This Summoner is Outrageous

Chapter 314: 【Dragon Drive】

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah…】

Straw man: Summoner, what did you throw in, Materia Medica's body is so swollen!

Once the capsule entered the grass man's body, it quickly turned into a large amount of liquid.

Moreover, the absorbability of this liquid is excellent, and the straw man is originally a super-absorbent body, so except for a little oozing out on the surface, everything is absorbed by it.

As a result, the whole body is now swollen, like a round grass ball.

"It won't explode, will it?"

Long Ren looked a little worried from the side.

[Eat, eat, eat! 】

Bubu: Big and round sweetness!

When Bu Bu saw it, he wanted to jump on it, but just as he jumped up, Li Pu grabbed him.

"Help me take a look."

He threw the little kangaroo to the half-dragon, and asked him to help restrain this guy who was blinded by the urge to bite his head.

"The next step is to deliver the materials."

Then Li Pu brought up the golden tree again, stuffed the end with the dragon fruit into the straw man's mouth, and started stirring.

"..., what the **** is your reincarnation method?"

Standing by the side, Long Ren couldn't help complaining.

Back then, in order to reincarnate the half-dragon man and the tongscorpion, he had observed the reincarnation process of many seniors and sisters, at least twenty or thirty times.

None of them were so wild and random.

You should know that 1 turn is also very important, after all, it is a process that summoned beasts can only go through once.

In fact, Li Pu came up with the idea of ​​using the dragon fruit as a material to reincarnate the grass man after the dragon mother tree began to attack frequently.

small book booth

The reason why it has not been implemented is mainly due to two reasons.

First of all, the first point is about [S-180 special solution for plants].

Although the merchant introduced it vividly at the time, he was not sure whether the other party was bragging.

After all, we must know that according to the experience of the three previous reincarnations of the grass man, this set of 1-transformation plant general plan cannot be completed within 2 hours with [A-183 plant-specific solution].

It is also not clear how long it will take for the top product [S-180 Special Solution for Plants].

The second reason is that he doesn't understand dragon fruit.

As a plant material, Dragon Fruit can definitely be used as a straw man reincarnation.

However, the effect after reincarnation and the dosage required for reincarnation are unknown.

Especially the dosage, if one is not enough and you need two, three or even ten, what should you do?

Don't talk too much about it, even if you need two, Li Pu doesn't know where to find the second one.

But now within 2 hours, LP Shu will strike again.

And every time it is injured and escapes, it will definitely be upgraded by 1 level when it comes back.

In addition, the poker scorpion is almost unable to be revived.

Due to various factors, Li Pu decided to give it a go.

He didn't expect anything else, at least it would be best if the straw man could complete the reincarnation within 2 hours.

Stirring and stirring in Cao's mouth like this, Li Pu began to feel his hands getting lighter and lighter.

Lifting up the golden tree, he found that not only the dragon fruit was gone, even the front end of the golden tree was dissolved.

"Okay, it seems to be possible."

He plugged the little tree back in again.

Then, a rather strange picture was born.

The chubby straw man sat on the reincarnation formation with his head up and his mouth open, and a golden plant was stuck halfway upside down in its mouth.

"The weirdest thing's still asleep."

Long Ren had to express his admiration.

"I can't do anything else right now, just wait."

Li Pu patted Long Ren on the shoulder, signaling to sit down and rest.

In this way, with the passage of time, the length of the little golden tree exposed outside the straw man's mouth became shorter and shorter, and its swollen body began to shrink gradually, and most of the nutrients were digested.

About an hour and a half later, the straw man suddenly woke up from his sleep, shaking violently.

[Grass vomit! 】


The remaining 【S-180 Special Solution for Plants】and the little golden tree with only roots were spit out by it.

[Eat, eat! 】

The first to respond was Bu Bu.

It needs to taste whether the quality of this sweet potato has improved.

"So fast?!"

Long Ren was very surprised.

[A dragon in a dragon? ! 】

Half-Dragon Man: You idiot, it seems to be different!

The most intuitive reaction is the half-dragon man.

As soon as the straw man woke up, he found that the feelings the other party gave him had changed dramatically.

"Let me take a look."

As for Li Pu, he couldn't wait to open it.

Straw man: 0 (4) to LV1, listen to the wind

Intensity: 298, F

Attribute: 10 wood

Abilities: [Grateful] [Water Film ↑] [Forget] [Dragon Drive] (New)

Skills: [LV2 Snail Grass (C)] [LV2 Coil (B)] [LV2 Willpower (C)] [LV1 Small Fireball (C)]

Inscription: [Hui Gen (B+)] [Iron Bone (A)]

Perhaps because of the use of the golden tree as a material, etc., the loss of strength after leveling to 1 this time is quite small.

Among them, [Water Film] has been improved again: the impact of fire attributes of B+→A level and below has been greatly reduced

Since the fire attribute damage/effect above level A is very rare, it can be said that after this reincarnation, the straw man is no longer afraid of any fire attribute threats.

The other is the role of the most anticipated dragon fruit.

[Dragon Drive]: Reversely suppress the dragon attribute magnetic field, and temporarily seal the inherent abilities of dragon-related targets


After reading this article, Li Pu couldn't help cheering.

Regarding the magnetic field of the dragon attribute, he had asked Longren about it when he got the dragon mother-in-law tree related items just now.

This kind of attribute magnetic field is quite special, mainly to restrain targets such as beasts.

Now that the straw man has the ability to suppress the magnetic field of the dragon attribute in reverse, it means that the higher the proportion of the dragon attribute of the target, the more he will suffer when facing it.

Long Phor Tree's dragon attributes accounted for more than half-dragon people, which was confirmed by Long Ren.

The dragon attribute of the half-dragon man is 5, which means that the proportion of the dragon mother tree is definitely above 5.

So now it can be regarded as being severely restrained by the grass man.

As for another function of [Driving Dragon], it is even more remarkable.

There is no need to give detailed examples of how important inherent abilities are, and sometimes they even override skills.

The straw man can actually invalidate the inherent ability of the dragon, that is simply a gram on a gram, a sky gram!

At the same time, after this reincarnation, the half-dragon man may never have the chance to defeat the straw man again, and he will completely assume his status as a younger brother.

"How great? The grade has improved?"

At this time, Long Ren approached curiously.

By the way, he raised his watch and dripped it at the straw man.

[Grade F, turn 0, LV1]

Yongin: "..."

Yongin: "..."

Yongin: "..."

It was only after dripping that he realized that he had misunderstood, and Li Pu was probably so angry with the result that he said something ironic.

"Did you fail in reincarnation?"

"Sure enough, you can't do it too hastily, alas..."

"But the price of your failure is too miserable."

"I heard that if you fail to reincarnate, you will lose some levels, but I never knew that there are still people who can directly drop to the lowest level."

Worried that Li Pu's mentality would explode, Long Ren quickly patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

But at this time, Li Pu had already started feeding the grass man the Muxing crystal.

Sure enough, for a 10-wood summoned beast, the Muxing crystal is simply the best cultivation material.

After feeding all the nearly 50 harvested in the round valley just now, the straw man returned to LV30.

Combat power jumped from 298 to 403 in one fell swoop, breaking through the 400 mark for the first time!

The strength lost in the previous reincarnation not only made up for it, but also increased a lot.

This time, he is more confident to deal with Luang Phor Shu.

It's just a pity that all this money is spent in vain.

If it is sold outside, at least 15W is the income.

But at a critical juncture, if you care about these things outside your body, you may lose your life, so it's worth it.

"It's a half-success and half-failure."

Seeing that Long Ren was already worried, Li Pu simply showed him [Dragon Drive].

"Dig an area!

! "

Sure enough, after glancing at it, Long Ren was immediately stunned.

You must know that this is only the effect of one Dragon Repelling Fruit, if there are several, wouldn't it be more exaggerated?

"How do I feel that your wave seems to be a good one!"

Then he thought it over again.

The straw man just lost a wave of 29 levels, but he gained such a powerful targeted inherent ability.

"how did you do it?"

"Should I also fail to reincarnate a few times?"

After he figured it out, Long Ren felt itchy.


Now Li Pu has no way to explain.

After all, the existence of [Forgotten] is his own secret.

What's more, even if he wanted to say it, he didn't know how the grass man's inherent ability of unlimited 1 turn came from.

"Maybe it was bad luck, so it failed."

So he can only prevaricate.

"This is not bad luck, but good luck!"

Long Ren shook his head angrily.

"Stop talking, hurry up and rest, that guy is probably coming again soon."

Finally Li Pu changed the topic.

In fact, if this wave still can't deal with the LP Shu, he still has a backhand.

That is to use the golden wooden board and the last [S-180 Plant Special Solution] capsule to reincarnate the straw man again.

Then he asked Longren for the wooden crystals in his hand, and then gave the straw man a full level.

But it is not necessary to use this trick, it depends on the next wave of Luang Po Tree's attack.

After all, the current time is not enough to reincarnate again.


About 30 minutes later, the mouth of the valley opened wide, and Luang Phor Shu struck again.

Same as before, at this time all the injuries on it have been healed, and it has been upgraded to LV62.

[Dragon Po!

! 】

When LP Shu arrived, he stopped pretending and rushed directly at the fire tongscorpion.

After so many fights, it has changed tactics, intending to take out the best opponent first.

[Pliers quack! 】

Facing the attack of LP Shu, the suppression of the upper dragon's blood made the Fire Tong Scorpion feel very bad, and even its movements were slower and weaker than usual.

But in the same way, Li Pu and the others had already made preparations.

[Eat, eat! 】

Bu Bu took the lead, holding the golden membrane shield in front of the Fire Tong Scorpion.

"It's too contemptuous of people, it's this trick again!"

And Long Ren released [Barrier], giving Bu Bu an extra layer of protection.

Rang! x2

I saw Luang Po Tree's claws swinging down, hitting the air in front of Bu Bu, and the sound of the double shield breaking was heard.

[What a mess! 】

[Pliers Gaha! 】

Taking advantage of this gap, the straw man and the poker scorpion released their control skills at the same time.

Especially the straw man, the one who came first came first, and punched Luang Phor Shu's body.

[Grandma Long? ! 】

Originally, Luang Phor Shu didn't care about this little guy's mere punch, but now his eyes showed surprise.

What followed was surprise turning to fear.

Because it immediately noticed that its body had changed!

What's the situation now? !

Why did this straw man become completely different in just a short while!

It seems to be very restrained!


Immediately behind the straw man was Li Pu.

[A dragon mother in a dragon mother! 】

His appearance made Long Po completely panicked.

Because among so many enemies, this **** was the last thing it wanted to face.

The reason is simple: it hurts so much for him to kick!

If it's just 1V1, Luang Phor Shu is not afraid whether it is a lame man or a straw man who disables a bunch of his abilities.

It can completely crush the opponent by virtue of its own strength advantage.

But the point is, how could this group of guys be 1V1 with me!

So next, it entered the joyous repeated control + gang fight time.

"It seems to be really useful, its ability to fight seems to have been weakened!"

Long Ren, who stood behind to support + watch the battle, soon discovered something.

As a monster covered in dragon scales, it is not surprising that it has the inherent defensive ability related to dragon scales, as his own half-dragons have.


Li Pu, who was reminded, soon realized something.

He felt pain in the soles of his feet when he stepped down before, but this time it was much better.

It seems that using dragon fruit to reincarnate the grass man is really the right thing to do.

Under such circumstances, everyone beat up harder.

Although Luang Phor Shu had reached LV62, he entered a dangerous state of bruises faster than the previous few times.

"Be careful, it is probably about to use a mental attack!"

Long Ren issued another reminder.

The most difficult thing about this dragon mother tree is that it can use spiritual attacks.

So far, none of them can prevent this trick.

After receiving a mental attack, one must immediately adopt a defensive posture, otherwise, Luang Po Shu would take the opportunity to attack like the previous Fire Tong Scorpion.

But in this way, it is equivalent to giving it a chance to escape.

So every time it enters the stage of the end of the crossbow, Luang Phor Shu will use this to escape.

"There seems to be something wrong."

However, Li Pu discovered that this time, the approximate time has passed, but Luang Phor Shu did not wave his hand.

In fact, there is one point that is easily overlooked about related objects.

That is, not every related object represents the skills of Warcraft.

Sometimes it represents, or it may be inherent ability, or the characteristics of Warcraft itself.

This is the case with the relatives of the Luang Phor tree.

In other words, it doesn't want to launch a mental attack now, but it can't!

Because its inherent ability has been sealed!

I want to cry but have no tears, bitter!

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