This Slime is Poisonous

Chapter 74: Intrigue

The Prophet looked a little unreliable, but since he found it, he would have to bring it back.

"Shibeizi, the BOSS that is blocking the road is also cleaned up, or should we go back to the village first?"

"Good is good ..." The prophet squeezed the organization language, "but I can't get out yet ..."

Yep? A copy, isn't it enough to go out?

The Prophet sighed and spread knowledge to Archie: "What do the Warriors think about the illegal space of the Dragon Continent?"

I do n’t have a lot of opinions, I can brush equipment and brush experience: "It ’s pretty good ..."

"It's pretty good ..." The Prophet looked up at the sky at 45 °, "In this self-contained space, any creature can't grow old and die, and life can be repeated countless times ..."

"Isn't it immortality?" Archie exclaimed.

"I can't survive, I can't survive!" The prophet pointed to himself. "How many years? In this space that will continue to reset, time is completely meaningless, including the future ... No matter how hard I try to practice, my strength is still nothing. No growth ... just a prison ... "

"Why do you want to enter the copy? With the prophet's space magic, can you always escape?"

The Prophet scratched his head, embarrassedly said: "Actually, my space magic has a big drawback ... Mana consumption is more serious ..." More than serious! Just a moment later, the whole piece of blue was dripping!

"Then the witch banshee bite again and did not give up, hunted me down for several days in a row. To know that the witches did not need to rest and sleep, in the end they couldn't hold on, and turned their base camp into a copy ...

There is also this kind of operation: "The copy can be created so casually? Isn't there a lot of copies on the Dragon Road?"

"There are many. But it is not free to establish at any cost, unless space-based creatures like me, other departments need to consume unimaginable strength to be possible."

"Self-mutilation to build a" prison "? Why?"

"There are many reasons, like I was chased, or the longevity is approaching, or to protect something, or the consciousness of power growth is hopeless and frustrated."

Okay ... Okay, the stomach motility is fully open, digest this information ... digestion can not! Why a copy of every area has such a high setting!

"Wait ... Since this copy was created by the Prophet, why can't you get out?"

Shi Beizi pointed to himself: "Every copy is centered on the creator, continuously extracting its energy to maintain it, which is equivalent to binding part of his soul in this space, the core leaves, the space is destroyed, the core The same is annihilated ... but even so, the energy is not enough, so each copy will include all the creatures in the range and become a part of the energy extraction. "

"Oh ... That means that these dead bosses are also locked in the copy and can't get out ..."

"They are not the core, of course they can go out! Passively joined creatures can cut off the energy supply of the copy and leave with only a small loss of power."


"They are reluctant to leave, and they can conduct anti-human experiments without any worries in the copy. Anyway, they will be resurrected after a failure for half a day. I was hunted down because they found that they had no bottom line to prepare to inform the world ..."

The house is kind! Heart sent to the world! I wait for Xiaomin to admire!

"That means that the Prophet can't go out anyway? Since then let's say goodbye to this, Wright priest misses you and has the opportunity to take him to see you." Archie wasn't entangled, anyway, it was a waste of time here It might as well go back to the village and continue to make money.

"Wait-wait!" The Prophet was embarrassed to hold Archie, "In fact, there is no way ..."

Is there a way to say this? Archie's madness ... not right ... the blinking look of the Prophet, squeezing his posture, the familiar slime version came out with a deep dread ...

"As long as a powerful item with a certain attribute is found to replace the core, it can be cracked ... It is said that the cold witch banshee has a space magic book produced by the storm empire. I don't know if the warrior can ..."

Sure enough! ! The opening is the only epic purple epic item! Archie squinted: "Can you replace this book in the future?"

"Should ... can't ... bar ..."

"I am leaving, bye!"

The Prophet desperately pulled: "The Warriors have something to discuss, don't worry! Don't lend me a read, maybe I can go out after my space magic knowledge grows!"

"Did you just say that the power in the copy could not be increased?" Archie continued to squint coldly, remembering the series of blood cases caused by Professor Yang's theft of Snowman books, and remained skeptical about the true reason for the prophet's killing.

"This ... that ... just help ..."

"Help what! Help yourself to suffer the consequences of stealing books! You must bear it yourself!"

The Prophet furiously said: "How can it be a stolen thing for a scholar!"




Archie felt that the decline of the slime clan really didn't blame the dragon clan, it was his own death! ! ! Forget it, let's help on the face of Wright's ritual ... not help! Don't let this go!

"Do you have to be a treasure in space?"

"Yes! Mainly because the book contains no small space energy, but also has self-healing ability, it is especially suitable for replacing the core! It has nothing to do with the content of the book!" The prophet is still trying to restore his character.

"Okay ~ ~ That can only be given to you ..."

The prophet ecstatically took the item, and then he was stunned.

Space Crystal · Weak: This space crystal is heavily extracted energy, the effect is weakened and recovering.


"The Warriors really don't think about it anymore?" The Prophet made his final effort, nagging the cross with mosaics of space crystals, "Although space crystals are more suitable, but this one is a weakened version, who knows what will happen, In case something unexpected happens, good things are wasted in vain ... "

"Don't be wordy, don't give it back to me!"

"I want it! Hey, don't listen to the old man ..."

With the success of the mosaic, the prophet chanted a long and unknown spell, and then the space crystal began to volatilize, and the pleasant system prompt sound came again.

"You successfully rescued the Prophet Slime Shibeiko, please get a reward from him."

Doing a task is really haggard, fighting with BOSS and fighting bravely, and going back to fight hostages, but it is finally over.

"Prophet, mission reward!"

Shi Beizi continued to tinker with something, without raising his head: "Here it is."

Archie checked the experience and the package ... it seemed that nothing was added! And there is no system prompt! Okay, dare to deduct even rewards? Saved a white-eyed wolf? ! Today, even if you are desperate, you have to find a saying!

Shi Beizi also felt wrong and looked up at Aqi with doubt. "Hey, how did the rewards be awarded a small amount? By the way, how do you feel like magic elements and pet contracts on the Warriors! It takes a real body to receive the reward, and the reward will be shared by the owner under the pet contract! Hey, the young people now are real, this common sense must be taught ... "

Archie is so angry! This guy must be intentional, this must be revenge! ! !