This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 42: Rider

   In terms of team selection, Tong Shu is a must for Luo Mo.

   The reason why four other trainees were also brought along, Luo Mo had his own ideas.

   But obviously, he still prefers Tong Shu a little bit, so he beckoned directly at him and said, "Don't you come here?"

   Tong Shuli flattered and ran behind Luo Mo.

   I said earlier that for the first time to form a team, most of the people who chose Luo Mo were [individual trainees].

   There is no brokerage company behind this kind of trainees. Luo Mo valued this aspect and it is easier to operate.

   At the same time, "Creating Idol" is a piece of fat that everyone is jealous of. When the director group selects people, most of these personal trainees come in with their strength.

  Director Ning Dan’s back door is notoriously difficult to walk through, and no one walks through it.

   is the staff member Luo Mo, half of whom walked through her back door.

   can be considered wasteland.

   Luo Mo glanced back at his five little brothers, and had plans in his mind.

   "Tong Shu doesn't need to think about it. His singing skills were originally first-rate among 100 people. After some training, he is now the most distinctive one."

   "Although Xiao Liu's singing skills are relatively good, his dancing level is still strong. The most important thing is that his dancing style confirms that sentence-if a man gets upset, there is really nothing wrong with a woman."

   "Xiao Chen is more comprehensive. Although his strengths are not obvious, he has no shortcomings. He is a man who is neither long nor short."

   "Xiaolou is amazing, only slightly worse than me in appearance."

   "Xiao Huang...he is the best, but he is funny, I am happy just looking at him."

   "Well, in fact, he should be very popular with the audience, he is the kind of pleasing."

   For him, these people have been together for a while, and they are better than obedient!

   As for the others, Luo Mo will not consider it for the time being.

   In the second performance of the song he brought, none of the trainees present could do much to help.

   At this moment, many trainees at the scene stared at Luo Mo, praying in their hearts that Luo Mo could invite him to team up.

   Especially those who are really capable!

In the first performance, "Big Fish" brought by Luo Mo was too strong. They sat in the lounge and watched the live broadcast. After hearing the last singing, they started to touch the goose bumps of the people next to each other. .

   No one can think of it, sing at the end of a song, you can hear the scalp tingling!

   Luo Mo's creative strength has once again been proved.

   Don't tell us to wash the dishes, just wash the feet of this flying daddy!

   The most important thing is that Luo Mo is obviously a nostalgic master.

   Look at their [Anonymous] team, this time they are all here again.

   He just said "all out" and the five members of the crowd took a step together, which really shocked the other trainees.

   Is this the instructor Luo they teased in private?

   Actually, the five trainees who were called out by Luo Mo did not expect that they would come to a men's team audition show to "serve in the military"!

   "Instructor Luo really lives up to his reputation."

   "I really want to be a soldier of Instructor Luo."

   "Look at me, instructor Luo, look at me!"

   On the other hand, Shen Mingliu, after choosing Ji Kangdong and Meng Yangguang, he began to choose the popular and powerful players, making it clear that he wanted to team up and join forces.

   From the lineup, his team can be said to be an All-Star lineup.

   The five celebrity mentors looked at Shen Mingliu's group, which was rather noisy like Li Ge, and directly uttered "Wow~".

   Judging from the data so far, Shen Mingliu's team has three people in the top ten in the [popularity support list], three are in the top 20, and the remaining four are also in the top 40!

  -it's outrageous.

   The instructors looked at Luo Mo's team again, only to see that Luo Mo stopped talking, obviously too lazy to continue selecting people.

   Wei Ran thought for a while and decided to do something. He took the microphone and said, "You kids, don't you know what you can do for yourself? The captain is no longer selected, you can recommend yourself!"

   In fact, he is also teaching these trainees a lesson.

   Among these 100 people, many of them will not have much celebrity after they leave the show.

   At that time, they are mixed in the circle, resources will not come to the door, usually they have to fight for themselves.

   Li Ge and Wei Ran worked together all the way, so they knew the taste better.

After the good friends looked at each other, Li Ge couldn't know what Wei Ran was thinking, and immediately said: "Let me see, Shen Mingliu's team has ten people, and Fang Zhihua's side... ah, 12 people. It's full! How come Luo Mo's team has only 6 people, it's still the original team!"

   "Do you still want to join Luo Mo team? Show me your hand!" Li Ge said.


   This is the prestige of Luo Mo today!

   From a small transparent to a thigh with flying.

   But for him, this is just the beginning.

   The motto he wrote into the information is not a joke.

   Luo Mo looked at the people who raised their hands, just smiled and said, "No more people this time."

   Then, he spit out the four-character mantra: "Next time!"

   Wei Ran and Li Ge smiled helplessly, and they were not forced to give him a cypriot, and in the end they still had to respect his personal wishes.

   In their view, rejection is the norm in the entertainment industry. If you can't stand such a small setback, then some of you will collapse in the future.

   Shen Mingliu, who had formed a good group, glanced at Luo Mo.

   More than thirty people raised their hands, which made him feel a little unhappy.

   He couldn't help but remember that Luo Mo had also refused his team invitation before.

   Although from the current competition system, he and Luo Mo automatically become team captains and cannot be grouped together, but he still remembers Luo Mo's sentence: "So, do you know how to wash the dishes?"

   He glanced at the brilliant and invincible lineup in his team, full of confidence in his heart.

   He felt foolish for Luo Mo to maintain his original lineup.

  Before they came to record, the professionals in the company told them that after the first performance, there will be a gap in popularity between the strong and the weak.

   To learn to be a smart person.

   "The second performance, let's go and see." Shen Mingliu said in his heart.

   After the selection of the three teams, the rest of the trainees voted to elect six captains, and then formed six teams by themselves.

   In this performance, 9 teams will compete against each other, and will no longer be divided into three categories as before.

   The team-building session is over, the next step is to select the C position in the team.

   The same way, other teams are PK and they are selling badly. A bunch of people are competing for this center position.

   Only Luo Mo's anonymous team was in harmony. Everyone looked at him eagerly, and it was him who had the final say.

   Luo Mo looked at Tong Shu and said, "Do you want to be a C position again?"

   Tong Shu looked at him panicked and shook his head quickly.

   He has been pinched into the shape of Luo Mo, and he will do what Mo tells him to do.

  ——【Submerged inking】.

   Luo Mo gave it to him, and he worked hard to do it well, and if Luo Mo gave it to others, he would gladly accept it.

   After teasing the playful boy tree, Luo Mo glanced at everyone, smiled and said, "This time, I will come to C."



   The recording scene of "Creating an Idol" has set off a smoke of gunpowder.

  The battlefield is never just on the recording scene.

   Xinyu's quasi-first-line singer Chen Shanqi has a bit of a mental breakdown recently.

  The title song of her new album has been steadily hitting, and has reached the tenth spot on the hot song chart this week!

   Her genre is niche, so she always strives for success in a stable manner, and slowly accumulates her fans.

   Originally, she was very satisfied with being able to make the top ten so quickly.

   But, a pure music called "Confessions Night", always dominates her new song!

   When she was twenty, he was nineteen, and when she was tenth, he was ninth.

   is on top of her anyway, it makes her feel uncomfortable.

   She feels like the head mount!

  A pure music composed by a newcomer who hasn't made his debut yet suddenly became like this!

   This gave her a feeling of being in vain all these years.

   Chen Shanqi turned on the phone and checked the list again. She soon found out that she was “free from the sea of ​​suffering”.

   It's not that her new song surpassed "Confessions Night", but that "Confessions Night" went up one place again and rushed to eighth.

   I don’t ride you anymore, I’m tired of riding.

   I will ride someone else!

   The reason why "Confessions Night" has become more fierce is that more and more versions have appeared on major platforms.

In addition to the violin version,    also has a piano version, as well as a solo version and an ensemble version of Chinese classical instruments.

   This phenomenon is almost the same as on Earth.

   The most important thing is that whether it is the piano version or the classical instrument version, they are all very good and have different flavors.

   As for why the heat is high again today?

the reason is simple.

   The Suona version of "Confessions Night" turned out.