This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 427: Invincible

"Black dog, flying fish! You enter from the living room!"

"Wrench, follow me from the bedroom!"

"Use directional blasting grenades!"

"Countdown 3 seconds!"





"Pap Pap Pap"!

Ordinary tempered glass can eat the power of a grenade! All turned into powder in the loud noise, and incidentally shattered the curtains into pieces!

"Good job! I can finally see it!" Hawkeye dragged the sniper rifle with joy, and then quickly checked the situation in the room. "No target was found in the living room ... the target was not found in the bedroom! The only dead end was the bedroom bathroom! It ’s up to you ... Um? Jack? Why do n’t you act? Jack? "

"Eagle Eyes retreat! Jack, they are finished too! The masters who protect the target are not what we can deal with!" Owl said flatly.

"No! This is impossible! We are the third-ranked mercenary regiment in the world !!!"

"TM's intelligence officer must give a statement! The news is all wrong! Pack up and retreat ... the group of Guoan is here!"

"Um ... this can only be done ... Um? !!! The target appears! I'm sure !!!" The eagle eye, who was about to disassemble the sniper rifle, suddenly saw Archie coming out of the bathroom probe and aiming with breathless breath The front sight locked Archie's head almost instantly!

The timing is perfect!

Hawkeye almost instinctively pulled the trigger, and had a 90% chance of hitting the target!

'puff! ’

The sound of the silencer sniper rifle is very clear and sweet, and Eagle Eye calls it the sound of the bell of death! After Zi Zi popped out of the hall, Hawkeye's body and mind were relaxed. Although many colleagues died, but the mixed mercenary group, dead friends don't die peacefully, colleagues died more, but they can more reflect their own value ...

But ... the mind that had just soothed suddenly tightened again!

The goal is still alive!

No hit? How can it be!

Wait, what are the goals?

Raise the gun and aim ... yourself?

When the distance is more than 400 meters, how did the other party find themselves? Through ballistics?

Also, even if it is found, is that pistol funny? The kinetic energy of the pistol bullets at a distance of 400 meters is almost exhausted. Who else can it hit?

Yep? Why is it dark?


"Eagle Eye ?! Eagle Eye !!!"

"Eagle's eyes are silent! All surviving units obey, give up their missions, and retreat !!!"


After killing the last sniper, Archie's 'Accelerated World' finally reached its limit. He fell to the ground with a nosebleed, and there were no negative emotions after the murder in his coma, but he was still very excited ...

‘Accelerate the world ... Real TM feel! ! ! ’



After 8 hours.

In a secret meeting room in an office building of a department in Hangzhou.

"... The above is the on-site deduction of Room 1307 in this incident! The report is over!" A handsome middle-aged man sat down after saluting.

"Hongyuan, wouldn't you deduce it wrong? Can it be done to such a degree ... are you the soldiers of the National Security Special Operations Group?" The old man in the throne can't believe it.

"This is simply non-human ... an empty-handed shot of a ripper known as a humanoid tank in the mercenary world ..." said the other man in a special police uniform.

The middle-aged man interjected: "Not an empty hand, there is an ashtray and a knife and fork!"

"What's the difference between this TM and an empty hand?" The special police man shouted, scratching his head. "The otaku who hasn't touched the gun has killed three armed elite mercenaries in less than 10 seconds! The blinds shot less than 3 seconds and blindly shot and killed 4 gangsters who wanted to break through the window, and the TM was in two rooms! Finally, they took a P92 pistol and fell to each other's sniper !!! Lin Hongyuan !! You fooling people also want to have reliable reasons! Bullying me. A provincial special police officer has never seen the market yet? You just want me to tell reporters this tomorrow? Are you stupid or am I stupid? "

"Be calm, don't be irritable! Everything at today's meeting must not be circulated. I believe you signed the confidentiality agreement before you came in!" Lin Hongyuan pushed his glasses calmly and said, "So be sure to compile credible reasons before tomorrow!

"Also, the above are all facts! The commander of the Hundred Beast Mercenary Corps has also been captured, and the process has been confirmed by the other party!"

"... but it's too exaggerated ... I don't believe humans can do this!" Uncle SWAT is still shaking his head.

"Of course humans can't do it! He ... can be counted as ... new humans ... speed of thinking, speed of nerve reflexes, speed of gathering outside information, sense of crisis, regulation of muscles ... etc. Doubled as ordinary people! But the goal does not seem to be completely new! "

"A new human ..." The old man thought deeply. "How is the man now? Has it been restored?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter! Lin Xiaozhu and Li Xiaobai are accompanying them!"

"Xiaozhu? Is it your daughter? Haha! It's a dad who doesn't hesitate to make good cabbages!" The old man said after a few laughs, "We must ensure the safety of the target. He is our only hope. Incorporate into Guoan!"

"Chief ... I have different opinions!" Lin Hongyuan stood up to explain his point of view. "The state has tilted a lot of resources to this plan, but you have seen it, and there are not many results! The speed of imagination has evolved and greatly exceeded our expectations! Therefore, I believe that we must continue to grow in a 'free' environment! Of course, there will be no less security work in secret, and in this incident, the beast servants The elite of the Corps is completely destroyed, and it can also play a role in killing chickens and monkeys! "

"..." After a moment of contemplation, the old man nodded and agreed, "Then do as you wish! Anyway, this time the mission is based on your National Security Bureau's cybersecurity task force! I also believe in your ability!"

"Thank you for your trust!"



On the other side, in a ward of an ordinary community hospital in the urban area.

Archie woke up warily, and every part of the body was not sore, and it felt like running 2 marathons in a row, and each muscle seemed to cramp in the next moment!

There is no way, ‘Accelerate the World’ is over-exploited when it gets excited, beyond its limits! After all, there was a speeding up of thinking not long ago in the game, and a tired body came again ... It would be nice to be able to stick to all the killers.

Archie now wants to know where she is and how long she has slept, but she dared not open her eyes ... because by the bedside, the two soft and luscious girls are talking about infinite words! It ’s never too late to listen to it after hearing it!

"You are really a pig ~ ~ It ’s enough to take care of Archie and I ’m alone. You wo n’t have a good rest if you get a shot!"

"It's okay, it's blocked by bulletproof vests! The two of them can take turns to sleep for a while!"

"It hurts to block it! You can break your ribs with bad luck!"

Then the style changed ...

"Hey? You haven't broken your bones, is it because of buffering?"

"Buffer? What buffer?"

"Your B Cup ~~ I should have rushed to the front after thinking so ~~ My D will definitely hurt when I get hit ~~"

"Lin Xiaobai !!! Si--"

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk, kidding, don't be angry! It's not hurt, it's all swollen and small!" Xiaobai's mouth flower can't be changed, "Eng is just right, almost It's time to wipe the medicine, I will wipe it for you! "

"Don't ~~ I'll come by myself ~"

"Sister, what's so embarrassing ... Oh ~~ I'm afraid that Archie woke up? It's okay, the doctor said that I can't recover after a day and a night! Let's not toss about changing places!"

"Okay ... okay ..."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg with because with with which the swollen is so perfect! It's a perfect shape ~~

"Don't touch it ~~~"

"Surely you will encounter it when you are on medicine ~~ You can bear it ~~"



No, no, Archie feels that his spirit and energy will be lost again! And now I have a very difficult choice!

Look ... or not! ! !

peep? What is a real gentleman?

But ... Brother is not a gentleman ... Also, can I say that I just woke up even if I was discovered ~ I missed this opportunity, but I will regret it forever! ! !

Brother open! ! !