This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 436: What do you mean by taking it easy?

The theme song of "The Return of the Great Sage" is a song that incorporates elements of opera, which is actually very reasonable.

Because in fact, when you watch this movie, if you pay special attention to it, the scene at the beginning of the Great Sage Monkey King making a havoc in the Heavenly Palace is actually in the form of a drama.

Here, from the picture, there is a strong drama style.

Including the latter part, when the villain Chaos appeared, there were more opera elements used in it.

When He Yuanguang and Huang Lun made this film, they could feel the intentions of Luo Mo, the inheritor of opera.

And for fans, there will be a feeling, that is: "The hot blue man is back!"

The performance stage of "Red Ling" is Luo Mo's first time as the C position.

Many people are also in this stage, into the pit.

Since then, he has become a fan of Luo Mo, until now.

Many people began to wonder, what content will be sung in this new song that combines elements of opera?

"Will it have a story screen like "Chi Ling"?"

"There should also be a background story, after all, it's a play!"

"This style, you have to listen to Luo Mo! Other people's half-hearted drama, that kind of fake drama, it's uncomfortable to listen to!"

"Yeah, many people think they are singing when they scream!"

"Yes, in fact, if everyone is just a fan, it doesn't hurt, but they are also trying to gain popularity and traffic under the banner of opera.

I don't dive into my heart to learn and practice! "

"One minute on stage, ten years off stage!"

Seeing that Octopus Terrace is just a program list, it is frequently on the hot search, and it is called a beauty in my heart.

Don't say it was a few years ago, just say last year.

Although the ratings of Octopus Terrace have been rising steadily because of Luo Mo's joining, due to the lack of background and few familiar stars, last year's New Year's Eve party did not make much splash.

This year, although only Luo Mo and Xu Chujing were responsible for the fronts, they also felt proud.

The most important thing is, as long as the cooperation is happy this year, will there be a shortage of people for next year's party?

Don't forget, Luo Mo is the future music godfather and the music director of Xinyu!

The popular singers under his hands alone are enough to hold any large-scale festival party of satellite TV to death!

This is also one of the reasons why Xu Guan is willing to make an exception for him and let him sing a movie promotional song at a party of this level.

Yes, the other three David TV's, maybe after learning about this, they will mock Xu Guan in the back, saying that he is low-profile and has no style.

so what?

Let's talk with the final data! Eight Seven Seven Chinese Website

After Luo Mo and Xu Chujing came to the live broadcast of the party at Octopus Terrace, many stars had already arrived and were following the staff's instructions.

Li You, the general director of the party, could clearly feel that many people were not very calm today.

Some little stars, little actors, look around whenever they have time.

Even his staff members, even his right-hand man, looked very excited in the afternoon.

Li You knew very well that it was because everyone knew that Luo Mo and Xu Chujing were coming this afternoon.

Many people may still have some careful thoughts or crooked ideas in their hearts.

What made Li You the most outrageous was that there was a second-tier singer who turned down his invitation to the party.

But a few days ago, the singer didn't know where the news came from. Knowing that Luo Mo and Xu Chujing would be coming, he took the initiative to contact him again.

Said he wanted to go to the party.

This made Li You very angry.

"What do you think of me? What do you think of our Octopus Taiwan New Year's Eve party?"

"Go in if you want, go out if you want, is our mother the lover you raised outside?"

He knew very well that some people just wanted to try their luck and see if they could make friends with Luo Mo and Xu Chujing.

Especially...Luo Mo!

What about second-tier singers?

How many first-line singers dream of wanting a song written by Luo Mo as the title song of the new album!

Li You had never seen Luo Mo, heard his songs, and watched his dramas.

He was actually curious about what this young man's scene would sound like?

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Mo and Xu Chujing arrived at the scene early.

This made Li You breathe a sigh of relief.

Many stars like to play big names, and they don't need to be too hot. They are just like balloons floating, and they are inflated.

Luo Mo and Xu Chujing have always been well-known in the industry in terms of professionalism. Li You's mentality is actually a lack of confidence in Octopus and himself.

After all, a lot of people watch people serve dishes, play big names with you, and act like a licking dog with others.

As soon as Luo Mo and Xu Chujing entered the arena, there was a small-scale riot.

Not long after the two arrived, and before Li You exchanged a few words, Director Xu Guan came to the scene in person.

The appearance of Xu Guan caused many people to start chatting again.

At the same time, many singers and actors are also secretly envious.

"When can I have this kind of platoon, let the director of the dignified local TV come over in person."

After Xu Guan came, he greeted Li You, and took Xu Chujing and Luo Mo to a more private place for rehearsal and kept secret.

This makes many people with ulterior motives speechless for a while.

In the process of rehearsal, Xu Chujing went up and tried to sing first, and the effect was excellent!

Her typhoon and singing skills are too stable, and her experience is too rich.

Xu Chujing's camera sense is very strong, and there is no need for Li You to guide.

Unlike some singers, who are dragged to death, they can't find the camera when they come on stage.

As for Luo Mo, he didn't do any warm-up on the side, and was busy admiring the stage of his own queen.

After appreciating, he applauded more vigorously than anyone else, and was still coaxing, shouting: "Okay! Okay!"

Xu Chujing glared at him and said, "Stop shouting, I look like a street performer."

After the first round of rehearsal, everyone gathered together to discuss some details.

Li Youben thought that Luo Mo might put forward a lot of his own opinions and opinions, and even Sister Yue would act on his behalf and let him operate.

There was no result. He was only responsible for a little bit of leak detection.

Finally, it was Luo Mo's turn to go to the rehearsal.

Both Li You and Xu Guan cheered up and looked forward to it.

Both of them love listening to the show. Therefore, their curiosity is linked to their personal interests.

I saw Luo Mo standing calmly on the stage, and when he opened his voice, it was fine.

But the further back they sang, the more they were surprised.

When the whole song reaches the last sentence, the feeling of listening to the scene is extremely enthusiastic!

The most terrible thing is that he sang too easily, obviously during the rehearsal, he came a little leisurely and kept his voice.

Even... he didn't warm up before going on stage, didn't speak up!

Time flies, and a new Sunday is here.

Today is December 31st, night falls, and New Year's Eve is here.

For many young people, these days, they can't stay at home, and they have to go out for a while.

Some people are going to be hunters tonight.

Some people go there as prey.

But there are also many people, UU reading who do not have much activity on these days, or are too lazy to go out.

New Year's Eve belongs to those who have money, leisure and friends.

If you stay at home, watching the New Year's Eve party is a good choice.

Almost all the New Year's Eve parties on David TV are broadcast at the same time.

The Octopus platform was full of ambitions and felt that the ratings for the new year would be very high. As a result, the real-time ratings at the beginning did not meet expectations.

"So low?" Xu Guan couldn't help frowning.

Li You opened his mouth and hesitated.

Judging from the real-time ratings that just started broadcasting, it is higher than the same period last year, but it is only a little higher.

If Luo Mo and Xu Chujing hadn't joined, they would have been satisfied with this data.

Can there be a word to say?

"What is a man?

**Fully covered! "

People's desires are endless, and the greater the expectations, the greater the gap.

Compared with the three major TVs with strong strength and solid background, there is definitely still a big gap in the ratings in this early stage.

Obviously, everyone still gave priority to watching Samsung TV first.

No way, on Octopus Terrace, apart from Luo Mo and Xu Chujing, there are really not many interesting programs.

Watching their show, isn't that a prison experience?

A frustrating scene happened.

With the broadcast of each program, the ratings of Octopus Station not only did not rise in a straight line, but also began to fluctuate.

"No eye to see, no eye to see!" Many viewers felt that it was too boring and began to change channels one after another.

It's not good to be a teacher!

This made Xu Guan, who had been smiling all afternoon, couldn't help but look a little more serious.

(ps: The first update, ask for a monthly pass.)
