This Summoner is Outrageous

Chapter 310: Whispering

Next, Long Ren told Li Pu without reservation.

This matter has to start with his summoner talent.

His summoner talent is related to dragon summoned beasts.

It can improve the dragon summoned beast from all aspects, the most prominent of which is the strength and cultivation speed.

Long Ren was able to have two summoned beasts with full rank 1 in just two months, which was inseparable from this talent.

"The Almighty King of the Female President"

If it weren't for the speed of cultivation, it would not have achieved such results.

That's right, even though his Fire Tong scorpion seems to have nothing to do with dragons, it actually has dragon blood.

The magnetic field attribute is 7 fire, 2 earth and 1 dragon.

After all, the dragon species is said to be more chaotic than the human race.

Leaving blood everywhere is not a strange thing.

Of course, if you want to inherit the blood of the Dragon Race, you also need a very powerful primitive gene.

At least something like a slime dragon, a straw man dragon, is impossible to appear, it should be.

Because of this level of summoner talent, Long Ren once read a lot of dragon-related books in the library of Imperial University after awakening to become a summoner.

Even some unscrupulous books such as "Dragon Envoy" have been read.

Not to mention, if it weren't for the "Dragon Envoy", his cultivation progress would at least be several days faster than it is now.

Let's get back to the topic, one thing was introduced in those dragon-related books.

"Dragon fruit?"

When Li Pu heard this name, he froze for a moment.


Long Ren nodded.

Dragon fruit, a fruit that can make dragons very resistant.

If it is more serious, it will even weaken the surrounding dragons, and the effect is similar to being suppressed by the attribute magnetic field.

But in Li Pu's view, this seems to be a treasure.

"Do you want this thing?"

So he asked Yongin.

"Of course not!"

Long Ren smiled and waved his hands: "If this thing takes this thing, Longlong must rebel against me."

If it leaves a smell in the storage space, it is estimated that half-dragons will not even be willing to enter the storage space in the future.

"You just take it, including this tree."

"Plant materials are more suitable for you."

"I feel that there should be other materials in this valley. When you meet the right one, just don't grab it from me."

He is quite reasonable.

"Okay, then I'm not going to be polite."

That being the case, Li Pu did not refuse.

Throwing out a few pieces of lava fish pythons freed up some storage space.

"This thing should be good, don't waste it if you don't want it, hehe."

"No matter how bad it is, it can be used as food for Longlong and the fire tonger."

Long Ren still has a lot of storage space, so he took advantage of the opportunity to put away the pieces of meat on the ground.

At the same time, he also handed out a piece to the half-dragon.

【NONO Dragon! 】

Half-Dragon Man: Grandpa Long has no appetite now, quickly put away that disgusting fruit!

The half-dragon with his nose still stuffed shook his head and refused.

"Hurry up, Longlong can't take it anymore."

Seeing this, Long Ren urged Li Pu.


So Li Pu stepped forward and reached out to hold the golden tree.


Then the whole tree with the dragon fruit was uprooted by him.


But when the roots of the golden tree left the ground, he found something in the mud pit.

It was a white scale the size of half a palm.

"What did I say! Isn't this the right material!"

Long Ren also saw the scales and was immediately overjoyed.

After his introduction, Li Pu knew that this thing has a great background.

This is a piece of reverse scale, and it has been identified by the half-dragon people as the reverse scale of a dragon.

If it is used well, it can even become the material for the next reincarnation of the half-dragon.

If you don't consider personal needs and only evaluate it from the market price, the value of this small piece of dragon scale is far higher than the golden tree + driving dragon fruit.

However, Li Pu didn't have any opinion on this, so Long Ren took it into his pocket.

Just now he was rude once, so now Long Ren is also rude.

"This trip is really worth it. This is the treasure I picked up."

Long Ren bent down and picked up the white reverse scale with a smile on his face.

As a result, just as he picked up the scales and put them away, a low murmur sounded from the entire valley.

【Dragon Phor...】

Although it was a whisper, the volume was astonishing.

The surrounding leaves shook a few times, and there was a shocking feeling.


The two looked at each other and were silent for a few seconds.

Long Ren: "Couldn't it be, what's wrong with taking this thing away?"

Li Pu: "Then do it."

The different encounters of the two in the dungeon gave them different attitudes and thoughts.

It's not that Long Ren is a shy master, the main thing is that since he came in, almost half of the time has been chased and killed by the sheep's horn elephant.

Unknowingly, I formed the idea of ​​only running away in this dungeon.

As for Li Pu, it was smooth sailing and even killed the lava fish python.

So I feel that there is a high possibility that there is a domain overlord like the lava fish python and the big frog hidden in this valley, and I want to make another fortune.

"You're still right, if we join forces, it should be enough."

Infected by Li Pu's aura, Long Ren immediately changed his words.

You know, although he dare not claim to be the number one, he is still the best in the first grade in the imperial capital.

"Then go."

So Li Pu waved his hand, signaling Long Ren to go.

In this maze valley, there are still many places that they haven't explored.

The arena, the referee's general office.

The chief referee stared at a report in his hand, frowning.

"The replica light gate detected random fluctuations, and the stability is lower than expected?"

Even though it was clearly written in black and white, he still had to repeat it.

"Yes, according to the current fluctuation forecast, it is possible that the final light gate duration will be shortened by one day than expected."

A technician wearing glasses stood in front of the chief referee's desk.

"Shorten one day, which means that the only time left now is less than half a day."

The chief referee tapped the table slightly with his index finger.

"Or, let's announce the end of the second round now."

The deputy chief referee standing on the other side made a suggestion.

"Anyway, now the top 100 has basically been determined."

"The safety of the players is the most important thing. If they are locked in the dungeon, it will be difficult."

Now the top 95 on the leaderboard have already determined their results and completed the collection tasks, and the remaining 5 will be promoted according to their order on the leaderboard, which is reasonable.

"I know, you're right."

"It's a pity, but let's do it."

The chief referee glanced at the many sub-screens and nodded.

Originally, the extra day was a benefit for the players, allowing them to collect more crystals or otherworldly materials.

But now it seems that this benefit is gone.

"There is one other thing to be aware of."

After hearing this decision, the technician spoke again.

"If too many people pass through the copy light gate, its stability will be greatly affected after a certain period of time."

"In this way, its duration will be further shortened."

"So I suggest that the referee team best arrange a unified time for the players to evacuate at the same time."

As for the two very similar things, the alien crack and the copy light gate, scientific and technological personnel have studied for a long time over the years.

So the conclusion he said is almost 100% certain.

"Okay, I see."

The chief referee nodded, and looked at the deputy chief referee: "Arrangement, let every monitoring referee contact the player he is monitoring."

"Within 15 minutes, everyone evacuated in unison."

"If any player fails to reply, they must immediately report to the team leader."

[Li Pu (Yongin) contestant, hello] x2

In the valley, just as Li Pu and Long Ren walked out of the round valley, the voices of their respective referees sounded from the light group above their heads.

[Due to unexpected circumstances, the stability of the copy light gate fluctuates unstablely] x2

[It is expected that the closing time will be greatly advanced] x2

[Therefore, the referee team decided to end this round of competition early] x2

[And pre-arrange all players to evacuate after 15 minutes] x2

[During the period, unless it is an emergency, early evacuation is not allowed] x2

[If you do not evacuate on time, you may be stranded] x2

[Consequences will be borne by the players themselves] x2

[Receive the message, please reply] x2

"Received." x2

Li Pu and Long Ren looked at each other, they both saw the regret in each other's eyes.

15 minutes is obviously not enough for them to explore the valley.

Disturbed by this accident, the two of them lost interest at once.

A few minutes later, the light cluster sounded again.

[Li Pu (Yongin) contestant, hello] x2

[Confirmed, the evacuation time is set to be 15 minutes later] x2

[The countdown starts now, please pay attention] x2

[We will keep reminding you all the way, please answer as soon as possible] x2

[Reply if received] x2

"Received." x2

The two answered again.

The notification has changed from "prearranged" to "confirmed", it seems that all players have been notified.

In such a short time, the two of them didn't leave at all, and sat down to rest on the spot, waiting for the evacuation time to come.

15 minutes passed quickly.

[Li Pu (Yongin) contestant, hello] x2

[The countdown starts now for the last 30 seconds] x2

[Please crush the safety symbol as soon as possible to retreat after the countdown ends] x2




As the countdown ended, the two simultaneously crushed the ball of light in their hands.


Then nothing happened.

"???" x2

The two were immediately stunned.

They have all seen the scene of crushing the ball of light with their own eyes, and they will turn into a stream of light and fly straight to the exit.

But now, why am I still standing here? !


At this moment, Long Ren patted Li Pu and motioned him to look up.


I saw a few evacuation streamers flashing across the valley.


Li Pu finally understood.

For some unknown reason, their light clusters failed.

In other words, they cannot evacuate through the light group.

It is very likely because of this strange valley, maybe its barrier hinders the effect of the light cluster.

"Hurry up, get out of here."

So he dragged Long Ren to the edge of the mountain wall.

Now their situation is very bad. If the light group fails, it means that they can only go to the light gate of the dungeon in person to leave.

Judging from the information given by the referee team, perhaps there is not much time left for them.

The only good thing is that this is a level 1 zone, not far from the copy light gate in the center of the map.

As long as you get out of this valley and run with all your strength, you can reach it in a few minutes.

It should be in time by then.

But the key now is to leave the valley first.

This valley is too weird, stay as little as possible.

That's why he chose to escape by climbing up the mountain wall.

As for whether there is a barrier above the valley here, it is hard to say.

Even if there is, you can also try the previous way of passing.

That is to let the straw man take the lead to melt the barrier, and then they follow up quickly.

【Grass! 】


As a result, when the straw man climbed up first, he was deflated.

It slammed into the invisible transparent barrier fiercely.

Then Li Pu let it try other places, but it still couldn't blend in like before.

Moreover, even these mountain walls are protected by barriers. After experimenting, it was found that it was completely impossible to break through and escape.

In the end, it was not even possible to dig a tunnel, as there was also a barrier below.

In other words, they are now blocked in all directions.

"Is it possible to penetrate only at the exit?"

Yongin came up with the most likely correct answer.

"Then go!"

Li Pu didn't say much, just picked him up and ran the same way he came back.

Now is the time to race against time, so I don't have so many scruples.

The flowers, plants and trees along the way, in Long Ren's eyes, have now become a green dragon, which shows how fast Li Pu is at full power.

The original 10-minute journey now took less than a minute, and they came to the nearest fork in the road.

"It's over."

But when Li Pu stepped in, his expression changed.

"Why don't you run away?"

Long Ren, who was put down, was full of doubts.

It's just that when he looked around, he also showed surprise.

This fork in the road is different from when they came!

The original three-way intersection has directly become a five-way intersection.

The surrounding rocks, plants and other details are completely different from before.

"A labyrinth that can change? What the **** is this!"

There was a feeling of extreme fear, which made Longren's hair stand up slightly.

【Dragon Phor...】

The weird murmur from before sounded again at this moment.

"Mom, it must be a ghost encounter!"

Long Ren suddenly felt real fear.

"What are you thinking, there can't be ghosts in this world."

Li Pu rolled his eyes.

He is more concerned about how to leave this valley now, this instance.

"Let's... go this way."

So, based on his feeling, he pointed to one of the forked OK, let's go. "

"But there are no more amulets now, so we all have to be careful."

Long Ren quickly suppressed his emotions, showing a resolute expression.


Li Pu nodded.

【Grass! 】


【dragon! 】

Seeing their summoner like this, the three summoned beasts were also extraordinarily cheered up.

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