This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 587: Rock and I are friends

? The existence of a big demon in the imperial capital will logically become the focus of the audience, but unfortunately, everything comes first, arrives first, and today is destined to be without its 'highlight' moment.

No way, is there anything more terrifying and more attractive than the dead mountain giant who climbed up again?

Unlike Rock Dragon, the Giant Giant's blood bar is watching everyone drop a little until it finally dies! As a result, they were born again, and everyone was almost suspicious of life ...

But there was no time for everyone to be forced, and the mountain giant who climbed up took another step towards the rock dragon, and the situation was not bad! Fortunately, there was a killing experience, and everyone was not as desperate as before, and the firepower was fully opened again soon! This time, I made up my mind not to bombard it to the scum, and never give up! See how Ya can be resurrected!

But ... determined to be shaken immediately in the next moment ...

I saw a mountain giant with a difficult prospect of firepower, and there seemed to be an iron chain hanging behind it. It gradually pulled out of the puddle with the footsteps ... dragged out ... a large piece of ice that has melted more than half ... there are two more Iron **** of different sizes ...

If you want to light two iron balls, you will not be too surprised. At least many players have seen the mountain giant throwing a hammer, and it should be regarded as a weapon ... but ... the ice cube containing the iron ball is so strange that it is ... burning? !

Yes, you read it right, just like the acetylene used in the dry pot, the blue flames are coming and going!

What the hell? ! Why does ice burn? ! !

I haven't had time to figure it out, and it's changed again! With the burning, the ice cubes continue to melt, and the speed is getting faster and faster! When it no longer looks so thick, it bursts ...

Two metal **** ... oh no! The two dragons finally broke free of their shackles and turned into dragon form again!

Two dragons ... not right! The size is not huge, it can be said to be quite mini! The colors are gold and silver, the metal material of the whole body is smooth and detailed, even a scale and a beard are clearly visible, reflecting the brilliant brilliance in the sun!

In a word-handsome!

Because the styling is too irritating to the eye, and I do n’t know if it ’s an enemy or a friend, everyone does n’t dare to act rashly, fearing that it might be misunderstood as an attack target. Only a small number of high-level leaders such as kings and the ‘gentlemen’ in the players know that there is no need to misunderstand at all, the two dragons are dead enemies!

No one can accept treatment such as detention, persecution, restriction of freedom, or even ‘frozen collection’. They will always be put together. Once freedom is restored, they will definitely bite the persecutors!


The king stared at the eyes of the two dragons, and cold sweat shed involuntarily!

Have to panic! He is quite clear about the abilities of these two dragons. As long as conditions permit, he is the most buggy dragon! Originally it was absolutely impossible to capture. It all relied on the veteran 'Ice Dragon' who sacrificed the supernova team to make a super strong ice formation. He also used the ice big move under the serious injury and gave the two dragons a temporary Freeze, and then others moved it to the circle during the frozen time, that is, under the pool!

This magic circle has been verified, as long as the water source is constantly extinguished, it is almost impossible to get rid of it! Only those who control the circle can be targeted to weaken the effect of the circle. So, after the research of the "gentlemen", the proposal was adopted to dig the moat, and the water source problem could not be cut off! Then he thawed only half of one dragon at a time, threatening the life of the other and forcing him to make the equipment needed for the empire!

With the ability of the metal dragon to almost BUG, ​​the metal can be manipulated freely without smelting, and the production efficiency of the imperial weapon is directly dozens of times! At the same time, the quality of weapons has also been exaggerated! The so-called fine weapons of the former forging masters can now produce dozens of them in a blink of an eye!

It is for this reason that the fighting power of the empire has been greatly increased due to the loss of personnel and almost collapsed, but it has become stronger than before! After a few battles, the strength of the legion after the dress-up is no longer the same!

After tasting the sweetness, the high level of the empire started to get worse!

It is needless to say that the two shifts let the two metal dragons work as white workers. After discovering that the detachable part of the body became weaponry, it became more and more excessive! Almost all high-level leaders have replaced the weapons and armor made by the metal dragon with their bodies! No way, its quality is several times more powerful than the previously exaggerated weapons!

The weapon is so sharp that it can easily cut the pig iron without wearing out ...

Armor, if you wear full armor, you wo n’t get a little bit injured in the rain!

What's more exaggerated is that its magic resistance is also extremely good!

Of course, because the material consumes the dragon's body, the top management knows that it is inexhaustible and fishing ... However, after the `` Gentlemen '' threw up the mountain giant plan to deal with the hard-to-crack rock dragon, it can't control that much!

Directly let the two dragons consume most of their bodies, making the iron rod and the hammer!

...... The plan is perfect, but no one would think that in the end it turned into this look!

The king originally thought that no one could rescue the two dragons with the predecessor's repeated guarantee of the "frozen circle". Not even a mountain giant with amazing brute force! But as a result ... The magic circle does not seem to be so reliable!

Then it is obvious that the anger of the two dragons will be accepted ... until one side perishes ...

However, the expected battle did not seem to come!

The two metal dragons just glanced at the "enemies" with cold eyes, and then without hesitation bypassed the pond and jumped into the river channel without a trace ...

On the contrary, it was a mountain giant, who seemed to be dazed, did not resurrect the rock dragon as expected, but instead rushed into the crowd as a loss of wisdom to kill!

As if being awakened, the stunned crowd began to recover, and after concentrating, they set fire again. Soon, the mountain giant fell to me again. Everyone was uneasy, and they uttered a brutal ‘beep’ of their bodies and the body of the rock dragon. They did n’t stop until they became the ‘debris’ of the two beaches who could n’t tell what it was!


The demon Durell looked a little scarier than the king!

Obviously, the abuse of "beep" scared it! After all the eyes hit him, it was even more out of control ...

"Can you count the hits? Or give them pleasure?"


With the cold-blooded answer of the entangled warrior MT, the whole city besieged ...



Outer river bottom.

The two metal dragons escaped and moved forward in a dog-climbing style.

"It's safe here! Both of you, I have fulfilled Locke's promise, so don't pass it ..."

"Thank you ~ ~ Respectable slime ..." Slightly larger, but only about 5 meters left, Golden Dragon Gold nodded.

"You're welcome, I'm a friend of Locke, and save his family ... My family ... is also my duty and responsibility ..." Archie's eyes were deep, full of thoughts, "Unfortunately ... Walker died too many times, Ability can no longer resurrect him ... "

It's not a lie ... Archie just opened the heroic realm, and the mountain giants were directly resurrected, but the rock dragon ... not even the soul here, can resurrect a ghost!

"Mr. Selim ... you have done well enough, don't be sad ... or, will you go with us?" Yinlong Coromanthan heard the voice as a determined girl.

"No ..." Archie refused altogether, and the momentum changed greatly, "Walker's hatred has not been reported yet! That demon ... I must kill it!"

"Mr. Selim ..."

"Rock has your friend, it is his honor!"

Two metal dragons were moved by Archie's acting skills ...