This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 335: Explode

Outsiders seem to be gorgeous walking performances, but Archie has a bitter self-knowledge ...

How can it be so easy to avoid so many attacks in all directions! There are no rules to look for and it is impossible to predict. It can only be avoided by using a super strong reflex nerve and super high movement speed with various bonuses.

The only good news is that the attack is disorderly, there is also no target, most of them are in the vacancy!


"Wow wow! Did you see my brother? Isn't this the mayor's move?" Teammate yelled on the second.

"I think it should be a transposition!"


Just now it happened that 4 cutting pieces flew from the front at the same time, almost blocking all the evasion routes. Archie was anxious and took out the "Explosion of Ghost Chain" Fall), using the special effect of the necklace 'savage leap' side flapping, Kankan hides!


"What about this trick? So chic!" Little Lizi also joined the worship discussion conference.

Eight swords skimmed and said, "Repeated stripes!"


The flutter fell to the ground, and Yu Guang saw the attacks on the left and right sides again! A total of three cutting blades roll like wheels along the ground and arrive one after the other! I just stood firm and couldn't get out of the attack range with speed, so I could only risk passing the speeding wheel with the smallest range back and forth! The thrill of it is only known to you, and your face will be posted to the wheel within a few centimeters!


"I know this trick! Yuebu !!!" Tang Chongyang is a second-element creature. Seeing the legendary skills, he almost fell into madness.

"In our country it is called Ti Yunzong ..." Ba Jian continued to refute.


Ring by ring, Archie has given up thinking and dodges by body instinct! This did not avoid several times in a row, and accidentally ran to the open space in the middle, but here is the most intensive attack, almost all the time flywheels came from all directions!

It would have allowed Archie to know that he had to leave here, at least to hide from the wall! But there were attacks on the front, back, left, and right, which blocked all retreats!

Dead? not necessarily! Take off, just step on a flying cutting blade! Use your strength to jump higher! The next piece can only be reached by the distance, if you drop at this speed, you will be hit frontally! No problem, ‘gliding’ with a purple cloak eases the speed of the drop and then jumps!

For the second time in a row, Archie has already reached a height of nearly 4 meters! After getting rid of the attack from all sides, drove the paraglider to the corner! Of course, it is impossible to fly directly. In order to adjust the direction for dodge halfway, the glide is turned off to speed up the drop, and it directly hits the floor and rolls to the gate! I looked up just to meet the worried eyes outside of the door looking at my N double worship ...


"Brother Mayor! You are coming out soon!" Professor Yang shouted anxiously the nearest.

"No! It will break away from the battle! Rest assured, I will give up if I can't hold on!" Archie explained, and then avoided an attack. "You stay away! Be careful to cut the wheel and fly ... out ... come ?????" ? "

I saw the roller flew out of the door, but it bounced away like it hit a transparent wall!

"The repulsive force field?" Archie exclaimed **** rubbing backwards, and really could not move out the door!

But yes, otherwise such a disorderly attack, 20 cutting pieces will soon fly out of the door, and this ‘strange blow’ is not so strange!

Well, now the retreat has been broken, and playing dodgeball wholeheartedly is such a degree, brother can still insist! This skill must last for a long time, just stick to that time!

"Oh, there's still a piece of fresh meat? Well ~~ Let me see your limit ~~" BOSS began to read lines again.

Archie's heart tightened. When Ya's line appeared, there was no good thing! Sure enough, the cutting blade on the car platform flew out more than 20! ! !

Rub Le, then hide a P! ! ! !

Archie gave up treatment ... if the reflex nerve was different from ordinary people, he fell down long ago, and now it is equal to double the attack density? Who can hide TM? Fairy?

'Yep? Wait ... Brother can't stick to it, how do ordinary players get through this boss? Many people are the result of being corpse? ‘Archie feels that she has grasped the key point! ‘So ... this skill is not based on flash ... and it ’s less likely to be based on resistance ... Then the only possibility is ... hiding? Looking for bunkers? "

Archie immediately looked around, and there was nothing else in the battle area except the 'big platform car'! Ugh? ? ? ? car? ? ? ?


"The BOSS of the team's copy is too abnormal?" When I saw a total of more than 40 cutting pieces formed by the cold mountain killing array, the ba knife chopped garlic and chin could not fit.

"Feed the boss ... shouldn't the more pervert be Mayor Selim? This is still insisting!" Xiao Lizi now opened her mouth without Archie.

"But I can't hold it anymore? You've been hit several times! The blood has bottomed out!"

"That's still awesome ..." Xiao Lizi unconditionally supported, and then shouted again, "Mayor, come to the door! The distance is too far, the treatment can't add you!"

"Don't shout!" Mustard milk tea lowered the poison tongue level of unfamiliar people by several grades. "With this layer of repulsive force, even face-to-face treatment is impossible! I just tried it, and BUFF can't be added.

"What about then?"

"Trust the mayor ..."


Although Archie thought of a solution, she found it a bit late! It is difficult to get close to the vehicle. Under the stormy blow, it is almost a rhythm!

"Damn ... I really can't hold on ..."

It's not a matter of health. Although he was hit twice, he didn't have much health, but that's not the point! The key is that you can't eat it! The effect of ‘Strange Strike’ has lasted for almost 1 minute, and Archie has been evading for a minute with high intensity! In the game, the physical consumption is almost 0, all the movements are just the movement of consciousness, but the mental consumption is real!

Within this minute, there was almost no 1 millisecond pause. The brain cells were operating at a very high intensity, observing the direction of the attack, inferring the possible azimuth changes, the speed and sequence of strikes, how should I avoid it most efficiently ... No A moment can rest!

Originally already super high-intensity operation, now the number of cutting blades has doubled ~ ~ The computing pressure on Archie is not related to X2! Directly beyond the tolerance! I was attacked just now, also because of the dizziness caused by excessive brain exhaustion, and did not escape the attack.

"Lao Ge's! The younger brothers are watching it, they must not be embarrassed!" More importantly, Archie does not want to give up lightly, as long as there is a hint of hope, he must fight to the end! Moreover, when the server was updated before, more intense brain drain has been experienced. What is this sore and dizzy feeling?


"This ... this ... OHMYGOD !!!!!"

"How did you do it?"

"Fairy? Monster?"

"Wife! Come out and see God !!! Oh ... I don't have a wife ..."

The little brothers outside the door fell into madness, because the mayor of Salem in the warehouse suddenly changed like a person, walking at a shopping-like speed, but miraculously avoided all attacks! ! !