Those Years When I Was Cannon Fodder

Chapter 740: it's worth it

Someone hesitated,

"Qingnan Territory has been sealed for many years, and it is limited to the laws of the Middle Thousand Worlds, and it cannot be promoted to a higher realm. How can there be a Mahayana ancestor?"

"That makes sense."

Several people showed approval, but there were also smart people who understood the deep meaning of Dao Ji Dao Zun's words, and their faces became solemn.

"Could it be that Venerable Dao thinks that there are such evil cultivators who are also secretly muddying the water?"

"Those who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, which era of cultivation does not have?"

They used to do things secretly, but now they are afraid that they have given them an upright reason and hope. These evil cultivators are not only human, but also demons and demons.

No race is short of this kind of rat **** that ruins the existence of a pot of porridge.

They may not believe this prophecy so much, but if they can add a block to the right path of the cultivation world, they will not be stingy with it.

Maybe he will also provide the evil cultivator who is going to destroy the world in this prophecy, hoping that he can really answer this prophecy, or it is also possible to give him a little more help.

Such evil cultivators from the Great Thousand Worlds may cultivate to the Mahayana stage, or even higher levels.

The higher-ups in Immortal Sect are also very aware of the famous existence among the evil cultivators.

Dao Zun Daoji's words raised their vigilance.

"The Tianbang event will come once every hundred years, but it is not as safe as my own sect. This matter needs to be dealt with as soon as possible."

one said.

Dao Ji Dao really touched his palms and praised.

"That's right, it's a pity that I couldn't catch those few while pretending to be there. It's a real pity."

He said a few names of evil cultivators, and everyone present showed a comprehensible expression.

Clearly disgusted with those evil cultivators, no one noticed that Daoist Daoji's gaze inadvertently swept across Daoist Zhenling, and the two exchanged glances.

Because of Dao Zun Dao Ji's urging and his considerations were quite reasonable, everyone decided to interrogate Yun Xiao and others immediately, and Dao Zun Dao Ji released several people from the living space.

At the same moment, Chu Yu received a message from Yunxiao from Guangyu.

In the past ten years, the Qingli R&D team has upgraded Guangyu again, so that it can finally connect to spiritual consciousness, and it does not have to be operated manually or by voice when entering the sea of ​​consciousness.

For example, Yunxiao and the others are now sealed off in their spiritual power and limited in their spiritual sense, just like a mortal person, but Guangyu already exists in their sea of ​​consciousness. Through the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, Guangyu sent a message to Chu Yu. .

Of course, they had been in the life space before, and the level of life space was definitely not as good as Chu Yu's Guyuan Realm or even Xumi Realm, but after all, there was a layer of space barrier, and it couldn't be received by Guangyu.

The barrier of the ancient Yuan world and the barrier of the Sumeru world here are not obstacles.

Because they are both implicated in Chu Yu alone.

And Gu Yuanjie, as a big guy in the Xumi Realm, and the people of the Qingli R&D team are in the Gu Yuanjie, so it is possible to synchronize the news from the ancient Yuanjie to the Xumi Realm and even the outside world, but If the outside world is separated by a layer of space, it will not work.

At this time, as soon as they left the life space, the message was sent to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu immediately regained her spirits and knew the most critical moment. She checked the things she bought from the mall and made sure that she was fully prepared. The 097 side was also on standby and could help her get what she needed at any time. , which was a sigh of relief.

If Yun Xiao and others have been locked in a certain space, even if Chu Yu knew where the space was, it would be a little difficult.

After all, the strongest among them is the god-transformed powerhouse in the ceiling of Tianyun Realm, but if it is a Mahayana powerhouse, there is no way to change the restrictions set by the storage realm.

Even if they snatched the person back, they could only watch helplessly as the other person was locked in the space and could do nothing.

But if the person is released, this heavy trouble will be saved.

Chu Yu decisively used the Escape Talisman, and added her own spiritual power to the full level before leaving the Gu Yuan Realm.

She didn't dare to use her spiritual sense, for fear that her spiritual sense would be noticed by everyone, and she didn't dare to use her spiritual power, so she quietly observed with her eyes and didn't even dare to get too involved in a certain emotion.

To know that a too strong sight will be detected by a keen cultivator, she only dared to glance at it.

Those people were indeed interrogating Yunxiao and the three of them, and they were strictly investigating where they had been hiding in the past ten years and whether they had any other party members.

The three of Yunxiao should have discussed it, and they didn't just pretend to be stupid, but said something that could be said very honestly.

For example, how did they leave the Qingnan Region through the Sword Region.

Because they got an inheritance, which told them the coordinates of the Great Thousand World, so they came in this direction.

As a result, it was blocked by the knife domain.

Just when they were desperate, one of them did not know where the trigger was and got the inheritance of the owner of the sword domain.

Then the power of the knife domain disappeared inexplicably.

I can't say this is wrong, Chu Yu and Chu Qiong did get the inheritance of the sword domain, and in the process, these high-level monks were guarded by the sword domain, and only the low-level monks could enter it to temper the body and train the spiritual sense. , also told them.

As for the Sky Cloud Realm, many of them didn't say anything about it.

Completely pushes the disappearance of the knife domain to the reason for the inheritance.

And this was not suspected by the Almighty, which was in line with their long-standing speculation.

Also solved some mysteries.

For example, why for so many years, no monks from the Qingnan Region have gone to the Great Thousand World.

It turns out that the Sword Region is also very wary of the people in the Qingnan Region, and they are not an exception. They are most wary of high-level monks. These high-level monks are the main force that can reach that place.

After all, the low-level monks have no such ability if they want to go, and they have been bitten to death by the monsters in the Black Sea.

But when they worked hard to cross the boundless and directionless Black Sea, they were stumped by the knife field. If someone had not obtained the inheritance of the master of the knife field this time, the power of the knife field disappeared. It will also become a member of the impoverished Qingnan Region.

When Yun Xiao and others talked about this, there was quite a bit of resentment in their words.

Obviously, he didn't appreciate it at all. He just felt that the owner of the sword domain used this scorpion to jam the necks of the people in the Qingnan domain, so that they could only be trapped in the gods' transformation stage for a lifetime, and could not pursue a higher realm.

At the same time, this moat also blocked the communication between the two sides, making the people in the Qingnan Region just like the frog living at the bottom of the well.

At this time, Dao Zun Dao Ji accepted a smile, and suddenly said coldly,

"Since some of you have obtained the inheritance of the owner of the sword domain, you should also know that this sword domain protects your people from the south of the Qing Dynasty ~ If there is no enchantment of the sword domain, perhaps this is one of the blue south domain. The entire domain has been killed long ago."

A pair of Yunxiao and the three of them didn't know what to do.

These words made the onlookers a little embarrassed, but there were also some people with serious expressions and coldness in their eyes, obviously they recognized the part of people who could never suffer from future troubles.

Yun Sheng said loudly,

"But what did our people in the Southern Blue Region do wrong? Just because the so-called prophecy said that the people who destroyed the world came from our Southern Azure Region? How ridiculous is it to wipe out a region because of one person?"

Dao Zun Dao Ji's expression was so calm that it was almost indifferent,

"Kill a domain and save the entire cultivation world, it's worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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