This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 188: javelin

Don't crack the unsolved defense, BOSS changes from being flesh to make people suspect that life is immediately weak to doubt life ... After repeating the same operation for more than a dozen rounds, finally the last wave cries and let go ...

"Beating ~~ My dear brother, why not ... come ... save ..."

Little brother? !

"Wait!" After experiencing the three brothers in the light and dark church, Archie was very allergic to the word of his brother-wouldn't there be another BOSS World War II?

The girls who were about to cheer raised their hands and were startled.

"What's the matter? Is there any danger?" Eredar rushed up to collect the blood sample with the test tube, and immediately braked and asked.

"Um ... it's okay, I'm afraid she's not dead ..." Awkward, Archie quickly picked up the loot to cover up her overreaction ... Um? Sure enough, the first kill is easy to produce good things!

‘You picked up the electric shock shield (blue shield): Strength +28, Stamina +30, Block chance increased by 20%, with special effects: Block successfully rebounded 30 points of lightning damage. ’

Finally, the city management shield dropped by the novice village kill NPC can be retired! With the rebound damage of the holy flame magic armor, you can efficiently deal with the standing soldiers in the future!

"You picked up the skill book" Anti-Magic Shield ""

No matter how good the equipment is, it's a rare skill! With this skill, long-range miscellaneous soldiers still want to kill brother? Physical attacks such as bows and arrows are inherently not afraid, magic? Let's go to Bento with a few reflections!

Do not hesitate to take pictures to learn!

‘You learned the passive skill: anti-magic shield (level 1). Magic blocked by a shield has a 2% chance of being reflected to the caster. ’

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment ... Like the "Talent Aura" obtained from the last copy of the Murloc, it looks powerful, and the actual effect can't be seen ...

"Is Erida collected? Go ahead!" I hope the next boss can drop better.


"Brother Mayor ..." On the way, Professor Yang looked at Aqi with tears in his eyes, and he stopped talking ...

"Why ..." Archie was seen hairy ... Older sister, they are all old, can you not learn Xiao Huang!

"Grab a big ... the kind to discharge!"

Damn it, it's still not stubborn! Didn't find how hard the battle of No. 2 BOSS was just now, how much life was hanging? Still thinking about research ... definitely not ... answer ... wait? Why did Professor Yang never get the prompt of "what did you realize" after getting the two bosses? Isn't it the wrong posture to kill BOSS? It doesn't make sense, Xiao Huang basically can get comprehension experience for every BOSS that needs some brainstorming, why can't Professor Yang?

Is the development direction different? Very likely! Little yellow thief evolved into a spy, what is missing? IQ and resilience! Brother just got so many bosses on the spot, so she can grow quickly! What about Professor Yang? It ’s not a professional combatant in itself ... it wo n’t evolve no matter how much you fight? Should I keep grabbing samples for her research? Absolutely! After watching some monsters on the road, Professor Yang lost interest, but kept asking to check BOSS's body ... Isn't that the system's prompt!

"Okay, I'll think of a way to the next one ..." It's okay to stick to the scalp, otherwise the purpose of bringing a copy this time will not be fully achieved!

Without the recovery effect of dragon blood green tea, in fact, whether it is safe or not to pass the security is not necessarily, Archie actually quite bottomless.

"Forget it ... help me catch the next one ..."

What? Has BOSS No. 3 no longer satisfied Professor Yang? Must BOSS be the end?

"This stupid big man has no research value."

Oh I got it! Is n’t it? I wait ... silly big guy? Already in the BOSS room?

Sure enough, the tunnel came to an end, and only the last wave of mobs was being cleaned up. A muscular male Naga in the BOSS room put five small javelins on his back and looked at this with a giant javelin nearly 8 meters long. fighting. No wonder Professor Yang looks down on it, and male Naga can't do magic ...

"..." The scene is so familiar ... Where do you think you have seen it? Rub, isn't it the great white shark! Does this wave of mobs go straight into battle after clearing? Don't worry, it must be! The designer definitely wants to be lazy for the balance of the copy of the East and the West, copying and pasting a wave! Otherwise, why does BOSS want to rush up to fight!

There are two more mobs. Archie recalled the battle process of the great white shark ... If it is really a copy and paste, it will be a fierce battle. , No negotiation! Professor Yang and Erida do n’t have the super invisible life-saving skills of stealth like Xiao Huang. Without knowing the BOSS skills, Archie does n’t dare to gamble.

"You all go back! The farther the better!" The last mob, Aqi persuaded the others to prepare to go to the bottom alone, and then deliberately not kill after deliberately killing the mob, slowly recovering Along the way, continuous battles consume health and magic values, and by the way, check the BOSS attributes.

Temple Cleaner Serou: Level 38 (Lord Level)

Health: 400,000, Magic: 50,000

Shirdi's younger brother is responsible for cleaning out the low-level creatures outside the temple. He possesses superb throwing skills, and he can throw amazing blows even under water.

Attribute: unknown

Skills: Giant Throwing, Mastery of Heavy Weapons, Spear Order, Opening Bows Left and Right ... Other unknown

It turned out to be the brother of No. 2 BOSS! Disrespectful! Looking at the instructions and skills, weapons can not only be used in close combat, but also attack far! For the time being, I can't analyze anything. I can only call it first.

‘You killed the Naga coolie. ’

‘Serrou dissatisfied with your slaughter of his subordinates and joined the battle. ’

The system prompts before jumping ~ ~ quickly pulled out a small spear on the back to mark it, and Archie didn't have a reaction time before he was pierced and the small spear was still connected at the end. A long rope, BOSS hand pulled hard, Archie was dragged into the venue ...

"It's okay, this should be a battle of scenes ..." After experiencing an earthquake that caused a great white shark to step on the floor and cause an earthquake to enter, Archie said that she was not panic, even with a spear in her chest ...

‘You are hit with a fatal blow by a powerful throw, damaging 99% of your current health, triggering the spear-setting effect, and paralyzing for 99 seconds. ’

"Huh, it's just a cutscene. It's really fatal and I hit a P!" Calmly waiting for the round of the system.

"Warriors hold on, Della rescues you!" A Druid NPC, who had transformed into a cheetah, flew out of the shadows, his claws broke the rope, picked up Archie, and fled to the door, pulling out his spear by the way. , And release green life-healing magic one after another, filling Archie's blood volume back to full!

"This animation is a bit long ..." Archie's body is still out of control, and the play must not be over yet.

"Little reptile, finally willing to come out? Sairou won't let you run away again!" I saw BOSS raised an 8-meter-long, huge bucket spear with a giant bucket spear, the green warp swelled, his hands were strong, so he threw it over. ... come here ... come ...

Is it too abnormal? Can the small javelin with 3 meters on his back no longer satisfy BOSS's desire to throw? Then you can't throw an intercontinental missile over here!

"Warrior! For Ai Xia!" The animation continued. The druid man, who could be compared to the rain in time, stepped back and kicked Archie away, but he was plunged into the ground by a giant spear thicker than the waist ... ... who can't bear to see ...

‘The battle officially begins after 3 seconds, please be careful, 3, 2, 1.’