This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 208: Trim assembly

The original decadent crowd all came alive and scrambled to check the task panel.

"Really done? !!!"

"Isn't it a display error ..."

"Boss crow mouth mighty !!!"

"What crow's mouth is obviously a golden mouth, OK?"


They talked happily about this magical result, guessing exactly how to complete the task ... finally reached an agreement ... It should be that the leader defeated both dragons!

"Boss, do you want to go back and look at it? Could the boss kill the dragon!"

"Yes, yeah, go back and see!"

Ba Dao Choi Garlic was not stunned by sudden happiness. After a moment of pondering, he said: "No! According to the strength of the two dragons, the captain ca n’t win the battle. It should be forced to kill the target. Retreat alive. Question! Let ’s go back to the Pirate Village and wait for news! "


Unlike Pa Dao's uneasiness and suffering, Archie is happily receiving a super strong onlooker in the town of Slime.

"Look! Mayor Selim is back!"

"Wow! What are those things? Naga?"

"Really Naga! Even Naga was taken by Selim?"

"What's Naga! Look at the things on its head! Gundam ??"

"What the hell? Is Slime Town ready to play cosmic wars!"

"It looks like a pet. I don't know where I got it. It's so cool!"


Archie smiled and suffered internal injuries. Haven't you seen it? I've seen it before! I don't know why I went out to make a few copies, so many things will be sorted out, and so many new members will be returned by the way!

Say hello to the enthusiastic fans around you, and check the development of Slime Town.

The elementary school has been transformed into a middle school through the conversion of Eredar, and the architectural attributes have also changed accordingly-increasing the evolution rate of Slime in the town by 10%! No wonder I feel that I can see the slime with the name everywhere. It turns out that her education level has improved and the number of illiterates has been greatly reduced!

The Slime Port has also been completed. In fact, it does not need to be built at all. This natural port will open a house with a plaque to open it! The transport ships donated by the Duke and the Elf Queen have also docked at the port, saving them from paying the docking fee in Yongye City.

Because there was an action of “selling” experience for materials, the construction resources in the town were sufficient, and the majority of players continued to do missions and reputation, and provided a lot of labor. The buildings that needed to be upgraded in the last meeting were basically upgraded. For example, in front of the Spark workshop, the area has increased several times! Several more stoves were built in the hall to handle various maintenance and forging business. The small fire dragon is still diligent and diligent, constantly using the dragon's breath to help Spark's temporary enchanting business and earning a lot of gold coins for the town. .

"Mayor! I need a holiday!" Spark pointed at the team of players waiting outside and spit out bitter water. "I work 25 hours 24 hours a day, so overtime is inhumane!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Little Fire Dragon gave a duck-like cry in agreement.

It's really difficult for the two ... after all, the only project that can be greatly profitable in the early stage of the town is the Spark Workshop. Now that there are more and more profit points, there is no need to work so hard ...

"Holiday ... Yes! It happened that the mayor I found an interesting place, you go to play together. Little fire dragon also come together!"

"Good!" Spark said with a cheer, "Shut up, drop off!"

it is good! One person confirmed that Prof. Yang's advancement still needs to continue to work hard, and he must take another walk.

"Professor Yang, the next space I'm going to explore is the robots. Should we go together?"

"No brother, my sister just learned a lot from Naga. I need to discuss and digest with Ereda. Besides, I am not interested in robots. They are all iron guys. Only Spark loves tossing these." Professor Yang declined.

Mom, should we call in the name of the mayor? That made everyone awkward! Professor Yang really is, as a researcher, how could he be so partial, in addition to tossing all kinds of creatures, he likes to play video games ... well? Wait ... When playing a mechanical dungeon, it seems that all bosses have no magic value ... but the skills are crackling and non-stop ... Could it be said ...

"Professor Yang, the mechanical family seems to be driven by electricity. It is said that some semi-human and semi-mechanics can control the electrical energy to run in the body very well ... Hey, I still wanted to ask you to investigate ... Never mind."

"Sister is going too!"

Sure enough, Professor Yang, the electric shock maniac! Get it done!

This time when I went to Archie, I dared not take care of him and decided to take a milk and found the sacrifice.

"Wright, I need you!"

"Mayor, never die!"

… As a super rare healing treatment in Slime Town, Wright has always held the bodhisattva heart and is willing to help others in one sentence!

Then I will bring the giant turtle lord who is running and pulling stones on the plain ~ ~ Anyway, since I realized the heart of the beast king, I have not enjoyed the pleasure of being a hunter. Inside!

Selrou, the overbearing melee, naturally needs to go. With him, BOSS can basically be positive! What's more, Sairou has a reason to go. The level is only 28. To challenge the copy of the Wing Terran in the future, it definitely needs its contribution, and it must be practiced.

Asked again, other NPCs have things to be busy, including Ereda also said that after studying the fusion relationship between Naga ’s blood and electric elements, he decided to improve the use of dragon blood, such as the dragon blood version of fitness green tea. He also said that he already has ideas and will soon be able to greatly increase production and quality. Archie naturally agrees that if BT's green tea is mass-produced and the slimes have N bottles, then not all of them can walk sideways on the rivers and lakes!

The personnel finalized, Archie led the team to advance again to the copy.

As for the problem of traitors in the east and west continents, there is no need to consider it for the time being. The life religions in the Western Continent are not a single word, and the layout is completed. Dongda Road ... It is estimated that as soon as the teleportation array comes out, it will be assassinated by all kinds. Even the Duke ’s Palace should be the eyes of the Holy Light Church. It ’s not that there is no way to turn into other characters through the magic type and mix into the storm fortress to meet the king, but it works too well, but it is too troublesome, and, such a powerful character of Eredar ’s mother, do n’t you notice it? Obviously, only Dangdang driver sent Archie to take down various copies, it is necessary to spend a lot of money, dispatching a large guard with a knife such as Tony Du?

Still step by step, first clear the six copies! The first few copies made a bunch of unidentified hard drives and unknown drawings in my hands. Archie always felt that it contained a big secret.