Thousand Blades of Death

v1 Chapter 169: Reasons to deal with you!

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"To protect us... and fight?!"

"What are you talking about...too reluctant..." Kurosaki Ho said: "You are all scarred..."

"It's not forced at all!" Mako Hiroko said: "Let the two of you face it, it's called forced!!"

"This is... it's ours..."


"Cut idiot!!" Listening to the declaration of Hiroko Masako's blood to the extreme, the blood that Kurosaki couldn't help boiled, but suddenly a sarcastic voice sounded, directly causing Kurosaki's enthusiasm to be splashed from head to toe The pot of cold water burst into flames!

But before he could speak, the broken bee next to him started speaking: "What do you mean?!!! Amano Mahara!"

That's right, this ridiculous sentence is what Ma Yuan said! I saw Ma Yuan looked at the broken bee very plainly, and slowly said: "What does it mean? Isn't it literally?"

"You........." The broken bee only felt that his **** would be exploded with anger. What is this guy doing? ! ! Show off his high strength? Although he does have the strength to match most of the captains, how could he be an opponent with the near-unsolved ability of the blue-stained Jinghuashuiyue? ! !

"Why do you say that? Amano Sang." Jingle Chunshui turned his head and asked Ma Yuan clearly.

"Aren't you very clear?" Ma Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "You guys who have been caught in the mirror are actually telling the truth, basically there is no difference between the cattle and sheep that are already being slaughtered..."


"You..." Crushed Bee just wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yasumaru Lisa, and the Crushed Bee looked at Yasushimaru Lisa in surprise, and she saw a serious expression on her face Then, he grumbled at Ma Yuan and said, "He is not a man with some strength and arrogance, who doesn't know the sky and earth and thick, first listen to his reason."

The broken bee stomped his hate when he heard the words and looked at Ma Yuan with both eyes, wanting to hear what he explained.

"Are you actually clear? Jinghuashuiyue's ability, full five senses hypnosis! Vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, all the sensations that can affect people's subjective cognition are controlled by Jinghuashuiyue! Under such circumstances, You are like string puppets, completely controlled by Blue Dye. Even if you struggle so hard, in Lan Ran's eyes, it is just a ridiculous joke!"

"There is no threat at all," Ma Yuan said in a sentence. The characters in the voice were like big hammers with handles, which struck hard in the hearts of everyone!

"So what!!!! We just need to keep on attacking, so that Lan Ran will not be free of his time to liberate him to cut his soul sword soon!!!!" Rifangu Dongshilang argued.

"Ridiculous! Naive" Ma Yuan said mercilessly: "You who are completely controlled by the five senses, you who are confused by all the external knowledge, can you be sure that up to now, Lan Ran has not liberated his mirror flowers and water moons? ?!!!"


"'s impossible, right?" Broken Bee murmured.

"Isn't it? How is it impossible?! Just because you didn't see him liberate his mirror flowers and water moon?" Ma Yuan glanced at the broken bee lightly, and then said: "You are manipulated by the vision... ...Can be sure..."

"You see... Is it real?"

"I..." The broken bee opened his mouth, suddenly dumb and speechless, but the pretty little face was still full of unwillingness.

"Let's make an analogy! Now the blue dye in your eyes, where is he?" Ma Yuan saw the expression on the broken bee's face, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are there!" Broken Bee pointed to the location of Blue Dye.

"No, actually Blue Dye is there!" Ma Yuan knew that Blue Dye does not have the ability to activate the mirror flower and water moon, so he randomly took a direction and said.

"What?!!!" The captains were all unbelievable expressions.

Kurosaki opened her mouth speechlessly. Ma Yuan already explained so clearly. He naturally understood the ability of Jing Hua Shui Yue more clearly. He is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that it is impossible for the captain to be full of doubts. With the ability to fight against Blue Dye, Blue Dye will play with it in the palm of your hand!

Moreover, Wan Lanran confuses their feelings through Jinghuashuiyue, and if she turns herself into blue dye, then her enemy. Just thinking about it, Kurosaki felt shudder! It's too much wrong to die like this! !

So even if he knew that Ma Yuan said it was false, he had no idea of ​​trying to break through Ma Yuan's claims.

"Pap Pap Pap"

When the crisp applause rang, I saw Lan Ran patting his palm and said with amazement: "It's a brilliant analysis! I didn't expect you to be able to analyze my Mirror's ability so thoroughly! It really is Amazing!"

"In fact, it's not a brainstorming thing! After all, your abilities are so straightforward, you can think about it very simply." Ma Yuan said slowly.

"Then why they still don't understand it, and refuse to stay on the ground honestly, trying to seduce me standing in the sky?" Lan Ran asked.

"It's not that I don't understand, it's because they are the captains of Corpse Soul Realm, that's all!" Ma Yuan looked directly at Lanran and said, "They have no reason to retreat!"

"So what about you? Why did you want to fight against me?" Lan Ran asked again, even sending an invitation to Ma Yuan: "Come with me to witness the birth of the king of the new world, isn't it good? "

"Indeed, the people I value are not hurt, so the survival of Sorakucho has nothing to do with me!" Ma Yuan looked at Lanran and said in a domineering way: "But... Don’t you know? All my property is concentrated in Sorakucho!"

"Now, you are going to destroy Sakazamachi..."

"Broken people's money, do you think, my reason for dealing with you... Isn't it enough?!!!"

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