This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 599: Go north

? It's convenient to do things with money, just 10 minutes, the mustard girl returned to the living room, indicating that the arrangements are made and you can leave!

The four went directly to the parking shed on the rooftop of the top floor, the helicopter went to the airport, and the airport went directly to Mohe. The purchase of the waterway naturally had the people below to do their work ...

Damn capitalism ...


I was speechless and had no energy to talk. I fought for a few days in a row, each finding a place to sleep. Archie opened his eyes again, this time the private jet was more luxurious, and it was even divided into the living room bedroom bathroom! However, the big men in the bedroom were embarrassed to **** them, and generously gave them to the wasabi sister ... When Tang Chongyang was the boss, did he take care of his men too?

As for his men, it seemed to Archie more like three intimate good siblings. When getting off the plane, Mustard found several down jackets and asked again if they were warm enough, like an old lady ...

Then, without a doubt, the snowmobile waited early at the airport ...

"MD! Snowmobile?"

"The scrapped large armored personnel carrier was converted! You know, my dad's previous career ..."

"I understand!" People are really incomparable, especially the second-generation elders of the rich second generation + red second generation ...

It is worthy of the modification of the armored car. The equipment and facilities inside are all available. The navigation system is also an unheard of type! After entering the coordinates, a satellite map screen that is several times more accurate than ‘Du Niang Map’ appears on the center console!

"It's okay, 120 kilometers, and I can get there in 2 hours!" Dadong estimated and started off with a throttle. Archie also probably forget it, it took three and a half hours to fly all the way to the present ... Enough!


Northland scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow! Even Archie of the scum level, looking at the magnificent snow-white world outside the window, couldn't help but think of a great man's poem.

It is a great blessing in life to be able to enjoy such beautiful scenery in a heated car!

At this point, everyone finally has time and energy to chat, and each talks about what happened in the game recently.

"Boss Archie, you are really enough! Why did you go to the US service to make such a big news?" Dadong drove while talking.

"I'm not forced to do it! I got a beautiful dress in a mess, and I just killed the devil ... by the way, how are you doing wasteland?"

Tang Chongyang answered: "It's estimated that it's coming soon, and there is a final floor, but everyone is more tired. I decided to take a day off and continue!"

"That's good! Is there any difficulty?"

"Is it difficult ... it should have been there ... now it's gone ..."

amount? What do these mean?

"I'm so confused now, mustard, come on ..."

"It's like this ..." The wasabi girl rubbed her temples, it seems that things are really a headache? "Before we discovered that there were other teams of players behind ..."

"I heard Ni Daye reported ..." There is very little contact between Archie and the team, it does not mean no contact. Occasionally, Ni Daye will send information reports in the game.

"Yesterday, it is estimated that you and the demon started the battle? We found this group of players ... secretly observed that although the number of opponents is small, the strength is terrible ... With a dozen people, you can resist several boss bosses. Add a bunch of elite mobs. "

Wasabi continued to say: "Heads-up confrontation, everyone feels that the win rate is not high, but they certainly can't continue to let them follow behind their buttocks! I may not see them again when they are stabbed in the back ..."

"So, everyone negotiated and put them in a trap promenade!"

"The Trap Corridor is a two-way channel. If it cannot be passed without an ID card, it will be attacked by the automatic defense system. At the end of the promenade, there is a switch that can be forced on and off. We decided to leave the BOSS to fall. ID card, let them enter the promenade and then open it, and die them in the promenade. "

"But one thing was missed ... there are only four ID cards, and there are more than a dozen players in this group ..."

"Fortunately, the other party was too cautious, or too careless ... first sent a person through the corridor, and after finding the switch off, everyone passed together ..."

"We're second to the guy who arrived first, and then ..."

Archie probably outlined a picture of a killing ... I have to say, good luck! If the other party is more cautious, come over four at a time, and send another person to take all the pass cards to pick up the next group of people, and it will not be destroyed by the regiment!

"After that, they counted the equipment they dropped and found that there was a strange thing in it ... called" Gold Guardian Gate "..."

"It looks like a metal egg, about the size of a basketball, and the description is unclear, saying that it is a" seal, a key "or something. After thinking of the next layer, just before the final gate, there is a console. Put in this 'metal egg' ... "

"Good luck!" Archie lamented that if there were no gifts from the players of the American costumes, it would be impossible to attack the mechanical labyrinth. "Later?"

"Later, everyone discussed it, and felt that it was the last stage. After taking a break, I went to the Raiders, so I went offline."

"It turns out that ... turning back to let" Shibeizi "set up a teleportation array, I will also help! It is estimated that it is time for the final boss."



Everyone was chatting. The snowmobile drove off the national road and walked into the wilderness. The scenery outside the car became more and more gorgeous, and there was no trace of artificial. From time to time, wild animals are disturbed and jump away.

Dadong's car skills are really superb. Even in the wilderness, he can still find the most correct way forward, bypassing hills and moving forward steadily.

"Boss Archie, it's almost time to coordinate! In other words, we are running so far ... what are we doing here?"

"... Did I not say before departure?"


"Did not notice."

"It doesn't matter."

The three shook their heads ... Archie's head was big for a while. How big are the hearts of these guys? Not sure what to do and ran with it? But I was a little touched. I was not sure about anything, so I dared to run in the ravine and make friends, but so?

"That ... I'm not sure what to do ..."


The three almost bit their tongues ... their hearts are big, and the boss who seems to follow them has a bigger heart!

"Someone asked me to pick me up ..."


"do not know……"

"Is it male or female? What are the characteristics?"

"Not sure ..."

"Are you sure?"

"do not know……"


Again speechless, do not know anything? How to pick someone? How did the people picking up come from this wilderness?

After all, Dadong, a former special reconnaissance officer, had experience: "It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, ordinary people will not come here. It's definitely right to see people take it away!"

It makes sense!

"Okay, here it is!"

With that said, the car has been parked between two hills. When the engine stopped, it was silent, let alone a figure, even the bird hair could not be seen!

Archie looked at the phone ... 2 minutes before 6 hours ...

Enduring the cold wind of minus ten degrees, the crowd climbed on the roof to wait and see ... 2 minutes, the surrounding area of ​​1 km was unobstructed, no matter how you look, no one can arrive in 2 minutes ... and there is no sign Show that someone has been ...

"Is the coordinates correct?"

"Should be right ..."

"What about time?"

"I guess it's right ..."



Archie once again asked three times without knowing ~ ~ The other three sighed in the sky, silently ......... smoke .........




The three of them opened their mouths and couldn't help sighing!

People are late, they just come by the stopwatch!

Listening to a snow camouflage parachute in the sky opened, dangling to the crowd.


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