This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 373: The beginning of the siege

Chapter 373 The Beginning of the Siege (Page 1/1)

Mason Dunbar's status is actually not a high description. It can be said that no one in this empire is higher than the status of the rivers and lakes. If anyone has the opportunity to subvert the old Duke's thinking, only him!

And logically it makes sense to accompany the old king on the expedition, and then be attached to the devil by accident, or change the soul ...


Archie was not in a hurry. Youzai flipped through various reports on the conference table, waiting for the two siblings to come to their own conclusions.

After all, it was the king and the prime minister who soon accepted the facts.

"Brother Selim ... So to speak, in the second invasion I was designed to fall into the demon world, too ..." Glorie spoke first.

"It should be right ... In fact, the fundamental purpose is to demonize you, because pure thinking invasion has Stariqi soul protection magic, there is not much chance, as long as you devilize, whether you can survive or not, you reach his purpose."

"What's the purpose?" Stariqi also calmed down.

"Let your royal family survive!"


"It's easy to understand, can the demonized young king be loved by the people? Although Glorie unexpectedly became a demon hunter, he was not completely demonized, but he didn't dare to marry his wife and have children? Will it come down to be a demon or a human ... "These Archie have long figured out and said very smoothly," As for you, Stariqi, you have led your husband astray and let him list his hand against Grau, causing you to fall into Love hurts! He knows you and knows that you will not remarry, and then when you reach middle age, after killing Erida, even the remarried offspring will have no time to grow, as long as one generation or two, the entire empire will fall into complete Its hands! "

"Si--" The two gasped.

The truth is always unacceptable. Apply the words of the predecessors, never give the most malicious intention to guess others! !

"But, what good does he do?"

"Little girl, that's a demon, purely for destruction is the biggest reason!" Glorie has been to the demon world and has a deeper understanding of the devil.

But this time it was wrong!

"Of course it is good! Have you forgotten? Who has seen the undead turned by those players poisoned by the Most High?"

"Yeah?" The two were dumbfounded. Indeed, from the withdrawal from Stormwind City and back to Stormwind City, there was no news of these undead! The strength of these undeads is weak, so they did not pay attention, and invested most of the reconnaissance troops on the wandering murlocs and Naga.

"If the guess is correct, these undead have been transferred, and even transported to the demon world!" Archie throws a terrible topic, "according to this result, it is inferred that the demon wants to invade again and again. Ai Xia, nothing more than want Ai Xia's population! A more accurate statement is ... Let Ai Xia be its farm !!! "


"You think, demons die and cannot be transformed into undead, only intelligent creatures can do it! Relying on the people of Aisha, continue to create battles and continue to create death, and the demon world can get an infinite army of undead! Then want No problem in attacking any other plane! "

"By the way, the above are my own guesses, right? Judge yourself!"

When it comes to this, no matter how absurd the facts can only be forced to believe, the two siblings nodded at each other.

"No wonder you asked us to recall all the priests and all Paladins who had been transferred to cure the plague ... It turned out to be to deal with this demon!" Glorie sighed, "It's unlucky, why did the devil choose the Storm Empire ... … "

"Because only the storm empire is chaotic and weak, it can create opportunities for the Exile Alliance to resist the empire, attack the empire, and finally become a two-level 6-level war ~~ I have said that the goal of the devil is the entire Aixia, the empire is only his first step! "

"Did you even think about it?" Stariqi exclaimed, clearly having a good brain. After meeting Selim, she was just a slightly smarter guy ...

"Just happened to get some information ... Do you know the Bloodsail Pirate?"

"Blood Sail Pirate?"

"Yes, it is well known that their predecessors were nobles who were squeezed out of the empire, but you certainly do n’t know that one of them is an elder who has been mixed into the Church of Life. In the hands of this demon, it ’s up to them to decide what to do. ”Archie now has more and more flexible thinking, and many previous difficult questions can be easily answered. No need to control, the devil's power is not so great for the time being, Blackhorn and Ruibo will deal with it properly. Besides, if this blackhand boss is pulled out, the other will not be able to turn over the waves! "

"What are you waiting for, do it !!" Glorie was furious and pulled out a long sword to cut people.

Archie understands that the masters from small to large do not know when they have been killed. At least the soul must have been devoured or destroyed, and anyone who changes will revenge.

"Well, it's just that Dazling is here too. Let's start acting!"


It is now known that the main ability of this demon is to summon undead and control the soul, so ordinary soldiers must not be thrown into the encirclement and suppression, and it is easy to create soldiers for the other party! Fortunately, the Holy Light Church has been in operation for so many years. There are very few priests and paladins in Xida 6, and the Storm Empire is not lacking. Even just after the end of the war, Zero Zero has raised a team of 1,000 people. Know this The elite of the team ~ ~ the highest leader level, there are dozens of people who lead the rank and above.

The restraint of the attributes, this combat power is quite enough to see, but it can't go straight up! After all, the strength of the opponent is still unknown.

"Glaurel, sure to pass this way?" Archie asked.

"Affirmatively, I have followed your instructions and left the nobles in the Duke's House on the ground that Stormwind is still dangerous ... depending on the time, the troops to be picked up are coming!"

"Okay, let the idlers and other people leave after the start! The treatment of other people in the city infected by the blood of the devil should also be carried out at the same time, is there no problem?"

"Because Staric and my brother are here, rest assured!" Glorie was suddenly a little depressed. How could he be a part-time job as a king? But there was no time to struggle, "Come!"

On the way to Stormwind, the sound of horseshoes was heard from afar, and then the smoke was rolling, and a large number of cavalry guarding the carriage appeared in the eyes.

"Grauley, I'll hand it to you next!" The platoon formation was still on the line, and Archie was not arrogant enough to do everything.

"Look at me! Today, he must be destroyed!" Glorie gritted his teeth, "Signal, let the **** act!"

"Yes!" The messenger on the side salutes and mounts, galloping backwards, just like an ordinary messenger!

The teleportation array is now unavailable, and the messengers can be seen at any time on the road outside Stormwind City. No one noticed that the officers in the **** had already received orders when they passed by!

As a result, the originally closely connected team grew longer and longer ... especially the last ten carriages gradually started to fall behind ...

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