This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 235: Explore! Explore again! Explore again!

"What about the energy supply group?"

"Go back to the highest, all here ... but the strongest are taken away by the two patriarchs. The small ones are humble and unable to handle the tasks ..."

"Lise! It's all Lise!" He cursed again, and could only do it by himself. "You, take a hundred team with you! I will reopen the circle in 2 minutes and come back to report!"

"Yes ..." The unlucky leader of the mechanical clan can only admit his fate ... Idiots know that there are so many evils! But who dares to resist the orders of the Most High? With a crying face on his face, he brought his immediate staff into the cannibalistic teleportation circle ... Although his metal head was completely unable to make a crying expression ...

2 minutes is fast, and 2 minutes is very slow. The haze of the Supreme One is constantly rolling, indicating that he is not in a good mood at this time!

In case no one from this daring unit comes back, most of the invasion plan will be overthrown! Even the entire invasion may be cancelled ... Fortunately, the worst case did not happen. In the restarted circle, the mechanical clan leader returned safely and did not seem to have experienced any fighting.

The Supreme One breathed a sigh of relief: "Tell me, what the **** happened!"

"Go back to the highest ..." The mechanical commander seemed to be in the clouds, and organized a little language, "It seems to be nothing, and it seems weird ... Now the teleportation team is led by a green lake Naga called Sairou. The guards are guarding, but I have n’t seen anyone else! "

"Well? What about Amory?"

"Go back to the Highest, and have no time to ask, hurried back to report to you!"

"Reptiles! All reptiles! Explore again, and give you another 10 minutes!"



10 minutes later.

"The highest guard, the guard did not know much. It is said that after the death of Patriarch Lifi, Patriarch Amoride seemed to perceive something and led all the troops to a nearby island called Shakkara ... Then Never returned. "

"Shakkar ... Oh, Shakkar, son of Jess! It turns out that this lunatic is making trouble!" The Supreme One seems to know the father and son of the Black Dragon, "Go to the island and explore again! Give you 2 hours!"



After 2 hours.

"Sovereign Lord, it has been confirmed that the army did indeed go to Shakkara Island, where there are now about 1,000 Green Lake Naga and a few captives!"

"Well ... Amored?" Damn, did you send the wrong person? Why is my brain so uncomfortable? How many times have I asked Amoride!

"According to the person in charge of the troops stationed on the island, the patriarch is leading the army to the sea to hunt down a black dragon. He has not returned for the time being! So the battle situation is unknown."

"Stupid! It's stupid!" The Supreme One feels mad! Time and time again and again and again, can't you give me pleasure in detail? "Explore again! Finally give you 2 hours! If you can't get Amored back, or if you know the situation ..."

"Sovereign Supreme Master! The whereabouts of the patriarch are unknown, and there is no way to know when he will return. I am afraid that within 2 hours ..."

"What's the matter with me? I haven't heard of you in 2 hours, or you die now, change your name!"



After another 2 hours.

The mechanical clan leader walked out of the teleportation array.

"Say! No news you know!"

Little Commander really wants to be a second real man, shouting ‘understand P! "But in order to seize the last chance of life, I honestly replied:" The Supreme One ... has a good news and a bad news ... the subordinates really don't know where to start ... "

"Good news!"

"The Black Dragon has succeeded in prosecuting! The body has been transported to Shaktala Island!"

that's amazing! "What about the bad news?"

"Almost all the troops were wiped out, leaving only about 500 Naga to return safely ..." The little leader said as he lowered his head.

"What !!! Amory? Dare you come to see the deity !!!" The Supreme One was furious, his body mist expanded several times in an instant, and the nearest Naga and Robot were accidentally shrouded, Whether it is a metal skin with excellent magic resistance or scales with high defensive power, they all make a "zizi" sound, and they are immediately corroded! A few people crawled out with their farts ... the fate was finally saved, but that miserable situation is really beyond words!

The little commander kneeled back and forth, dare not lift his head.


The little leader had already wished to bury the entire face in the ground, and tremblingly answered, "The patriarch has also been killed ..."

"Shit! It's all **** !!!" The Supreme is furious, and the highest combat power of the two races has been consumed before it has played any role, it is simply unbearable! That's two 40-level leader creatures! In Aixia ’s low-end plane, you can do too many hidden actions that you ca n’t do! In this way, if you want to pretend to be a few different spaces (copy) on the bright side, this plan to send the main attack will be greatly deducted!

"Why are the casualties so low in the killing of the lower dragons in the area? Ah?" The mist generally spreads to the little lord, Kankan touched his head, and the metal on the scalp quickly corroded and peeled off.

The little lord did not dare to retreat again, and the mechanical sounds tremblingly were transposed: "The subordinates do not know ... but seeing that the body of Black Dragon Jess is broken, it must be very terrible to come to fight ..."

"Wait! Who's body?"

"... Black Dragon Jess ..."

The Supreme One pondered for a moment and recovered the mist: "That's no wonder ... this crazy man Jess, it's not easy to deal with ... Get up! It's not your fault!"

Thinking deeply, Jess lived long enough, and his strength was qualified. It is indeed possible to find a way to interfere with the plane transmission array ... With its existence, the transmission troops can not be at ease, let alone may destroy the subsequent plan at any time, Ah Mored's strategy to kill at any cost is right! It's just a pity that Li Fei who was dying ... If you find out earlier, the two will join forces and they will be able to kill Jess at a very small cost ... hey ...

"Look up ~ ~ What's your name? Simnon?"


I have seen so many faces back and forth, not even looking at the name of Xiao myself, it is indeed the supreme one who pretends to be the wind!

"You know the situation over there best, and talk about what you plan to do next!"

The little leader stopped shaking, the sound stopped shaking, and the person instantly got up! This is the rhythm of the peak circuit to consider his own? Is it the rhythm of being promoted to become a leader?

"Go back to the highest, the subordinates believe that the patriarch's victory over Black Dragon Jess is of great significance!" First, say a few words of P to fight for a buffer time and think for a few seconds. I think that the follow-up battle will be dominated by land-based wars! Therefore, a lot of weapons and equipment are needed. The transmission efficiency of these weapons and equipment through the plane transmission array is extremely low. The situation is already unrealistic. So the best way is to carry out on-site production! Fortunately, this is what our mechanical family is good at. It only needs sufficient materials and a land to build a production base! Now, Shakta La Dao can be used as a production base! It is an extinct volcanic island with abundant minerals under the sea surface, enough for our needs. Moreover, after the war, the surviving Naga have collected all the remains of our family very wisely. The initial material shortage period! "

The small commander Xin Paoer finished his breath, looking at the Supreme with eagerness.

"Very good insight!" The Supreme One does not hesitate to praise and give substantial rewards, "Now the deity announces that Xin Paoer temporarily controls all the mechanical and Naga tribes!"

"Yes ..." No one dared to object.

"Thanks to the Most High!"


A few hours ...

"Hey? Isn't it wrong to get up?"