This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 301: Burst

Worthy of being a royal family, it took a long time for the family to stabilize their minds and re-seat.

"Brother ... you can control this ... this ..."

"The demon hunter ... I do n’t know what the legendary demon hunter looks like, but I ca n’t leave it alone ... rest assured, I can control ... but during the transformation, the negative emotions will continue to be amplified ..."

"Brother, don't use energizer in the future!"

"Do not worry!"

"Brother, do you refuse to marry ...... Is it because of this physical reason?"

"Yeah ... I'm not even sure if the two of your closest relatives can accept it, let alone marry a wife? If other girls can't accept it, wouldn't it delay others? Then ..."

"Are you afraid ... the offspring are no longer human?"


Eredar interrupted: "Uncle, you worry too much! You are still the main body of the human being! And after my observation just now, the demon transformation should be regarded as a blood skill. The total change is because the blood of the demon enters. Your body! So the problem of future generations being humans and demons is no need to worry!

Starik recalled and asked, "Did you learn it since you last entered Demon Realm?"

"Yes, it's a coincidence ..." Glorie smiled at the instructor Wang, "The characteristic of our school is to give up defense and solve all problems with attack! So basically use two weapons to exert the attack power. To maximize! The second is the more courageous war, as long as the spirit does not collapse, or the strength is too disparate, basically will not die! "

"Furious? The lower the health, the faster the speed, the higher the attack, and the blood-sucking?" Archie asked.

"Yes! Maybe it's good luck. In the demon world, I didn't encounter a big demon with the strength to kill me, killing all the way, and finding Aixia's way all the way ... Although the battle process is no problem, the devil world is too barren , The supply along the way became a fatal problem! The water and food were quickly exhausted, and no new supplements could be found at all. In the end, only the demon blood could be consumed. More and more demons, I found that the body has gradually changed, more and more parts are demonized! But there is no way, the devil eliminates the demon, and there is nothing else to eat ... In the beginning, I could not control the demonization at all The process of becoming less and less like human beings ... Maybe the road to nowhere else, in a battle, fortunately killed a big demon, not being careful of its devil's heart, then you can control the change with your will Body! "

Glorie said it was as plain as water, but everyone heard it thrilling! I can imagine how terrible it was at that time! There are demons everywhere, no supplies, not sure how to find the way home, the body becomes monsters every day ...

"Brother, doesn't that mean that I can become a demon hunter when I go to the demon world?" Instructor Wang's concerns are completely different.

"Theoretically ... yes! But the profession is different, it may become a demon slaughter and the like ..."

"Just say, why did you kid suddenly become so powerful! I also deliberately bet on me, blame me! It has caused me a good bandit to be fooled, come to your army as a petty soldier head!" Teacher Wang The more I became angry, I knew that I was pitted. "Want me to assassinate my niece! Are you tired of acting? Do you know?"

"Well? Assassination? Why did Instructor Wang assassinate Ereda?"

"It's not an assassination, it's a fake assassination!" Stariqi explained. "Arrida has been assassinated several times in a row. Although she escaped by chance, the enemy and I were secretly secret. Sooner or later, something will happen! So I simply asked Wang Lengzi to help. A play, a fake killing after going to the novice village of the soldiers, and then find a hidden place to stay temporarily until we can find the principal behind the scene! "

"Unexpectedly, Selim, you appeared, let the plan ahead! And there were a lot of assassins hidden in the **** team at that time, and they were all scammed out! So I did the real show and chased you away. The sight of the assassins also found that your slime village was extremely secretive, suitable for Eredar to hide, and Wang Lengzi surrendered to stay, and by the way, Eredar could be protected. Of course, all Eredar did not know before of!"

… Well, brother said that with the fighting power of the instructor Wang, why should he go to the surrender step? Even if he was surrounded at that time, it is not clear what everyone ’s strength is, and he should have been clear in the village for so long after that, the result is still Leisurely self-satisfied with his own instructor ... now everything makes sense.

"So now that the ambassador has been found, Ereda is safe, and you told her to go home?" Archie knew, "Who is that? Duke or leader? Or two people together?"

"Proposed by the Archbishop, executed by the Duke." Stariqi said with a deep breath. "Glaurie asked the Archbishop's corpse and asked him, and the Bishop confessed ... Now he has been imprisoned in death row. After the war, Think of ways to deal with it ... The influence of the Holy Light Church is too great, and execution without public trial may cause chaos ... Fortunately, the activity of the invaders these days has allowed us to collect a lot of evidence, enough to convict him! "

"Where is the death row?" Archie asked.

"Serlem, do you worry about his escape? Rest assured, that's the bottom of Stormwind Prison, at the very center of Stormwind City! The main body of the prison is underground, with a few meters thick walls, and the most elite guards are watching for 24 hours ... Even the underground has a magic ban, no one can escape! "Glorie introduced proudly," How is it? Great! "

"Awesome p! Immediately, immediately, chopping people!" Archie roared, "When are you still ready to chat!"

Glorie was so thick-faced that he didn't even care about Archie's boom. Slowly advised: "Isn't Selim you just wait for the news?"

Okay ... it seems that I really spoke to Spark! Let King Erhuo organize the troops at home and wait for the notice to work ... but, it's too leisurely!

Except when I was serious when I turned into a demon, I lie down and drink at other times!

"Selim ... we can't do anything ... If we kill the leader now, the turmoil of the empire will be very serious!" Stariqi expressed regret.

"Can you go to another place for detention?"

"Storm City is a prison. The other main cities are not teleported. Are you sure you want to send them? Say Selim, can you explain the reason first!" Glorie said.

As for the reason ~ ~ Archie also thought of it just under the sea!

Obviously, the intruder has mastered the technology of arranging the void array, why not arrange the entire super plane transmission array in the sky? Anyway, no one can see when it is not started!

At first, Archie thought that this technology may consume a lot of manpower and material resources, or special materials, but later thought, it is completely wrong!

If it is a special material, how can there be so many materials to support such a large magic circle!

If it is ultra-high technology, then it is back to the topic just now, why not go in the air?

Why must the center be Stormwind City?

The answer is-array of eyes!

And the array is-the leader!

twenty three

Melon. *? 子 .e. A brand new revision, 2 newer, 3 faster and more stable 3, wonderful! (=)