This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 242: Let people talk

"What about people?"

"According to your command, you are locked in the hotel. The elite are watching."

Wu Lin danced in ambush at the meeting point for a long time, hoping to be able to wait and wait for those **** assassins, but obviously thought too much, the other party was very careful, waited for 3 hours, and did not see one! Also ... I thought of catching an assassin who would be invisible in the wild, unless the other party was a stunned boy, and I swaggered and appeared ... Is it possible? Even the players have learned the "do not go out, stealth, and walk the world safely" rule of doing things, let alone those elite assassins!

Entering the NPC-run hotel in the village, outside the room, several elite members are guarding, including Ni Daye.

"Daye, is there anything?"

"No, the Warlock brothers inside have exhausted his blue volume over a period of time, and then suppressed his bloodline, and can't afford any waves." Ni Daye continued to worry, "Assassins should have found the situation retreat, and now So far, no one has been assassinated. "

"Um ... beware of their concentration and force to save people!"

"It's no problem. There is no window in this room. The other party can only attack if they want to save people. The village is full of our people. They attacked to find death! They only dare to sneak things."

"I hope so ..." There is no background in chasing and dancing in the forest. At that time, I wanted to capture the NPC. It was also a whimsy. What should I do next? There is no direction at all.

"In addition to knowing that the other party's occupation is a priest ... nothing else ... Chairman ..." Ni Daye hesitated, but still said his own analysis, "You said, would the Holy Light Church be a ghost in the back? "

"Well? What to say?"

"The leader of the assassins outside the mechanical labyrinth is also a personal priest. It is still a very powerful kind! After playing for so long, I have not encountered any senior human priests in churches in major cities! And then again, the statement of the Holy Light Church against us always feels a bit inexplicable ... "

"... makes a lot of sense!" In this way, Zhu Lin Wu Lin also noticed that something is wrong, "It seems that the human priest NPC in the game is basically affiliated with the Holy Light Church regardless of whether it is high or low! And that statement is also the assassins. Was only released after the action was blocked! "

Then there was a silence. If it was really the Holy Light Church, it would be difficult! Playing games in the Storm Empire can't get around this organization anywhere. For example, in the construction of a village, if you want to develop into a town, you must build a church! Another example is the commercial activities within the empire, in addition to turning over to the country, you also need to give the Holy Light Church a little! But there are also benefits. Every time the tax collected by the Holy Light Church will increase its prestige slightly. After the prestige is high, there will be discounts in various business activities, and it will be easier to deal with NPC.

Just as the two were melancholy, a member of the elite regiment ran in from the door.

"President, the assassins have started assassination again! And the offensive is more rapid! The staff sent by the other party seems to have increased!"


Looking at regional channels and union chats, all kinds of help, and the coordinates of the information swiped through the screen. It is roughly estimated that dozens of people were killed at the same time! This does not include NPC's casualties!

"President, the other party is retaliating!" Ni Daye said.

"Fuck!" Can't help but swear, "Only they can bully people, but don't allow us to resist?"

"President ... Or, let go of people?"

"Release people? Impossible! I don't do this kind of eggless thing! After playing a game, are you still afraid of NPC failure?" Zhu Linwu Lin shook his head against.

"It's not the president ..." Ni Daye explained, "I mean that it is so stalemate that the guild is torn down, it is better to gamble!"

"What do you mean?"

"Remember what I said to the NPC at the gate of the mechanical underground palace? Let's seek cooperation!" The more clear the thinking, the more the Ni Daye began to gushed. "Straighten out with the captive, let him go back and report to the Holy Light Church. At a time, about a place to talk face to face, seek common ground while reserving differences! "

"Um? Does the other party come back?"

"Surely will come! We can tell the captors, if you do n’t come, you kill you, I kill me! We do n’t have the churches in big cities, there are many churches in small places, we can also retaliate assassinations! Our family business Small, big deal, come back again, the other party may not be able to eat it! Besides, we are players, not afraid of death at all! And I do n’t believe that the other party ’s leadership will not be curious about how we know they are the Holy Light Church, and I definitely want to find out! "

"It makes a lot of sense ... What if these assassins aren't really the Church of the Holy Light?"

"Then we are out of luck ... so we just gambled ... and we can do two-handed preparations, on the surface, we will show sincerity at the meeting, in fact, the members of the guild are always ready to fight! Start playing! Then President, you immediately go to the official! We do n’t need to win, just hold back and wait for the guards to arrive, grab the handle of the other party, and see how the Holy Light Church ends! President, with your Empire ’s reputation , Should I be able to meet some seniors? "

"Yes! The first to establish a trade union and village, rewarded a lot. The highest can meet the empire's internal affairs manager, Sita Riki." Hearing this, Zhu Linwu Lin also followed the line of thought, "Yes, as long as the time comes Just hold on! You can contend with thousands of players according to the dozens of people on the other side. UU Reading has little hope of victory, but there is more to hold on than to hold on! We will find a gathering place again The place near the stone was used as a meeting point, and the corpse was used to disgust each other ... That ’s right, so there is also a way to gather the team, let the members bind the gathering stone, really turned upside down, everyone committed suicide and resurrected, and they could gather big troops in an instant ! "

"Good way!" Ni Daye praised.

"Is there a suitable place?"

"How about the outside of the cave of the replica sea cave? There is a polystone, but the replica is too difficult, and almost no players go!"

"Okay, that's it!"

The two discussed the details again and acted separately!


Soon afterwards, the captive unlucky priest left the hotel alone with a shocked expression. Then, the extremely violent large-scale assassination gradually stopped!

Everything is expected!


After one hour.

"Daye, how is the arrangement?"

"It's all done! The members of the online have bound the resurrection point of the sea cave stone cellar, and they are now standing by in the village."

"Well, very good, you go with me, and it's almost time." Zhu Luwu Li temporarily put down the loss statistics that made him burned ... This group of assassins can't solve it. !


At this point, teammate No. 2 passed the 11 bus and finally came to Wulin Village! More and more determined to kill the deer dance forest! The village's teleportation array is not open to members of Slime Town!

"Cut, rubbish, it's broken for so long!" Seeing the rapid development of Slime Town, the sight of No. 2 is also rising, not looking at this small village, but small is also good, easy to find people ! "Should that president of garbage be here? Alas! Isn't that what it is!"