This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 299: Brainstorming for destruction

Archie thought left and right, there was no way out!

Do you have to rely on your entry-level plane to transfer knowledge? Try it……

The sea floor here is still on the continental shelf, not too high from the sea level, only about 50 meters, every time Archie rises 1 meter, he swims back and forth, left and right, try to output his own space energy ... not a way Way! According to the principle of the plane transmission array, as long as it can be reached, the transmission array is not filled with energy at the same time, and it can naturally be transported into it!

Not to mention, the stupid method really works! Under the gaze of a group of stopped hands, Archie danced in a spiral spiral, and finally found a magic circle 3 meters below sea level!

‘You find that the completeness is 82.99% unknown magic circle, you have sent all the magic power, and now you can charge 53.33%. Please note that the completeness of the magic circle is less than 75% and will not be available! ’

The ghost delivered all the magic! Obviously it was directly sucked away, okay!

The magic value of Archie 6000+ was not exhausted in a second, and the circle was only slightly flashed in the vicinity ... It is impossible to imagine how many mana is needed to start this circle ... and it is impossible to imagine a single person for 24 hours How strong is the Supreme who can fill it, and what means is needed to defeat it!

Hum, fortunately the plan is to shut it out, and you do n’t need to beat it at all! No, it's in the right direction! It seems that the magic circle has not been completely built, as long as it destroys another seven or eight percentage points!

"Mayor, this is !!!" The others only knew that Archie was looking for a tunnel, and did not know what he really needed to find. Professor Yang was most curious about new things and asked as soon as possible.

"Super plane transmission array."

"What? Is it that the entire circle on the map is a teleportation array?" Love Peter was stunned. He knew the size of the area best. He hadn't heard of such a large magic array again!

‘Sinball ’s loyalty +20.’

Well, the original commander has completely obeyed, and even things he didn't know, Selim analysis and analysis can find ... What is the reasoning ability to hold the grass?

"Brother Selim is great! By the way, why are we looking for it?" Rhubarb has been in the town of Slime, unclear about the causes and consequences.

"You're stupid, of course, you are doing destruction!" Professor Yang spit out.

"Oh ... how do you destroy it?"

nonsense! Of course, it is to dig the teleport array directly ... hey? TM is not painted in the tunnel, painted on the ground, how can it be destroyed?

"Professor Yang, you know more about the magic circle. Is there a way?" Archie can only help NPC.

"Hey, my brother is embarrassed by my sister! My sister can only engrave some magic lines. The slightly more complicated body of the big turtle needs Erida's help! By the way, Erida is a master in this area, you can ask ask her!"

"What about her?" I said that my brother's baby, Ai Mei, hasn't seen me for a long time!

"Follow the Naga to go back to the land and say to go home."

"Alone? Mom! That's dangerous!" Now there are murlocs everywhere!

"There is an **** from the instructor Wang, landing directly from Stormwind, the mayor can rest assured ..."

Huh ... then rest assured ... rest assured P! Instructor Wang was sent to kill Ai Meizi at that time. No one is watching now. Have opportunities to start everywhere? Also, if Ai is not here, who is going to ask the question of sabotage?

To solve the matter in front of me first, I can only pray that the instructor Wang has been influenced.

"The phalanx is about 4 meters wide on this plane. Everyone thinks about it, what can you do to destroy it!" When you are sick, you can only ask the layman to expand your thoughts. speak out."

Water Slime boss Swart first spoke: "Mayor, can we swallow this piece of sea water?"

"No ... The magic circle is not portrayed on the sea water, but exists in this small space!" If it can move with the water, the magic circle will be torn apart by the ocean currents!

"In space? What about destroying with space magic?"

"Does anyone here attack space-like magic?"

"Then take something to separate from the middle?"

"The sea water can penetrate, what is the use of the partition."

A group of leaders were talking about it, and it really gave Archie the idea ... In other words, the landing point of his skills must be a gas or liquid space ... Is this the same principle? It can exist in gas and liquid, but can't it be blocked by solid?

There are just two big guys, you can try it!

"Dazling, come here! Yes, float in this position, don't move, don't move!" The little female dragon's size is enough to block!

Archie drank the spring water to restore the magic, and then tried to transport again.

The segment near the circle also flashed! However, the circle behind Dezling did not flash! effective!

Okay, then continue the experiment!

"The big turtle, come here, yes, on the other side, parallel to Dezling, don't move!"

Archie stood between the two big guys and output energy again.

‘Found unknown broken magic circle, unable to output magic power. "The idea is right!

Then went to the other side of Dazling output.

‘You found that the completeness is 82.98% unknown magic circle, you have sent all the magic power, and now charge 53.45%. ’

Boo boo! 0.01% lower, the crack is successful!

The next step is to find a way to cut things off! The more it is, the better! Continue to brainstorm!

"Destroy the ship to block it?" Kangben suggested.

Rubbing, absolutely not! That's all belongings, can't be so defeated!

"Either pile up the mounds from the bottom up?" Dahuang proposed to see the piles of earth just dug out of the seabed.

"Several tens of meters! How long does it take to pile up so high? And we need to cut off as many places as possible, only ten or more hours, certainly too late."

"Mayor, when our water slime is maximized, it can easily block the circle ... or should it be cut off directly by the flesh?" Swart suggested.

Ai? Good idea, enough quantity, convenient and fast! But believe it or not, it's going to be tested.

No way! The slime of the water system is basically a water polo, which is directly judged as a liquid by the system! ! ! In addition to the few such as rhubarb, most slimes still exist in liquid?

Looking at the results of the experiment ~ ~ Everyone went silent again ...

"Mayor Selim ... I have an idea ..." Ba Dao chopped garlic on the side to watch the whole process, and the teammates also sighed the whole process, I can't think of the NPC IQ of the Dragon Continent so high! I no longer dared to play this game as a normal game, so I started to use my brain and discussed it on the team channel. No, I really discussed some results. "I just watched that the Slime brothers of the water system can dig the ground. If you swallow it, why not try it again? "

Oh roar! Smart!


The experiment was very successful! Archie Longyan was pleased and sent 50,000 experience as a reward. He was able to keep his upgraded Ba Dao President happy, and then continued to arrange the next battle plan.

"Swater, the task of destroying the magic circle will be given to you. The map will be given to you. According to the mid-sea magic circle, the personnel will be arranged on average." There is no way. The three-dimensional magic circle is difficult to do. The partition is disconnected, and there is no destruction at all. Some of the energy is transmitted from the center through the channel.


"Rhubarb, you are responsible for leading all the troops, go to the entrance of the sea cave stone cellar! It is likely that there will be big troops!" Archie thought about it just now. The reason why this circle did not show 100% integrity is not good. Is it because a few copies are still in a different space, otherwise the Supreme Master who has planned for many years will randomly use a broken teleportation array to act? impossible! So the copy will probably disappear soon, and join the circle!

"Brothers can rest assured that they will be blocked."

"OK, act!"

"Mayor you don't go together?" Spark asked, seeing Archie as if he didn't mean to get on the boat.

"Um ... There is one more thing to be resolved in Stormwind ..." Retrieving the Giant Turtle Lord, Archie sat alone and left.