This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 589: Debut

? In "Dragon Continent", any BOSS that can be reminded by the system will not be easy to explain, or it can be said that they are all very powerful!

For a time, everyone took away the contempt and watched carefully.

Especially the melee who were very close to the devil, including the meat shield overlord soldier, silently retreated a few meters.

The top-level compound magic ‘Fire Dragon Scroll’ is still spinning, and the massive damage is still beating. The orange-red flame blade in the tornado blocked everyone's sight, and it was impossible to see exactly how the effect was.

However, everyone knows that the devil can never lose blood!

Because only 15% of the blood bar remained, it could not stand up to the massive damage. It has been more than ten seconds before it has fallen by two percentage points!

The meat level is completely different!


Of course it is different, and it is very different! Archie can more intuitively see the change of attributes through the eye of omniscience!

Health ... 21.5 million ...

Stamina ... 39500 points ...

Demon skin recovery effect doubled ... 1% per second ...

The increase in endurance will not only reflect the health value, but also increase the strength of the flesh. In short ... the defense becomes higher!

With such an exaggerated weight of life, the defense has increased ... it's already abnormal! Let ’s say that the remaining 15% of the blood volume has 21.5 million bases, and it has properly exceeded 3 million ... More than 1 million is almost equivalent to the original full state ...

There is also a 1% blood return per second ... 210,000 blood per second ... Ha ha, relying on the existing combat power of the imperial capital, it is obviously impossible to kill!


"Be careful !!! Protect the king and prepare to retreat !!!"

The first to find out what was wrong was the overlord warrior! Close to vaguely you can see some pictures, obviously bear the fiercest magic since the beginning of the war, the demon Durell showed a comfortable smile!

Not right! Very wrong! ! !

But the reminder is still too late!

"Hehehehe, rest assured, Marshall I will stay until the end and slowly" tasting ", or worry about yourself ~"

Before the words fell, Durrell ignored the "Fire Dragon", and Yuzai walked out of the magical range. He opened the flame blade that was still "pushed" and smiled at the Flesh Shield Warrior.

"Impossible !!! The Fire Blade Tornado in impossible, it is impossible to come out !!!"

"Hey, lie! Do you not say that Dragon Roll has the strongest limiting effect ?!"

The two overlord mages who have spent a lot of magic tossing out the big tricks have suffered the most. They both know the power of their magic best, combining control and damage, and creatures of the same level, except for large bodies such as rock dragons and mountain giants. Species, once hit, it is almost impossible to escape! The word ‘almost’ was also added just after seeing the demon coming out ...

"Don't worry, it's your turn later!" Glancing at the two crispy mage in the air, Durrell finally started to act!

It is almost impossible to see its moving figure, the residual image is still in place, and the real body has appeared beside the overlord warrior!

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh also at also heard a loud noise, the overlord warrior holding his shield and waiting for it, flew towards the inner wall like a cannonball ... Everyone swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

On the city wall, just like the common scenes in funny animations, there is a human-shaped pothole, which is not deep ...

Are you still alive? Should it be puree? !

"Really refreshing! Who is the next round? It's up to you."

Durrell aimed at the double swordsman again ...

"The grudge broke out, the limit broke through, and the wind blasted !!!" Under the threat of death, the swordsman did not hesitate to make a full move, evading from a distance without rules.

"Mouse, run faster!"

Useless! ! !

Durrell caught the swordsman at a speed that he couldn't keep up with! When the crowd found their position, the devil was picking up the hogs and kneading the swordsman in his hand, ignoring the continuous slashing at zero distance ... Then, as if feeling the quality of the "hog" was not satisfactory, he went to the wall throw……

On the city wall, there is another ‘human figure’ ...

Strong! Invincible! ! !

In the imperial capital, the raven is silent ...

Anyone who sees this level of opponents will be terrified! Even the players who can be resurrected indefinitely are equally war-free ... challenging BOSS, even with a 0.01% win rate, it is a challenge, but ... 0% win rate, it is called death ...

"Forget it, I thought it would give me more fun, so I can't play it in just a few clicks?" Durrell sneered. The entire emperor is now its private hunting ground!

No one answers!

Even King Marshall, who was very good at playing Houhei Xue, could not help but tremble slightly ... what can I do? Such opponents, any strategy, any words, are pale and weak! The so-called outsmarting must be in the situation of being able to get it. Now, even if the devil stands and let everyone fight, there is no chance of winning ... The level of power is completely different!

However, the demon Durell would not have thought that there was still one person in the battle who was not scared by him, and had already found the first chance of victory ...


The demon Durell seemed to be enjoying the attention of many people, trying to explode it a hundred times, a hundred times, but there was no way to suffocate the atmosphere, and was not in a hurry to 'abuse people'.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Huang approached the king and whispered for a while.

"Yes! Yes !!! What the Archmage Master said is very true !!!" The king listened, and the gloomy expression gradually dissipated. But under Xiao Huang's slight shaking of his head, he seemed to wake up and become more gloomy again ...

"Okay, I get it! No matter what the ending is, you will be the guest of the Empire, the most distinguished guest!" The king went through the plan again, frowning, "It's just that I lost the fighting power of the two predecessors. Can you continue until ... "

"What ?! Do you still have a secret? Can you summon an overlord-level combat power ?! Seriously? Oh no, it ’s not that you suspect the Archmage, but it ’s just too pleasant ... what materials are needed? Or what arrangement? The treasury and You can tell the court magistrate casually! Ah? No? Anytime? Then please call quickly ... without delay ... "



After the Chinese service and the European service, the US service has finally become the focus of gamers around the world!

The battles in the imperial city spread through the game circle through forums, game entertainment programs, self-media and so on.

The game anchors have either broadcast live, or broadcast live. That epic battle is so exciting to see!

Since the live broadcast started ~ ~ seeing mountain giants and rock dragons in the capital city, everyone knows that demons will appear sooner or later! After all, the three stages of the main strategy are not a secret, and the process is similar. Players who have seen it twice know that the devil will appear sooner or later!

Sure enough, in the second half of the battle, the demon revealed his true body!

Although the fighting power displayed at the beginning was disappointing, it was unsurprisingly, the devil is the devil! When the killing moves are used, the gods simply block the killing god, and the Buddha blocks the killing Buddha!

Regardless of whether the camp is good or bad, as long as the audience is not on their own heads, just look cool! They all said that the devil is cheering, and the glorious mission of resisting beauty is handed over to it ...

However, after watching Shuang, I always feel that something is missing ... What is missing?

Finally, when a small circle on the inner city wall shone for a moment, everyone realized that it came back ... Oh, it turned out that "Slim" was missing!

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