke gave a hearty laugh, and kept laughing, bursting into tears, "My son was defeated in the battle with the evil dragon! Isn't it a pirate who died! Let me just say With the practice of Lao Tzu for many years, how could he lose to the weak pirate! Ha ha ha ~~ See which silly X will dare to laugh at me in the future, and see that I will not beat him to find his teeth! "

"Little girl, you just said that you have two choices, punish the bandits to cure the symptoms, and kill the dragon to cure the roots? Lao Tzu is most afraid of trouble, not to mention that this hatred always needs to be understood, just slaughter the dragon directly! Show your sincerity! "

"But Lord Duke, all our ships are in the hands of the faction that enshrines the Black Dragon, and your country will never let the forces of the Alliance of Exiles go ashore?"

"Don't worry about it, just convene the manpower!" Said to walk to the window, pointing to the courtyard ... No, the large teleportation array in the square-like courtyard, "The Duke is qualified to have a private large teleportation array, The coordinates will be given to you. After we go back, we will establish a connection and transfer the troops directly. Note that it must be elite, and the total number should be controlled under 500 people. Ordinary soldiers are useless to kill the dragon, and the transmission of more than 500 people in a short time will cause the Empire Attention. "

"Since the Duke has figured out a way, we will naturally do our best!"

"Well--although you also have your own purpose, after all, you are also helping to revenge Lao Tzu, and you will be rewarded with a lot of rewards afterwards! Retreat and remember as soon as possible! Lao Tzu ’s blood will not burn for too long." After that, the Duke Looking up at the window, no longer ignore everyone.

‘You accepted the epic mission“ Shame for the Son, ”and Duke Reginald Windsor needs you to help him get the Black Dragon ’s head. ’


On the way back to the storm capital city, Baili broke the contract and Archie fondly stared at the dirty forest Mengzhu, eyes full of capitalized words of "service"! Not only did Flicker reach the troop strength, Flicker made the Duke personally play, but also Flicker made an epic mission? Taking the service and conquering, Master Lin Meng's vigorously advancing the task progress is simply to find death. She is completely unaware of the power of the Black Dragon. At that time, the half-dead dragon mother, the fused Prince Slime and the Snowman luckily won! The high-ranking Duke must know, but he will fight for the 1% chance of killing the enemy!

Fortunately, there was a brother.

The merchant ship returning to the mainland of China still needs 1 hour to set off. The two girls went off the line to rest. Archie took the opportunity to rush back to the Duke's Palace.

"Master Duke, I will mobilize the whole village to assist this dragon slaughter, hoping to arrange two more transport ships. There is nothing more than keeping it secret for me!"

"Magic Slime!" The Duke thought about it, "Tell me, why do you want to kill the dragon so badly?"

"Because the dragon is there!" Nonsense, experience, prestige, artifacts, dragons are all highly productive, of course, you have to fight for it.

"Good talk! Hahahaha--" The Duke laughed again, but this time it was obviously very happy, "Interesting, really interesting! History is always amazingly similar! Lao Tzu meets your requirements!"

After receiving the Duke ’s approval, Archie can finally use the teleport array in the courtyard ~ ~ Enter the coordinates of Slime Village, and then establish a temporary connection between the two teleport arrays through the request through the village management interface. In the village, find the Wright sacrifice just returned from the copy.

Wright's mourning tears and whirling cry to Archie: "Village chief! Can you not send me to clean the dark church? Really the milk will not move!" The tentacle of the staff was shaking again.

"No problem, there are more important things, help me to open this slime fusion crystal!"

"Hehehe ... no ... question ... question ..." Wright sacrificed the crystal and even twitched the corners of his mouth ... The opening operation was much simpler, and he didn't need to run around, just need to brush 10,000 pieces of fusion crystal Healing surgery is enough ... Last time I tried hard to catch up with the progress and also brushed for 24 hours. This time, would I tell the village head that it takes 48 hours?

"24 hours, right? As soon as the time is up, the light must be turned on, use it urgently!"

Happens, rhubarb also walked out of the teleportation array.

"Rhubarb, suspend the copy brushing business, notify the villagers that there will be a secret operation in the near future, and be ready at any time!"

Then found several human brothers.

"Wang Bajian, Tang Chongyang ..., now you are destined to be an official member of the Slime Village Guard, the Slime Village will have a big operation, and the defense force will be greatly weakened. Long disappointment! "

Finally, by the way, ten bows and arrows were selected from the warehouse in the village, and the long-range strikes in naval battles are well prepared! As for where the weapons come from? Teleportation fee for players to go to the light and dark church!

Fixed quickly, Archie returned to the Duke's Palace, and took the carriage arranged by the Duke to the port ... 18 minutes away, 20 minutes away from the boat, should be within time ...