This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 374: Abadon

Glorie's arrangement is wonderful. The split team has more than a dozen carriages, making Mason Dunbar not even feel that he has fallen behind. The other carriages are naturally empty!

As for the **** team composed of ordinary soldiers, they cannot directly retreat to avoid attention. Of course, there are ways, along the way there are soldiers disguised as paladins and priests joining the **** team to replace the original members! As they continued to move forward, people on both sides of the road continuously rushed out to complete the replacement in the blind spot of the carriage.

"Sophisticated!" Archie praised that these were not the tactics he came up with.

"Small meaning ~~ Let's go, let's keep up!" King Erhu was a little embarrassed. He had always been crushed by his IQ, and some tricks and tricks couldn't make it.


All of them are elite troops, and soon all the replacement work was completed, and the speed of the troops leading the way gradually decreased.

Grauley carried Archie at the end, seeing that he had arrived at the originally set location and decisively released a signal flare.

Everyone had already prepared that the dozen empty carriages immediately formed a siege, stuck Mason Dunbar's car in the middle, and the driver did not rush out of the encircling circle that had been formed! On the first lap, the Paladin, the second lap, the priest, directly above, received Dazzling from the air!

The scene is dignified and dull, and everyone knows what kind of perverted existence he has to deal with. When the door is opened, the life or death will not be controlled by himself!

No one dared to easily launch an offensive. They were all waiting far away, except for Dazling in the air!

Holy Flame Dragon Breath descends from the sky!

Dazling has experienced many battles, and has reached the level of 43 leader level, coupled with the dragon's flesh and the powerful healing ability of the light system, the combat power is far beyond the ordinary NPC of this level.

Holy Light Dragon's dragon breath is different from others. The light and shadow effect looks gorgeous on a few grades, and the golden light is like a fine.

The effect of Holy Flame is also very peculiar. The carriage was directly burned to ashes, but a few horses did not lose any blood. Instead, they continued to have green treatment figures burst out, and were frightened. Leaving a half-kneeling figure among the ashes of the carriage! A large number of red damage figures burst out, and you can see an extra long blood bar with fewer fractions.

Being able to be injured in the treatment-based Holy Flame Dragon Breath proves once again that Mason Dunbar has a problem! Glorie's last illusion was disillusioned, and his emotions fell a bit, then exploded in an instant, roaring away from the crowd, and rushed to the front to see clearly.

Dragon's breath has stopped, exposing the dark figure in the middle.

"Glaurel, do you want to kill the teacher?" Black Shadow greeted with a smile.

"Demon !!! Next year will be your day of abstinence! Tell me whether Mason Dunbar is still alive, otherwise I promise you will die very painfully !!!" Glorie burst into tears.

"Mason Dunbar? Am I right ~~ Hahaha!" Black Shadow laughed wildly.

"Don't say it! You'll beg for it later!" Glorie gritted his teeth and waved his hand to signal the whole army's attack! Attribute restraint, and intentionally fight unintentionally, a huge win!

Seeing that the Holy Light Department has started to strengthen the magic, and then the Paladin who came up, the black shadow did not cut his lips, and Yun Danfeng asked lightly: "It seems that you know a lot, and arrange a lot ... but it is up to you I can't find it with IQ ... Is it Staric? Or ... Selim by your side? "

Characters who can be so calm in the surroundings are either stupid or real! Mason Dunbar clearly belongs to the latter. After talking like a cocoon-butterfly, the burnt black epidermis cracked and then peeled off, revealing the grim body inside! Very familiar, almost no difference from the devilized Glorie! The same rune body, terrifying claws, bat wings! Do not! It is a complete demon, feet are hoofs, and a pair of black goat horns reflect the chilling light!

‘Great Devil Abaddon enters the battle. ’

Archie has been refraining from using the ‘eye of omniscience’ because he knows that he used it before and can only view the disguised information! Now the system prompts you to check it out immediately.

Big Devil Abadon 43 (overlord level)

Health: 890,000, mana: 2.3 million.

The ruler on the one side of the demon world is good at lying and deceiving. He is good at dealing with the dead. He likes to play with the souls of the souls. He has a very high degree of necromantic magic.

Attribute value: unknown.

Skills: Summon an army of undead, group fear, group deterrence, group chaos, life draw, mana draw ...

It seems to be another legal system boss, the level is not high, it is estimated that because the level cannot be disguised, it can only be maintained at the original level of the old housekeeper.

The abilities of the legal system BOSS are basically concentrated on their skills, and as expected, undead magic and spiritual magic are the main means. There are no corpses in the surroundings, and they are all holy light professions that cannot be converted into undead after death. At least half of their strength is abolished. Then the magic of the mind is restrained by the priests who are extremely firm in their hearts and beliefs. No win at all ... count ...

Rub le! ! !

As soon as I thought of this, a large summoning door suddenly appeared around Abadon, as if the endless undead soldiers squeaked out of the rattling bones, and then locked the target casually, colliding with the Paladins who were narrowing the encirclement!


"Brother Selim? This is not the same as the plan !!!" Glorie asked, "Where did these undeads come from? Isn't it possible to create undeads without corpses?"

Archie is also watching ~ ~ watching those portals patting his head!

Damn it, completely missed one thing! Since these undeads will disappear for no reason, it means that the other party has the means to send them away or hide them. Seeing this posture, it is obviously sent to the demon world ... Since they can be sent away, they can naturally be called back ...

It can only be said that the space clutter created by the Soul Cannon is misleading, and I always thought that the other party is temporarily unable to communicate with the demon world ... In fact, when I look back, space magic is not the same as summoning magic! Otherwise, wouldn't Warlock players also summon demons to help fight? Isn't this occupation that relies on demons abolished?

If the Soul Cannon can launch the full power of the Supreme into Stormwind City, it makes sense ... It is not that this super plane transmission array is so powerful that it can ignore the existence of the law, but it runs in the form of summoning ... … The main controller of the Soul Cannon is not others, but this Abaddon! He directly summoned the souls of the ‘Second World’ plane to come to Aysha. The Supreme Being was only wrapped up in the soul, disguised as the summoned undead! ! ! This is why the charge of "Soul Cannon" must be made from a large amount of souls, and cannot be fully supplemented in the form of magic! ! !

In the same section, Archie actually breathed a sigh of relief ... At least it shows that another hidden running "Soul Cannon" is temporarily not threatened. Abaddon is still here. Archie does n’t believe that Aixia will have another strength. Such a superb and proficient demon who summons undead magic!

As for the current situation, the problem is not big. As mentioned earlier, these undead are all players, and their strength is weak. For the elite Paladin team, it is a small meaning! ! !

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