This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 451: There are a lot of open systems

Of course, Archie would not know that he was being stared at by others. Using the last tens of days in the game, he was so crazy that he was scheduled to start the counterattack!



At this time, the supercomputing center located in Germany is also undergoing final preparations!

"Joanna, Joanna !!! Wake up! Wake up soon !!!"

"... Uh ... Am I fainting again?"

"Yes! But you persisted for 2 seconds, the latest record! It seems that our analysis is correct," Dragon Continent "has been in a weak acceleration state to stimulate the player's potential! Let talented humans continue to evolve! That is Say, it is creating new human beings! "

"You know, you know! How many times have you said Sharin!" The skillfully took over the white towel delivered and carefully washed the remaining nosebleed. "Look at you so happy, how much did I break this time? "

"98%! Full 98%! Just now your brain activity really scared everyone. If you maintain scientific research and thinking in this state, many problems may be solved!"

"98% ... the player named" Wang Bajian "speculates how many?"

"The news shared by the United States said that more than 100%, it is likely that more than 100% will also have this ability to accelerate in reality!" Charlene hesitated and continued frowning, "The fellow immigrants just now There was news that this king and eight swords ... oh, in reality the player named Archie escaped the assassination! It also contains detailed information on his current address ... what do you say ... "

"Treat? No need to deal with it! I don't want to experience the pain of a power outage, and the trouble will be great if I can't eat dessert ..." Speaking of the rational and white medical gown, "What's more, as the heir of the Habsburg family, You have to beat your opponents with integrity! Otherwise, how can I qualify to succeed? "

"Well, you are the gold master, you have the final say ~"

"Don't talk about this anymore. The news from the United States can't be fully trusted in the future. They don't have good intentions!"

"Yeah ..." Charlene scratched her messy hair. "However, the inside information in the game is quite reliable. Hidden missions, BOSS's play style have been verified, no problem! And Joanna, you can arrive early. No problem with the II server! "

"Huh, just want us to be the pioneers! Just sometime we will come back behind and take up the village that our II finally built up!" Changed to the heroic outfit, Joanna Shaking his blond hair, he asked, "Did you just detect the acceleration of II?"

"Yes! 370 times! Faster than before!"

"It's a terrible speed ... that kind of experience, as if the information can fill the brain in a flash! Why do you say ... Why does the brain open the port so that the" new human "is eligible to go online when it is updated?

"Exercise new human beings? You only lasted 0.3 seconds from the first time to 2 seconds now. The progress is much faster than before!"

"Isn't this dangerous? If there were so many monitoring medical devices that would be able to actively disconnect when life is threatened, as long as a few more seconds, I will probably die of intracranial hemorrhage ... I always feel that Zhinao is challenging the limits of the new human being ... "

"It's right to feel this way ..."

"Not challenging my limit! It is another new human being, a new human being who can keep up with its speed ..."

"..." The hacker girl was forced ... to keep up with 370 times the speed? Humanity?

"Hey, don't care, I will mention it like that, thinking!" Joanna quickly denied herself. After all, there was no evidence to change the subject quickly. "The progress of the Chinese clothing is greatly ahead this time. We must do our best. Catch up! How are the staff prepared? "

"The two days are ready! The logistics are also included! The first two parts of the main mission have been removed, and I will wait for Anna to come back to host the third part later!"

"Well! The pattern of the European service is too small! It must be dominant in the second world as soon as possible! The Chinese who is expected to arrive in the second world after opening the service, will soon catch up with my progress! Known new human beings The two of us, now it depends on whose footsteps are faster! "

"How can he compare with Anna?" Charlene screamed. "Wisdom is so tightly monitored that it must rely on its own power and cannot join any forces ... What can he do as a civilian?"

"Don't care! It's just such a civilian, and no insider can catch up with me by himself! It's worthy of respect! I just have to make a hole ... Is my own force not joining? Is it ridiculous ... It is because of this reason that my illegitimate daughter has been put on the position of chief heir! "

"Hey, Joanna, don't even think about it! The only thing you can do now is to win and take control of Zhinao, otherwise ... we will definitely be ...% & ...% & @ *, again (! ...... % ¥! 'S! "

"Hey? What are you talking about? Can you watch some normal videos in the future? And I beg you to find a boyfriend! Bai Chang has a good face!"

"You don't ..."

"Beating you !!!"



In the intensified action of European and Mifu players, Huaxia finally ended its long update! The game restarts!

This update time is so long ~ ~ There must be big changes! All players online check the logs for the latest changes!

what? Has the timeline been pushed forward for three and a half months?

Has the Storm Empire alliance with the Exile Alliance? Players of the two camps can no longer attack each other with impunity? Otherwise, the punishment is the same as PK?

Ordinary teleportation array closed again? How to play that! ! ! Is it time to break the leg again? Oh no ... it seems that there are compensation measures ...

Mount system is open ...

The air transportation system is open ... It can quickly shuttle between major cities and strongholds for a certain freight.

The shipping system is open ... All players can take free fixed-ship ships to and from major ports.


The above is still ordinary, the next news is the key ... Every player who sees it does not feel that his mouth is open, and his face is dull ...

Random copies are open ... Ai Xia will have an indefinite number, an indefinite level, an indefinite difficulty, and an indefinite duration of copies waiting for players to challenge.

Random BOSS is open ... Ai Xia will randomly refresh high-level and difficult BOSS, waiting for players to challenge.

The career advancement system is open ... At levels 40 and 60, you can find a career instructor to take over tasks to challenge, and after the advancement, each attribute will get a large increase! To put it simply ... is to change the template to become elite!

New occupations open ... Death knight, shadow priest ... is an advanced rare occupation of knights and priests! The specific needs to be explored in the game.

The national combat uniform is open ... You can spend a high cost of transportation from Heilonggang to the National Warfare Server-II to experience the new content ... But the system is very intimate to make recommendations ... consider carefully! The second side ... but it ’s not easy to mix!

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