This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 609: Big discussion

? Say good April Fool's Day?

Are all the deceitful things said?

How can I drop it? ! !

It is acceptable to see the lively office workers and the learning parties. Those players who are struggling on the front line, especially the half of the BOSS, who are about to reap, are a bit broken. Without giving an explanation, without giving compensation, why not refuse to give up!

Julong Group is still very concerned about this global event! At 3:15, an announcement will be issued immediately ...

"Relevant Notes on Unified Update of All Servers": Because the in-game process is controlled by Zhinao, the Dragon Group has no right to interfere. Viewing the data shows that everything is normal. In addition, before the update, Zhinao has reserved sufficient time for players to go to the safe area, and all losses incurred afterwards will be borne by the players themselves.

To say something in human language-I have reminded you that if you don't log off, you have a problem with your brain. If you like to play or not, don't BB!


April Fool's Day has unwittingly developed into a grand occasion for people to visit the forums during the development of Non-Fools ...

Some people accused the Dragon Group of being prosperous;

Unknown so come to see the lively;

Someone who has watched a foreign country through the wall, and by the way study the curse of the country ...

In short, in the first 2 hours, the Dragon Group became the target of the fire collection, and was surrounded by inhumane siege ...

But it's useless!

Others are the ultimate boss, invincible plus rogue! Love how dripping, I stand still!

As a result, I was tired of scolding. It was impossible to see compensation. The mood was finally stable. The wind direction of the forum also changed again. Return to the original use of the forum-discussion!

What to discuss? Naturally is the reason for this update!

It has been half a year since the Dragon Continent opened the service, and a lot of old players have more or less understanding of their urine. What's new, except for major changes, has promoted important plots and will never happen!

The previous updates all happened inside the servers in all districts, all triggered after the main storyline was promoted! Among them, the Chinese storyline advances the fastest, triggering 3 times, and the European service and the US service each trigger once when Raiders all the main lines!

By analogy, it is not difficult to speculate that if you want to trigger a full server update, or a big update that lasts a week, absolutely someone has absolutely done a big deal!

Moreover, this great event definitely happened in II! How else would it affect all servers? Except for the future common battlefield of II, there is no other possibility!

Then, a lot of predictions appeared ...


"Reliable news from the uncle of the Dragon Group" ... Look at the title to know that it is not reliable!

"About me accidentally triggering an update" ... why not write!

"Analysis of whether the main line of the US service strategy is related to this incident" ... This is still a point. After all, the two things are only one day apart, and it is really easy to think of it together!

Of course, most of the speculations and ridicules are for the sake of gaining eyeballs. However, some of them deduced it seriously and rigorously, gave some incredible insights, and aroused widespread concern, and every minute and second went to the top of the forum.

"Analysis on the coincidence of Selim and this update" ... Among them, I talked about Selim's appearance of the US service, and the completion of the main line, the introduction of US service NPC and a series of things, and gave a detailed timetable. In particular, Selim appeared at the "Evil Soul City" at noon today, and then carried out a detailed analysis of the fact that two metal dragons with beautiful clothes left through the teleportation array! After ‘good people’ provided the ‘precious’ video of Selim ’s activities in the city, they studied it frame by frame and determined that Selim and the two dragons must have something to do with their departure! Then, from entering the portal to the server prompting updates, there was only 1 hour and 2 minutes apart ... I have to think of a major connection!

After this article, another speculation has also received attention.

"Wang Bajian, Tang Chongyang, etc. The Mystery of the Disappearance" ... This article is not a long story, but only three pictures and a sentence are given.

"The guys on this rank list have disappeared for more than a week ..."

Then the two pictures are interesting! One is a screenshot of Wang Bajian's grades a week ago, one is 20 minutes before the service announcement, and one is 3 minutes after the service announcement ...

It has been shown that the girls have risen two levels on average in just one week! For guys with an average level of over 75 and sprints of 80, the experience of upgrading is huge! Results two levels a week? How ashamed of ordinary players? !

It doesn't matter ... what matters is ... the comparison of the two pictures before and after the server! One-half of the players on the list ... upgraded ...

This shows what? ! It means that the girls must have played an incredible BOSS, or completed an incredible task, and got extremely high experience at once!

Let ’s look at the time again ... It ’s really imaginative! ! ! Jealousy envy hate ah! ! ! !

It's almost finalized, it's the ghosts these guys are doing! ! ! !

In addition to this group of guys who traveled to the "Second World" continent for the first time, and the level is far ahead, who can trigger and complete the "big plot" in front of the girls? !

The hateful thing is ... Everyone doesn't even know what the plot is, everyone else is done ...

After that, the two posts were re-translated and re-translated, translated into various texts for people to observe, and by the way, they were perfected by the masters of various ways. In the end ... In the early morning of the next day, the facts were "derived" to be inseparable ...

"Condemnation of Wang Bajian and other people holding Selim's thighs and advancing the main line quickly" ........................

Among them, the derivation is accurate, the description is detailed, and the language resentment is heavy ... The team who got up and saw the post the next day was shocked by the cold sweat. They almost thought that we had a traitor and revealed the news!



Regardless of the disturbance outside, as always on the 66th floor ... noisy!

"It's amazing! It's amazing! Lao Hei, help move a few more cameras !!! No, boss Tang, can you help rent the IMAX Hollywood ultra-clear 3D camera in Hollywood ?! The record must be complete !!! "

"HAT ?!" Lao Hei's face was dazed, and Chinese still stayed at the level of ‘ah, wave, eat,’, understandable P!

As for Tang Chongyang, I just ignored it ... I have been calling for a day, and I will not stop! Since the server entered the update ~ ~ everyone was kicked out of the game, and only Archie was still swimming in the game, John was "burst"!

Almost impossible things happen in front of you! !

Earlier research on "Wisdom Brain" and its derivative "Dragon Continent" found that the Dragon Continent can run at high speed! Then I also tried to create "new humans" through its high-speed operation! But the results show that it is impossible!

By transforming the ‘helmet’ and experimenting with it in private, it only increased the speed by 100%, and the brain suffered irreversible damage! This is different from ordinary ‘thought acceleration’, because the speed of the entire world has increased, and the amount of data that needs to be processed can not be reflected with 100%! For every percentage point increase, the pressure on the brain rises rapidly!

But ... Archie was able to "survive" in the game world of 100 times speed! It's simply against biology! ! Although I need to go off the line to rest every hour, although the mustard girl keeps wiping sweat with Archie, and occasionally nosebleed ...

No way ... 100 times faster, it's too exciting ...

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