This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime

Chapter 409: 407 I came up with a masterpiece that wi

Chapter 409 407. I have written a masterpiece that will last forever. How should you respond?

 Basically, everyone at the scene was constantly reciting this song Ding Fengbo silently in their hearts!

even though…

 Those without any literary literacy, such as business tycoons like Zheng Qian, can tell at a glance that this Ding Feng Bo is not on the same level as the previous two Ding Feng Bo. Just reading it is very enjoyable.

Especially for big guys like them, who have experienced many ups and downs in life, they feel an inexplicable resonance when they see the misty rain and the end of their life, and they feel that their blood is boiling, as if this... Shouding Fengbao was written for them.

Wen Yixiao, who was standing next to Wang Cheng, also flushed with excitement. She looked at the words on the paper on the table and couldn't help but read them out, and her voice spread throughout the audience.

“Don’t listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not scream and walk slowly. The bamboo stick and mango shoes are lighter than the horse, who is afraid? A raincoat and a misty rain will last the rest of your life!”

“The steep spring breeze blows away the drunkenness, it’s slightly cold, but the mountain tops are shining slantingly.”

“Looking back to the desolate place where I came from, there is neither wind, rain nor sunshine!”

Wen Yixiao’s clear voice goes straight into everyone’s heart.

After reading, Wen Yixiao turned her head and stared at Wang Cheng's side face. Her whole body was restless, and she wanted to rush up and kiss Wang Cheng's side face, but a trace of reason forced her to suppress the impulse in her heart.


In the audience, Zheng Wenzhong couldn't help but shout "Hello" after hearing what Wen Yixiao read.

This sound of hello woke up everyone present.

 The next second, everyone clapped vigorously, and there was a warm applause.

While applauding vigorously, Zhang Guobin said with a complicated expression, "It seems that our previous ideas were all wrong. Wang Cheng is not good at Song poetry, but he is too lazy to write Song poetry. This writing is comparable to the masterpieces of the ages! This In my opinion, "Shou Ding Feng Bo" has already surpassed "Ding Feng Bo" written by several famous poets in the Song Dynasty."

“More importantly, it matches the performance on stage almost perfectly!”

“You can live your whole life under the mist and rain, and there is no wind or rain! These two sentences may become the motto of many people..."

Zhang Guobin came from an academic background, so he knew very well that the level of Wang Cheng's poem "Determining the Storm" was better than the eternal masterpieces handed down from the Song Dynasty.

Li Qing, He Fujiang and others next to them just stared at the close-ups on the big screen and didn't want to speak!

Wang Xueming, who was behind, asked in a low voice: "How much does it cost to buy this authentic piece by Wang Cheng?"

Zhang Guobin heard this, turned around and said with a smile: "No amount of money can buy it, Wang Cheng will not sell it!"

Wang Xueming said with a hint of hope: "Today on CCTV's territory, will Director Qin find a way to keep the works written by Wang Cheng? Then I will have the opportunity to buy one from CCTV."

Zhang Guobin said funnyly: "Do you think CCTV dares to **** it from Wang Cheng?"

Wang Xueming was silent. He knew that even CCTV would not dare to **** his works from Wang Cheng.


His eyes were fixed on the artistic cursive fonts on the big screen, as well as the artistic conception of the song Ding Fengbo. He really liked it.

 “This poem is so good!”

Wang Xueming praised: "If he is willing to sell, I will give him one billion!"

Zhang Guobin shook his head and said nothing. He knew this was impossible.

Behind them, Lu Zhen, Jia Qian, Xuezi, Ika Taro and other teachers and students from the island country also applauded while staring blankly at the words that looked like art.

 They were speechless for a moment, but they were quite shocked by this piece of music.

 Such a work has never been published in the island nation’s thousand-year history of studying Chinese culture.

Lu Zhen and Jia Qian looked at each other, feeling a little bitter and helpless.

 They know that it is impossible to realize their wishes in this life.

 There was also warm applause from backstage.

Han Lei, Wen Honglun, Liang Xiaoliang, Wang Hongyi, Chen Yuqi, Xiao Daolin, Luo Xueyi and others were also applauding vigorously.

 But everyone was speechless.

Luo Xueyi and Xiao Daolin stared at every word written by Wang Cheng, feeling deeply powerless, sad, and slightly desolate.

They worked so hard to focus on one thing, but they couldn't compare to Wang Cheng's achievements in any field.

After a few seconds, Xiao Daolin smiled bitterly and said: "As soon as this Ding Feng Bo came out, I will never write Ding Feng Bo again. Because, even if I write about Ding Feng Bo all my life, I still can't catch up with Wang Cheng's Ding Feng Bo." !”

Luo Xueyi also nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and said: "Yes, the bamboo stick and mango shoes are better than the horse, and the misty rain can last a lifetime, and there is no wind or rain! These are all good sayings that can be passed down through the ages. How did Wang Cheng come up with it? If I could write such a work, I would pay any price!"

A few people couldn't help but roll their eyes after hearing Luo Xueyi's words!


Who wouldn’t want to write a work like this?

 Especially Xiao Daolin, who has been studying Ding Feng for more than ten years, said directly: "If I could write this piece of work, I would be willing to die where I am!"

Xiao Daolin can also quickly see that Wang Cheng's "Ding Feng Bo" is slightly better than the representative works written by several famous poets in the Song Ci Collection. It is not an exaggeration to say that it surpasses ancient literary giants and is destined to be passed down through the ages. .

 As a poet, he is willing to pay any price in exchange for a chance to be passed down through the ages.


 They are all just witnesses at this time.

Wang Hongyi, Liang Xiaoliang, Chen Yuqi and others also looked at the words with slightly confused eyes, as well as Wang Cheng who stood there like a monument.

Han Lei sighed and said: "It seems that we guessed wrong. Wang Cheng can not only write Song lyrics, but he is also not worse than his ancient poems."

Han Lei’s words silenced the teachers and students of the two teams again.

 Because, they all know the meaning of Han Lei's words.

They wanted to use Song lyrics to target Wang Cheng in this performance...

 But now, Wang Cheng can write such a masterpiece of Song poetry that has been passed down through the ages.

So is there any point for them to continue?


 They know they can't stop now.

 The whole field was watched by the big guys inside and outside the circle.

Several cameras are watching them live across the country...

Even if they see no hope of defeating Wang Cheng, they must continue!

The host walked onto the stage excitedly, came to Wang Cheng amidst applause, and also took a sneak look at Wang Cheng. She did not dare to stare at Wang Cheng regardless of the occasion like Wen Yixiao did. She just took a sneak look at Wang Cheng, and then Looking at the work, his eyes were full of amazement, and he said loudly: "Wang Cheng's "Ding Fengbo" is very shocking even to me, who does not understand literature. It is really well written... Below, we are especially The judges evaluated and scored Wang Cheng’s work..."

 The applause at the scene gradually subsided.

The four judges also stopped applauding, but were somewhat silent for a moment. The four looked at each other with complicated expressions. Several of them couldn't help but move their buttocks, feeling as if they were sitting on pins and needles!


 They don’t know how to evaluate Wang Cheng’s poem at this time, nor do they know how to score it.

 The previous works of Luo Xueyi and Xiao Daolin have been given high scores of ninety-five and ninety-six points.

 Originally, given the current situation of the contemporary literary world, the works of these two people are indeed excellent and worthy of such high scores.


How should they respond when Wang Cheng writes this masterpiece that will be passed down through the ages?

 Give full marks?


How can the difference between Wang Cheng's "Ding Feng Bo" and Luo Xueyi's and Xiao Daolin's "Ding Feng Bo" be reflected in the difference of only four or five points?

The four judges are not outsiders, they are real experts. They cannot give points randomly, as that will become a joke in the industry. Each of them knew the difference. Let alone four or five points, even four or fifty points was not enough to describe it.

 Jiang Sihua, as the first one to speak every time, felt very regretful about giving such high scores to Xiao Daolin and Luo Xueyi.

However, he really didn’t expect that Wang Cheng could write such a masterpiece that will be passed down through the ages...

Moreover, no one would have thought of it.

Jiang Sihua was silent for more than ten seconds, then looked at Wang Cheng and said, "Honestly, Mr. Wang Cheng. Although you are only nineteen years old, your achievements in the cultural field are already above mine. This song of yours I’m not qualified to comment on Ding Feng Bo.”

As soon as Jiang Sihua opened his mouth, Zheng Ning, Hu Jun, and many literary figures present frowned slightly.

  Because none of them expected that Jiang Sihua directly and publicly called Wang Cheng sir, which was tantamount to publicly recognizing Wang Cheng's status and achievements, and placing Wang Cheng in a position that was equal to them.

  This is not recognized by many big names in the industry...   Or because Wang Cheng is only nineteen years old.

Perhaps, the more important point is that Wang Cheng does not socialize with them, and Wang Cheng does not worship the dock or become a disciple. They will not benefit from any of his achievements and achievements.

Only a few people agree with Jiang Sihua’s words.

 For example, Wang Jianbin, Zhang Guobin and others.

Jiang Sihua didn't care about other people's opinions, he only cared that he was clear of guilt. Seeing Wang Cheng's approval of him, he looked very calm and continued: "As for the score, because I can only give one hundred points at most. Therefore, I can only give You give me a perfect score of 100. However, this does not reflect the excellence of your work."

 After a little tangle, Jiang Sihua still scored a perfect score of 100 points.

 Because, there is no higher score to score.

 This is the percentage system.

There was some applause at the scene. Even many people who did not approve of Wang Cheng also recognized Jiang Sihua's words. They did not recognize that Wang Cheng was not targeting people and was only targeting Wang Cheng personally, but they still recognized Wang Cheng's works. , otherwise it will look like they are amateurs.

 The quality of the work cannot be denied.

 When the work is good enough, there is no excuse for not being the best in writing.

Regarding Jiang Sihua's perfect score, Wang Cheng just nodded gently to Jiang Sihua and said nothing.

Wang Jianbin looked at Wang Cheng with a complicated expression. He was not only a judge, but also a contestant, so his mood was the most complicated. He knew that if he wanted to defeat Wang Cheng in Song Ci, the two schools might not be able to succeed today.

After thinking for a while, Wang Jianbin said: "Lao Jiang is right. Mr. Wang Cheng, your poem "Ding Feng Bo" is enough to be passed down through the ages. I am not qualified to comment. I can only say that this poem is the word brand of "Ding Feng Bo". The best work in history is no exaggeration! I also give you full marks. Full marks are not the limit of your work, but our limit..."

The third judge, Zheng Ning, coughed slightly and said: "Su Shi is a character who has not had a satisfactory life in history. Some of the achievements of the party in power have not been reused and have been used everywhere! So, this song you wrote Ding Fengbo is also in line with Su Shi’s attitude towards life, which is relatively open-minded.”

“As for more, I can only say that the writing is really good. I also give it a hundred points..."

Although Zheng Ning was a little dissatisfied with Wang Cheng in her heart, she didn't dare to show it at this time and just said a few words casually.

Hu Jun was still a Buddhist at this time, and said: "The first three people have said very well. I agree with them very much, and I also give 100 points..."

After listening to Hu Jun’s words, many viewers felt as if they had heard something, but at the same time they seemed to have heard nothing...


The host immediately said loudly: "Thank you to the four judges and teachers for their comments and scores. Congratulations to Mr. Wang Cheng for getting the first perfect score in this competition! This is a surprise that none of us could have imagined."

“When I go back, I will probably change my signature to “I will live my whole life in the mist and rain, no rain or shine!”

The audience burst into warm applause.

Qin Shangran, who was backstage, immediately walked onto the stage in person, wanting to help Wang Cheng put away the Ding Feng Bo on the table. He had a trace of fantasy in his heart, thinking that Wang Cheng might leave this work on CCTV. ?

 Even if the ratings of this program are not good, he will be greatly praised by the leader...

Xia Xi, Lin Mi, An Keru, Han Xiao and others are also eager to move forward and help Wang Cheng put away this work. They all want to own this Wang Cheng's work.

This painting Ding Fengbo is Wang Cheng’s first public lyric work. It is still such an excellent work, and it also has different representative meanings.


As soon as Qin Shangran stepped onto the stage, he saw that Wen Yixiao had already skillfully helped Wang Cheng put away the work, as if she were really Wang Cheng's maid, standing next to Wang Cheng holding the work in both hands.

Many people at the scene looked at Wen Yixiao with envy in their eyes!

"This literary girl won't take away this work, will she? She already has a knight-errant!"

“Unlikely, Wang Cheng may not give it to her.”

“Wang Cheng also cherishes feathers so much that he doesn’t even give out any of his works. He can’t even buy them on the market, no matter how much money he has.”

"Hey, this song "Ding Feng Bo" is so well written. If he is willing to sell it, I can offer him 100 million."

"One hundred million? Then don't speak, lest you be laughed at."

“Don’t worry, let’s take a look. Today’s program has just started, and there may be some good works later!”

 “So what if there are good works? I can’t buy them…”


The host said loudly: "Okay, the first game is over. Mr. Wang Cheng successfully defended the ring as expected. Next, we will draw lots for the second game to determine the historical figures that each team will play! In this issue, we The characters on the show are all from the Song Dynasty, and now the lottery begins..."

  The second draw will be done on the spot, and there is no chance for the players to prepare.

 In applause.

The two captains, Han Lei and Wen Honglun, came out to prepare for the draw. Both of them looked helpless, but they had no choice but to continue the performance.

Of course Wang Cheng still draws lots himself.

 A box was brought up and placed between the three of them.

With the witness of the camera and the audience, the three of them each took a ball and opened it in public!

Most people are looking at Wang Cheng, wondering which historical figure from the Song Dynasty Wang Cheng will play next.

The host should also read out the character drawn by Wang Cheng first: "The character drawn by Mr. Wang Cheng is Yue Fei, a tragic general who almost turned the tide!"

Wang Cheng still looked calm. He knew that Yue Fei in this world was also a successful general and a famous general who almost restored the power of the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately, he died on unfounded charges in the end, leaving him with great regrets. But in No literary works have survived.

The host got the lottery results between Han Lei and Wen Honglun and read out loud: "Congratulations to Professor Han for winning Yan Shu and Professor Wen for winning Ouyang Xiu!"

“Okay, the second round of drawing is over, and you have three minutes to prepare. The second round of cultural tour will start in three minutes!”

 Amidst applause, Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao left the stage together.

Qin Shangran saw that he had no chance to get Wang Cheng's work, so he stood backstage waiting for Wang Cheng. Seeing Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao walking over together, he hurriedly greeted them and said excitedly: "Wang Cheng, your writing is really good. .Can I take a look?”

Wen Yixiao looked at Wang Cheng and saw that Wang Cheng had no objection. He opened the work in his hand and showed it to Qin Shangran.

At this time, Han Lei, Wen Honglun, Wang Hongyi, Liang Xiaoliang, Chen Yuqi, Luo Xueyi, Xiao Daolin, as well as Yang Yi, Li Cheng and others from the program team all gathered around, wanting to take a closer look at Wang Cheng's "Ding Feng" Authentic.

An Keru, Xia Xi and others couldn't squeeze in, so they could only stand on tiptoes outside to take a look.

Qin Shangran admired it up close and his eyes widened: "Good, good, good calligraphy, and the work is even better! In another hundred years, this work will definitely be displayed in the National Treasures Hall of the Forbidden City!"

Han Lei, Wen Honglun, Luo Xueyi, Xiao Daolin and other teachers and students from two famous schools, after seeing it up close, everyone had convinced expressions on their faces.

Wen Honglun praised: “I will have no regrets if I can see such a work in my lifetime!”

Luo Xueyi and Xiao Daolin were even more convinced that they had lost. They looked at Wang Cheng, feeling a little helpless.

Good works, with the blessing of good calligraphy, are simply invincible. The effect of one plus one is definitely greater than two.

Works of the eternal masterpiece level, plus top master calligraphy!

 This work, in a few years, can really be called a national treasure.

 Everyone looked at it for a while. Wen Yixiao saw that Wang Cheng looked a little impatient, so he put the work away.

Qin Shangran also put his mind aside, because the show has to continue and it can't be stopped right now!

Han Lei and Wen Honglun also quickly called their teams together to prepare for the second match. They only had three minutes of preparation time in total, and every second was precious.

Wang Cheng returned to his seat, put the Ding Fengbo painting in Wen Yixiao's hand directly into his schoolbag, and then walked backstage to change clothes!

Yue Fei is a general, so naturally he cannot wear this ancient literati costume to play the role.

Qin Shangran, Yang Yi, and Li Cheng all kept staring at Wang Cheng, and all three of them couldn't stop thinking about the Ding Feng Bo that Wang Cheng had put in his schoolbag.

Li Cheng whispered: "He put such an important work in casually, and it might get broken and worn. It will be a little difficult to frame it later..."

Qin Shangran sighed and didn't want to speak.

If this work was given to him, he would offer it immediately. He would not dare to put it in his pocket casually. He would immediately contact the best framer to frame and protect it in the shortest possible time.

At this time, a staff member not far away hurried over, holding a piece of paper in his hand, panting and saying excitedly: "Director Qin, the first ratings report is out..."


Qin Shangran, Yang Yi, and Li Cheng all quickly put aside their obsession with Wang Cheng's schoolbag and quickly looked at the piece of paper handed over by the staff.

Qin Shangran took it over and quickly scanned the numbers on it, his pupils froze instantly!

Yang Yi and Li Cheng leaned their heads together. After seeing the numbers on it, their bodies immediately stiffened.

 (End of this chapter)