This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 109: Black Dragon being drugged

"The port chief Ye Lei Shifa was so horrible!" Archie had a new understanding of the horror of the NPC. It was only a few tens of seconds. The soldiers brought by Frant were all coronaded, and now Hifah stepped down on Frant's chest and looked down, his full bow could be shot at any time.

"Oh, I really deserve to be the genius of my family once in a thousand years! I can't think that the strength has reached such a point!" Although he was stepped on the ground and rubbed, Frant did not see the decadence of failure. "Since you are so powerful, why not fight desperately? Why don't you lead us? Why do you want to help?"

"Stupid! What is the use of my personal power? Can it be stronger than the Black Dragon? You are also the first group of elves who came to this continent. Have you forgotten how much loss we have paid against the Black Dragon? How many tribes are meaningless? Fall under the dragon claws! "

"No! Meaningful! Their death makes sense!"

"Do n’t lie to yourself! Even the Black Dragons are the Slimes. What have we done? You know, in order to save your sister, you used to be as fanatical as you think that if you keep fighting, you will win one day. Black Dragon ... But I was wrong ... This just keeps the clan dead! "

"It is better to die than to die in fear!"

"No one wants to die except you! And we are not waiting for death ... After nearly a hundred years of hard work, the Dark Elves finally have a population of nearly 10,000 people, and all the people are soldiers. The overall strength has more than doubled! As long as they continue to be strong Go on, continue to multiply, and one day you will get rid of all control ... It's a pity! Everything is ruined by you! "The tears in Shifa's eyes couldn't stop flowing," My sister ... you killed her ... "

"I am willing to pay my life! Anyway, the shackles of the black dragon's **** to us have been broken, and the fire of resistance has been ignited!"

"Fate for life? You can't live up to her hundred lives! All of our lives can't live up to her!" Shifa was said to point G, and broke out again in an instant, "Do you know why we are exiled? Because sister She is the second god-given queen of the elven race! Do you know her god-given talents? 'Spirit'! Can increase the fertility and the talents of future generations of tribes that she recognizes and protects! "

"What !!" Frant panicked, "Is the reason for the explosive growth of our tribal population ..."

"Yes! It's my sister's blessing! With this ability against the sky, the elves only need a few generations to rise! If you stay in the storm empire, what do you think the human race and other big clans will do?"

"Assassination ..."

"Yes! Paper cannot cover the fire. When the secret of the clan queen is about to be exposed, she can only exile us to protect my sister! And hope that we can stand on the top of this new continent and change all elves. Fate! And you ... you ... ruin everything !!! "

"No! It's impossible! You're lying to me !!!" Frant was desperate and thought he was a hero once, but became a sinner of the entire elven clan. "Yes, you liar! You have completely turned to the Black Dragon , In the past few days, I also shipped several ships of Shadow Fragments to restore strength to the Black Dragon! "

"Shadow Shards have all moved their hands and feet, otherwise you think the dark energy overflowing in the Black Dragon Island comes from? The Black Dragon will put so much energy without absorbing it and dissipate with it?"

"Liar! You will definitely be executed by the Black Dragon if you do this! The Black Dragon will avenge the tribe ... Yes, you are acting! It must be!"

"Ignorance, what is the fear of death? The Black Dragon has important things that still need to be handled by our elven clan. The anger will only come within a limited range. At most, I will be executed by the mastermind, and it will not affect the clan!" Squinting slightly, the bow of the winding was pulled a bit further.

Frant was completely beaten and shouted: "No! Isn't there two black dragons? What's the use of controlling one injury? The other one! Where? I can't believe that I don't believe anything!"

"I don't need you to believe ... goodbye, Frant, go over there and confess!"

Rub Le! Frante hangs with brother, who is going to ask for task rewards? No--

"Wait-be merciless !!!!!!" The two cute girls who came too late shouted Archie's heart, spurred their skills while shooting, and shot sharp arrows, but moved to avoid the key points, Towards Shifa's hands.

Master Lin Linmeng also launched a full-scale mouth gun: "Admiral of the Port! Flanders is guilty of death, but it is the best time to challenge the Black Dragon and give him a chance to make a contribution!"

"Sister is my only loved one ... I can't let go of this hatred ..." Hifah opened the arrow and missed the killer.


"Wait again !!! Your mercy !!!" Archie debuted, with the left hand Pipi shrimp, the right hand giant turtle lord, sitting on the small fire dragon, followed by the villagers, striding meteor, Qiyu Xuanyang, pointing at the dark arrow. The little girl said, "Your sister is okay. Can you sell this village head and let Flander go?"

"Shifa!" The little girl shook her hand away.

"Sister!" Shifana still managed Frant, tears of joy came out, and she stepped forward to hug the little girl.

A pair of sisters who are deeply affectionate and touch the scene of life and death together ... Then Master Lin Linmeng and Baili broke the contract but filled with question marks-"Sister?"

Sisters are free! Mother and daughter are about the same!

At the beginning, Archie also accepted that he couldn't. He was just anxious like the ant on the hot pot. The large army suddenly appeared behind him, and said that he had rescued the queen-this cute little girl named 'Shenyu Shiva' ... Are you 8 years old? How does this figure become the queen? Have you been a hundred years? Tianshan Tongmu?

Perceiving Archie ’s curious vision, Dark Arrow explained: “Do n’t look at the Queen, it ’s almost 200 years old! The life of our elves is very long, and it ’s not difficult to be lucky to be 1,000 years old. And the Queen ’s talent makes it long. It is several times larger than ordinary elves, so it looks younger. "

Don't force it to explain, is this a little younger, can you fool it?

On that side, the two sisters have exchanged their feelings and come hand in hand to thank them.

"Thank you, Chief Selim, for your assistance, or else ..." Shifa was ready to bow, but suddenly looked horrified and shouted, "Be careful! Get down!"

Be careful? No danger! What's more, the body of Brother Slime has been crawling, so why not come down and say!

Just between Archie and the stunned god, a pair of huge claws appeared in the dark energy mist obliquely above, ploughing towards the slime group like an eagle predator, and grabbed the largest left and right protection-Pippi shrimp black corner and Lord Turtle, flew dozens of meters and threw the ship towards the shore.

'Snapped! Snapped! Two loud noises, vaguely seeing the mast of the transport ship broken and collapsed ... Are the two cargoes alive? It should be alive ~ ~ After all, they are shelled creatures ... but they have no time to manage them, and they cannot guarantee themselves!

‘Black Dragon Shakkar launched the attack and you entered the battle. ’

"Air raid! Covert!" Archie commanded loudly.

Then the slimes immediately returned to the sea to hide, and lost the blackhorn blessing ‘internal breath’ elf and two human villagers can only run to the foot of the crescent-shaped mountain on the island. Archie can't leave it for a while ... No, it's the queen who can get it casually, only to follow.

"Must have noticed the fighting sound just now! Damn it!" Hifah ran and counted the number of arrows lost. "Don't panic everyone! The black dragon is temporarily in a magical state, just be careful to avoid its physical attacks!"

"Hefa, what means did you use to make the Black Dragon have no mana?" Asked the little queen.

Yeah yeah, brother is also curious! If this method can be copied, it will be much less difficult to kill dragons in the future!

Shifa pulled out an empty bottle and showed it.

"Mixture of Nothingness? A secret treasure not passed down by human senior warlocks?"

"Yes! It can transform a creature into a non-physical form similar to a ghost in a short time, thereby greatly increasing the understanding of the energy world and effectively improving magical power! But it has another use. This is the most important thing in my century. It was found that the dragon clan is bound by physical energy, which is completely different from our spiritual control of energy! So I used a total of nothing to soak a lot of shadow fragments into it, and when the black dragon swallowed a certain amount, it lost the physical restraint, energy Naturally all will be lost! This is equivalent to the magical laxative of the dragon race! "

Very powerful ... Xie ... Medicine ...

Archie looked at the dark energy mist floating around and felt worse and worse ...

"Vomit ——————"