This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 453: Wing man's new job

Jimmy rubbed his temples and continued to recall: "The NPCs under siege are all members of the All Souls Association who mentioned China in the previous intelligence. And ... Selim ..."

"Is it ... Selim again?" The man in black analyzed. "However, the actual strength of your account is 75 world-class. With the ability to fly, the size is small. In theory, it should be escaped if it can't be beaten? "

"Escape? Didn't I say that? !!! They have a dozen of world-class !!!!!! There are two of the same level as me! One Holy Light Dragon that is not in the intelligence! One that you requested before The demon Abaddon I worked with! Did n’t you say it was killed? Why did it appear? You count it, these NPCs can kill me to death! "

"There are so many crossbow cars and artillery! Not to mention tens of thousands of other guards !!! How do I escape? How do you teach me how to escape?"

"As far as I know, your account features are poison and plague. The more opponents you have, the stronger your combat effectiveness is, why ..."

"I have said it several times !!! They are all immune to the plague !!! Immune! Understand? No effect !!! What's the use of poison damage only? They have the same strength of the Holy Light Dragon, I How much does he solve !!! "

"... Why not just fly away?"

"There are a total of four world-class dragons in the sky, no chance, and all the fortified crossbow car cannons can be aimed at the fire at a blast, and die faster, it is better to be a bit bunker on the ground ..."


"Don't do it! I said everything I should say. You can't believe me if you don't believe it! Anyway, my parents didn't control me after I was 8 years old. You can do whatever you love!"

The man in black looked at the decadent Jimmy, nodded and left the interrogation room.


"Director John, do you feel credible?" The man in black handed over the transcript to the white coat.

"Oh, what's unbelievable before the facts?" He didn't look at the transcript, and threw it back again, "Go back and burn it, this kid is still useful!"

"Um? Don't hold him accountable? The NPC account we finally got is gone !!!"

"Account? Can we get wisdom brain?" John sneered. "The key is still human! The only person who is most promising to become a new human is Jimmy, but he is too young and too self-righteous to control, just right. Take advantage of this opportunity to kill him! It will be convenient for us to control him in the future! "

"Worthy Director John ..."

"Don't flatter! We are running out of time, and plan to expand the capacity!"

"Director !!!!!! Is there really no other way?"

"There is no time! The poor kid in China will not say it first! There are also new human beings in the European service! There is also a troublesome figure! The new successor of the Habsburg family-Joanna!"

"How can it be……"

"The national combat uniform has been opened again, and this brain has added so many regional servers at the same time! Maybe it will only be more and more in the future! Our advantages will also be lost! Only this backup plan can be carried out ... "

"But ... that's 100 lives !!! And it's all hope to grow naturally into a new human being!" The man in black no longer screamed in coldness.

"I said, there is no time! According to their progress, 10 years may not reach the level of the previous China! It is better to gather everyone's strength and create a new human being!"

"Let's equip! I will bear all the responsibilities! Also, it might be possible to collect more" new human "seedlings! If we can create 10 new humans, we will win!"

After he finished speaking, John turned his whole white coat and turned to leave, leaving the black man in the conscience who was hit hard by the conscience.



"Joanna! Joanna wakes up!"

"Busy? What's the matter?"

Was awakened from the game, the blonde beauty was a little angry, but at the first sight, it was Shalin, a girlfriend and friend.

"See the world announcement? How is this possible? How could the guardians of the servers be killed now!"

"Nothing is impossible! With the participation of new humans, coupled with enough powerful NPCs to command, the possibility of exerting combat power to leapfrog is still quite large ..."

"Not this, why is the guardian of Mifu meeting with Huaxia! And the kill was completed as soon as it went online, and it only took 1 minute before and after!"

"It's true ... even if it happens by chance on the line, the encounter between high-end NPCs will not be the result in 1 minute ..." Joanna thought for a moment, "Will the" Wang Bajian "before the line go off All the plans have been arranged? Because the update stage, the NPC can still act autonomously, and the battle has been launched within the updated time period! The kill is displayed only when it is online, is it just a coincidence? "

"... Then his computing power is too great ... it's like a fortune-telling witch ... If I really have this strength, I don't want to be an enemy with him! I won't know how to die ... I would rather believe He can go online in the updated time period ... "

"Well? !!!" When chatting here, the two beauties stared at each other ...

Not to mention, this is the most likely! Because Joanna also tried! Just stick to it for at most 2 seconds! But in these two seconds, there are more than ten minutes in the game! If this ‘King of Eight Swords’ is strong enough to persist for a few more seconds, or even more than 1 minute, would n’t it be a few hours in the game?

Of course, no matter how the two beauties let themselves go, they will never guess that Archie can easily enter and exit the game without restrictions ... More than 300 times of acceleration ... It's really not a thing!

"Don't say this, let the intelligence department continue to follow up! We are in big trouble ourselves ... Those wingmen who found before ... have left!"

"What's the matter? Leaving? Where did we go? We invested a lot of resources in it!"

"I do n’t know ~ ~ Just after going online, I found that the entire wingman ’s stronghold has been gone ... At the scene, I found the footprint of the dragon ... But there is no trace of fighting, it may be that I escaped ahead of time ... "Joanna was also a little irritable." Damn! If we can conquer this group of winged people, then our intelligence gathering ability in II will be far beyond the others! "

Indeed, when it comes to the national war, the main competition is three aspects: the number of people, high-end combat effectiveness, intelligence!

The role of intelligence may still be the most important! Avoiding heavy is light, playing less is more, frivolous development, decapitation and so on are inseparable from the support of intelligence! The map of the Second World is really huge, the terrain is complicated and changeable, the monsters and the local forces are too many and fierce, it is really impossible to move without intelligence! It also reflects the large number of Wings, and the importance of flying units with few natural enemies in the air except for a few creatures such as dragons!



"Sir Selim ... really want to do this? It's shameful to say!" Wing King Wang Frei twitched.

"What a shame! To be honest, if you winged people have too many deaths and injuries, you need to rest and recuperate. This kind of beauty difference is not yours!"

"I know ... I am very grateful to Yourselm for your care ... We are only responsible for intelligence collection and information transmission ... No need to go to the front line to fight ... But ... Can you change the color of the hat? "

"Are you paying for it? The city hats sponsored by Stormwind City are only green, so you can use them ..."

"Okay ... I always think this color is a bit unlucky ..."

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