This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 397: General

The surge in strength did not make Archie lose his due judgment. The most important thing now is to interrupt Abaddon's 'good thing \'! It has been speculated before that Ya is not sure to leave the throne, except for the necessary treatment, and does not release other extra magic. Obviously, the Soul Cannon has reached the critical moment and has to be carefully controlled throughout the process! And maybe Ya is delivering the final magic power for it! Like the coming of the Most High, the sacrifice of the living is necessary, but not all the energy must be supplemented by the soul! This is also a good explanation for the reason why Abaddon is now living with a "target"-the throne is the only node on the scene that can magically transport the "soul gun"!

Archie ’s inference is not speculation, but through the magical consumption of Abadon, one or two can be known, and the millions of magical powers are still falling rapidly, less than 30%!

This demon with a series of lies has always pretended that the magic power was consumed because it opened the ‘Death Soul Realm’ and is now completely exposed! The first time the Undead Realm consumes less than 1/3, the second time has not yet passed, but it has consumed another 1/3! So I immediately saw the "Dragon-shaped Excavator" of the "Soul Cannon" and went down to find the magic circle! Let ’s break it down, at least we need to know when ‘advent’ will start!


"Congressman Selim has been waiting for a long time!" After a short breath, the Juggernaut and Sword Demon caught up with Archie and rejoined the battle!

"It's time to come!"

Abaddon knew that his purpose had been seen through, and no longer disguised, wrapped his wings to attack anyone, and controlled four BOSS guards to defend and counterattack beside him!

The attack of the semi-undead troops and the players' troops was also blocked, entangled by the bone dragon, and the large bugs were protecting the rear. By the way, the small bugs were produced indefinitely, plus the previous "production" of more than half an hour, the small undead bugs on the field have already formed Insect sea, layer by layer as another meat shield! ! The prince and the duke guard Abaddon's left and right, and by the way he treats the injuries he suffered.

Such an arrangement like a turtle shell cannot form an effective fire collection at all!

"Senior Sword Demon, Bone Dragon is handed over to you this time!" Sword Demon just consumed less, and the heaviest burden was handed over to solve it.

"Senior Juggernaut, blast away the leader and the Duke!"

"The queen bee gave it to me!" Archie said from himself.


After a wave of seemingly disorderly pulling, the situation on the field finally formed the arrangement that Archie needed!

From the beginning, Archie knew that there were two options to stop Abaddon from cracking the ‘Death Soul Realm’! As long as the skills in this field have always existed, having BOSS-level men who can beat the milk can be resurrected indefinitely, it is impossible to beat Abaddon, and each of the four BOSSs can resist most of the damage!

At first glance, it is an impossible task to crack the ‘Death Soul Realm’. At first, Archie thought so! But when the advanced level is successful, the level is increased, and after seeing the full level of the saliva arrow, I have a great idea and I am ecstatic!


The plan is carried out in an orderly manner, the body is too large, and the bone dragon composed of skeletons that cannot be used as a qualified meat shield is raging around the throne.

Juggernaut fully embodies what is called metamorphosis, using the moon steps in the ancient animation `` One Piece '' to move at high speed in the air, which has exceeded the speed of the reaction of the leader and the duke and flew them out! Although he also suffered a lot of damage ... However, the goal Archie commanded was perfectly accomplished! Afterwards, the vertigo was slightly cushioned, and he caught up with them violently, and the fire was full to prevent him from returning to Abaddon!

"Ah ~~ ah ~~~ ah ~~~~ Bah! Bah !!!!!!"

At this time, Archie has already accumulated more than 15 seconds! Large saliva arrows that have not been used for a long time are ejected again, or two shots! Then ... everyone saw an extremely spectacular scene ...

The queen bee has a residual blood! Abadon's blood loss of 2 million + instantly lost nearly half! ! !


"Uh ... Selim, you are going to God ~~~~" The Duke is physically abused, but his heart is very happy!

"I can't imagine ... I can't imagine!" The leader also sighed.

"Congressman Selim, come back and teach me this trick, I want to learn !!!" Jian Sheng shouted.

How did such an exaggerated number come out? It's very simple, make full use of the ejection and sputtering effects of saliva arrows! Splash, enemies near the target take 20% damage, inherit special effects, can be inherited by ejection, can be triggered by special effects. The explanation of the skill is a bit mouthful, but it is easy to understand that the damage of sputtering is only 20%, but it can trigger special effects, and can also generate sputtering through the damage generated by special effects! If there are enough creatures near the target, the amount of damage accumulated will be astronomical! What's more, special effects can also generate sputtering, indicating that continuous damage including burning, poisoning, corrosion, etc. are also on this list!

In fact, the plan has been implemented since the advanced completion. A wave of damage first broke out, which made Abadon feel threatened, forcing him to order 4 BOSS to “drive” himself ~ ~ and then through the positioning of 4 BOSS took it near Abadon, and then let others attack it!

Even if anyone can withstand after a fierce attack, they will not refuse if there are obstacles around them. Naturally, 4 BOSS will be arranged around! After that, just round up and wait for the queen bee to produce more small bugs ... But I didn't expect Abadon to cooperate so much, and also mobilized the previous small bugs to my side, which saved Archie's time!

The charged saliva arrow has a small group attack ability, two shots cover a small half of the insect swarm, and the huge damage will directly kill the two insect swarms!

Then the two saliva arrows were very arrogant and triggered a 50% chance of ejection, one of which was ejected twice! Almost all the remaining bugs are killed in seconds! Even if they were not killed by a spike, they were all killed by sputtering!

The dead insects are roughly estimated to be more than 3000, and those who are directly injured will produce a sputtering effect, at least half of them! Each bug's blood volume is close to 2000, so the total splash damage is close to one million! !

The queen bee is too big, and Abadon is in the center, so almost both of them suffered full damage!


"General!" Archie was quite proud and said with a smile.

If you are playing chess, the current situation is indeed checkmate! After 30 seconds in the soul area, all the small bugs will be resurrected. Archie can still reapply the trick, and in the next two rounds, Abadon will be killed directly!

If you want to save your life, there are only two options! Either leave the worm corpse, but leave the throne as a result! Either turn off the Soul Realm, but at the same time, 4 BOSS will be liberated at the same time and join Archie's camp!

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