This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 244: Master, please

In the capital, Xu Chujing was originally at the home of the female psychologist.

As I said earlier, this female psychologist who loves to wear gold glasses, a white coat with black stockings, and a strong sister's breath lives in the same high-end community in Beijing as Xu Chujing.

Many of the people in this community have been developed into clients by her.

Xu Chujing treats her as a technician and is obsessed with her head massage technique.

It's just that now, the number one in her heart may have become Luo Mo's magical trick of licking cats.

Xu Chujing hasn't returned to the capital for a long time. During this time, she lived in the magic capital that she didn't usually live in before.

This time I came back, in addition to work reasons, but also because of looking for her to review.

Said it is a review, in fact, it is more important-or massage.

Half an hour ago, Xu Chujing lay on the massage table, closed his eyes, and felt the slightly cold fingers of the female technician pressing the area around his temples.

"I think you are in good condition, there is no major problem." The female technician remembered that her part-time job was a psychologist, and began to tell Xu Chujing about the examination.

"Really?" Xu Chujing opened her eyes and glanced at the female doctor who was leaning forward so that her chest was on her cheeks and her hands were supporting Xu Chujing's neck.

"Why look at me with such a look?" She was frowned upon by Xu Chujing.

"I wonder if you are now talking to me as a psychologist, or are you talking to me as a [Mo Xu CP] pink head?" Xu Chujing said lightly.

"Haha, hahahahaha!" The massage of the woman wearing gold glasses paused for a moment, and she kept laughing.

After smiling, she said with a serious face: "Master Tianhou, please respect my professionalism!"

Having said that, she began to Barabara to talk about Chase's achievements and honors in psychology.

But it feels like the more you say, the more it feels like a guilty conscience.

However, Xu Chujing felt that her state during this period was indeed very good, and all the feelings of resistance, depression, anxiety, etc. in her heart were completely wiped out.

After getting along with Luo Mo, she felt a sense of fulfillment and steadfastness.

This woman with a strong aura did not expect that one day she would gain a sense of security in a man.

She sometimes wonders, if the two of them really continue to develop like this, what will be the result?

If that's the result, maybe it's just like the psychiatrist said. My previous thoughts that looked terrifying and weird, such as wanting to be slapped like a cat, or wanting to bite his fingers, are just a small quirk. , Even... is a little fun.

As soon as the identities between each other are changed, the concept is completely different.

When the massage was about to end, Xu Chujing suddenly said nonchalantly: "I remember one time when I was chatting, you told me that your hobby was-write some articles?"

As soon as this remark came out, the female technician instantly straightened her back and gave a shock all over her body.

It stands to reason that she is a psychiatrist, and she should have a strong mentality.

But at the moment she really panicked.

Because the CP article of [Mo Xu CP] she sent to Xu Chujing earlier was from her.

She thought it was too exciting.

Write the CP text of the master and send it directly to the master.

Which CP leader can be so powerful and successful as his aging mother?

You are just playing CP, I am directly promoting the process of the two!

Me, the female technician, the lubricant on the road between Luo Mo and Xu Chujing.

Luo Mo's life path seems to never escape the destiny of being run.



After the massage, Xu Chujing lay on the massage bed for a while and swiped the phone.

As soon as she turned on Weibo, she discovered that the "Sword" incident had been raging in just a few hours.

Just making her frowned.

"Who is Meng Dong? Where did the young director come out to boycott Luo Mo under his real name?"

"The works of your director are not as good as the second season of "The Rabbit" co-directed by Luo Mo, right?"

"Who are these people? I have never heard of it..."

"Why does this Song Ge take the opportunity to get hot again?"

Xu Chujing became annoyed the more she watched, and the more she watched, the more annoyed.

Finally, she directly edited a Weibo and liked the Weibo that Luo Mo's studio sent about the preparation of "Sword".

What she edited was: "I want to participate in the show."

The simple three words actually contain endless support.

You criticize him, saying that he is not worthy to be a director, saying that he is not qualified to direct a TV series, and is not qualified to control any actors.

Well, I [behind the view] publicly stated that I want to join in!

This group of young directors and actors can only be regarded as scumbags in front of Xu Chujing, who has won two consecutive ratings.

The ratings of the two consecutive dramas have exploded, and they were also awarded the [behind-the-view], and they personally came out to support Luo Mo, and many people did not dare to speak up in an instant.

Can your so-called real-name boycott be better than the real-name support of an adult?

This is not an order of magnitude struggle at all.

On the other side, the female psychiatrist took a look at Xu Chujing, and said in her heart: "What makes her so angry? When typing, her fingers seem to be very hard?"

She probably could see that Xu Chujing was posting on Weibo, so she quickly picked up her mobile phone and checked it.

Good guy, I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it!

"It's fallen! This woman has definitely fallen!" She pushed the gold glasses on the high bridge of her nose and concluded in her heart.

"You just accused me of using CP and writing CP articles. What happened? You provided me with a wave of writing materials in front of me and let me eat sugar in person!"

She immediately switched her Weibo account, logged into her trumpet that wrote CP, and left a message under Xu Chujing's Weibo: "[Mo Xu CP] is true!!"



As soon as the preparations for "Sword" came out, in addition to the director's circle frying pan, the TV series actors' circle was also frying pan.

The reason is simple, because both Xinyu and Luo Mo Studios have announced that the crew is still in the preparatory stage, and the casting work is still in progress.

In other words, they may take the initiative to invite some actors, and everyone can also recommend themselves and apply to try out the "Sword" crew.

This has caused many people to have different views and opinions. Many actors are also discussing this matter in their private group chats, or in group chats with their own work teams.

Some people said that even if they received an invitation to try out, even if the schedule was empty, they would never act in the work of Luo Mo as the director.

And some people said that someone of Guan Fei's level should be a producer, and even if he goes to the show, he can barely survive in face.

As for those who are not well-known and want to be popular, they are greatly moved.

Luo Mo is top-notch, and his popularity base is bursting. With so many people condemning it, can he resolutely join the team of "Sword", can he circle his fans?

From another perspective, "Sword" will definitely be a big production. Luo Mo's debut as the protagonist in the film and television industry cannot be a hasty, and it will definitely be made big directly, otherwise I am sorry for his top-notch status and appearance. .

This makes many actors in the circle feel complicated.

"You are so good to take a step towards film and television, but there is no one like you who wants to make a step to the sky, write and direct and act directly."

"Ham, we have been acting for so many years, and no one made a big noise when they took the first step."

"This person really never walks the ordinary way, always does something that makes people feel shocking."

"I really remembered his acceptance speech: If I don't hate the ancients, I won't see me, I hate the ancients but I won't see my crazy ears."

"Now that's all right, "Sword of the Immortal" may become a tangled multiple choice for many people."

Many actors are beginning to wonder, who will the "Sword" crew take the initiative to throw olive branches to?

And these people who received the olive branch would make such a choice?

At the same time, what actors with ulterior motives will take the initiative to post, to fight for the role and the opportunity by themselves?

You must know that competition in the industry is becoming more and more fierce. As soon as many major productions announce that they are in preparation, there will be countless actors who will try their best to fight for roles.

But from the current point of view, the risk factor of "Sword" is very large.

The script of Xianxia is Da Keng, and Luo Mo is the director, and it is more likely to be a pit in a pit.

Even if Xu Chujing posted a Weibo, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens, CP fans were even more caught up in a carnival.

But for the actors, they don't think this is a problem. After all, Luo Mo helped "Cat Demon" and Xu Chujing condescended to play it. That was also a human relationship.

Xu Chujing is the queen of singing and Luo Mo is a genius in songwriting and music. The two were originally close partners on another battlefield.

What's more, many people in the circle also feel that they are a bit ambiguous, and many people are also eating melons.

And at this time, Ding Xiaoyu, who finally finished his day of filming, learned the news of "Sword" from his cousin who worked as a part-time assistant.

She is different from Xu Chujing. Xu Chujing is the owner of her own studio. She can post whatever Weibo she wants, but her mother and agent manage all her social accounts.

Therefore, after seeking the consent of her mother Chen Ru, she hurriedly posted a Weibo to support Master.

"I want to act too!" After these four words, there were two pitiful "please please" expressions.

Master's first play, no matter what the subject matter, no matter what content, no matter what level of production, she always wanted to act from the bottom of her heart.

She wanted to help Master, and she wanted to... stay with Master.

She would feel very relaxed and at ease in the life with Luo Mo.

Let her daily depression and haze be wiped out.

In such a situation where many people are verbal and condemned, she even wants to join Master's camp as soon as possible.

No matter what others say, no matter what others think, UU reading has unconditional trust in Luo Mo.

"If you can help Master, even if you can only help a little, then...that's also great!" she thought.

If the role is heavy, she can stay on the crew for at least one month.

For her, this is not filming, but a vacation for her soul.

To some extent, Luo Mo is actually a ray of light into her life.

Therefore, after she finished posting her Weibo, she immediately sent a WeChat message to Luo Mo.

She rarely screams "Master" in private, and it is rare to directly start with the word "Master", which is somewhat of a child acting like a baby in it.

"Master, is there a role I can play?" asked the little drama bone with a queen-level acting skill.


(Ps: First, ask for a monthly pass!)