This Summoner is Outrageous

Chapter 24: Acquisition [entanglement]

"Let's stop talking here today."

Li Pu stood up and took out his pockets.

Under Wu Guinan's suspicious gaze, he finally took out a coin and let go.

Jingle Bell…

The coin fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Such a move undoubtedly made Wu Guinan unable to understand.

However, Li Pu didn't explain, just stood there quietly and waited.

After about 30 seconds, a green figure came from afar along with the sound.

[Grass~~~~! 】

Straw man: money money!

The straw man with two shining eyes swooped over, and while falling to the ground and rolling, he swiftly grabbed the coin in his hand.

"..., what kind of new summoning technique is this?"

Wu Guinan was immediately dumbfounded.

He has heard of monsters who love crystal coins, but those who love federal coins are really unheard of.

"You haven't seen anything worse."

Li Pu shrugged, took out a large bottle of Coke from the storage space and handed it to the straw man.

【Sloppy~! 】

Straw Man: Thank you, Summoner, benefactor!

The straw man, who happened to be feeling very hungry and thirsty, started to grumble as soon as he took the Coke.

"Okay, I'm going to Tingfeng Pavilion to train Rolling Turtle."

Wu Guinan stood up, ready to leave.

There are still about two weeks before the selection of the professional group arena. If everything goes well, Rolling Turtle can be promoted to LV2 or even LV3.

Li Pu rejected Wu Guinan's invitation and watched him leave, because he did not plan to go to the Tingfeng Pavilion.

The first thing he has to do now is to raise the straw man on the spot.

So he found a remote corner, and he poured out the broken vines that were entangled with vines.

【Grass! 】

Straw Man: Summoner, you are so cruel!

Although he was at the scene at the time, seeing so many broken vines piled up, the straw man couldn't help but screamed.

But Li Pu ignored it, but continued to take out 500 crystal coins and held them in his hand, and then pressed the other hand towards the pile of broken vines.

Motivated by the mind, [Friends of Warcraft] was opened.

Ever since, a brief white light appeared.

After the white light dissipated, the crystal coins and most of the broken vines in his hand disappeared.

"The rest, take it to the turtle to eat."

Looking at the few remaining broken vines, Li Pu muttered to himself.

Only 100 copies are needed to acquire [Entwining], and he had collected 140+ copies before to be prepared.

Facts have proved that this is correct. In the process just now, through information feedback, he realized that some of the broken vines could not be used by [Friends of Warcraft] because they contained insufficient vitality.

【Grass! 】

The straw man who had acquired the skills seemed very excited. When he waved his hands, several vines grew out of the ground, entangled with a big tree next to him.


As the vines tightened, the big tree shook slightly.

Li Pu checked it with his eyes, and he didn't know if it was because of the 10 pieces of wood. He felt that the [Winding] of the straw man was much more flexible to use than the tangling rattan, and it seemed to be stronger.

If it is this level, it is estimated that even the Rolling Turtle that turns on the rolling may be tied up.

However, the time of the vines did not last long, and soon withered quickly and finally turned into blue light and drifted away.

But this brand new experience still makes Caoren very satisfied.

【hastily! 】

Straw Man: Summoner, you are so great!

It was still complaining about Li Pu's cruelty just now, but it changed its mouth immediately after receiving the benefits.

"The grass on the wall, you."

Li Pu shook his head helplessly, and opened the straw man's panel to get clues.

Straw man: LV1, listening to the wind

Strength: 10→12, F

Attribute: 10 wood

Ability: [Grateful]

Skills: [LV1 Snail Grass (C)] [LV1 Entangling (F)]

Inscription: [Huigen (B+)]

Due to the acquisition of the new skill [Entwining], the combat power has increased from 10 points to 12 points.

Li Pu expressed his satisfaction with this. Compared with the 6-point combat power when he just summoned the straw man, it has doubled.

That is to say, the straw man already has the level of an adult, and if he upgrades later, he will probably become stronger soon.

And with the blessing of the grass man ability [Gratitude], Li Pu could already feel his own strengthening.

Although it was very faint, it was at least very obvious compared to before, enough to be noticed.

"Okay, which one should we go to first, the Potential Pavilion or the Berserk Pavilion?"

Holding his chin, he decided to go.

【hastily! Hastily! 】

But the grass man raised an objection when he heard this.

It kind of wants to visit its little brother, Xiao Wang Chanshu.

I don't know what happened to it after it fell asleep yesterday.

In fact, there is another reason, that is, it whipped very hard yesterday, and I want to relive it again.

"It seems reasonable for you to say that."

Li Pu thought for a while, and felt that the straw man's proposal was also good.

Now I only have 500 crystal coins left, so I have to use them reasonably.

I feel that whether it is the Poshi Pavilion or the Rage Pavilion, the remains of monsters placed must be similar to Tai Chi Snails, and the quality is not low.

According to the experience so far, 500 crystal coins are not enough to acquire the skills on those related objects.

It's better to find a weak monster to collect related items, and directly sacrifice a wave to the straw man.

After all, the professional arena competition is about to start, and it is easier to get good results by raising the level of the straw man.

And the forest in the south of the school is undoubtedly the best place to go.

The Warcraft there alone is enough for him to deal with.

So Li Pu boarded the school bus with the straw man, and soon came to the south gate of the school.

However, Li Pu was stopped before he stepped out of the school gate.

"Student, where are you going?"

Every gate of Western Capital University is of course equipped with guards.

And because there are monsters lurking on all Even the guards here are summoners, not everyone can take up the job.

"Uh, go out for a walk?"

Li Pu didn't expect this to happen.

Yesterday was a group action for freshmen, so they were not stopped when they left the school.

Doorman: "..."

If it was an ordinary university in an ordinary place, the guard would believe this.

But where is the outside here, you may encounter the area of ​​Warcraft within two steps.

You are a freshman, if you walk around casually, you may not be able to come back.

So it was no surprise that Li Pu was not allowed to go out.

In desperation, he could only call for help.

Since my mobile phone has not been repaired, I borrowed the mobile phone of the guard uncle.

As a result, I dialed Chang's number, but no one answered.

Because that guy is still in the infirmary, not yet awake.

Apart from Chang's business offer, Li Fan was the only one Li Pu could think of remaining, and the other party had left his number yesterday.

After a full 30 seconds of ringing, Li Fan finally connected.

As soon as he heard the voice, he knew that the other party hadn't woken up yet.

Li Pu explained the situation, and then handed the phone to the doorman.

I don't know if Li Fan is impatient, but in short, he can get the other party done with just a few words.

After hanging up the phone, the doorman looked at Li Pu differently.

Just this little cripple, is this year's number one?

To be honest, he didn't believe it.

But Teacher Li on the other end has let go, and if anything happens, it will not be his turn to be responsible.

So under the release of the guard uncle, Li Pu was finally able to leave smoothly.