Thousand Blades of Death

v1 Chapter 362: Go on like this...will lose

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Wood leaf body prosperity, express lotus flower, launch!

Li Luoke firmly grasped my Airo with two hands, and then turned hard, and the speed of rotation increased faster and faster with the falling speed, and even brought up a spiral spiral wave of waves, which fell down heavily. Go down

At this time, I love Luo is not completely without means. Although his sand can't catch up with Li Luoke's speed, it can still be done by gathering on the ground to reduce the impact.

Charola, who controls the overflow of sand, was also perceived by Li Locke. After all, they were so close to each other. It was also very difficult to notice, so Li Locke quickly discovered that they were about to land. Location, where the stone slabs have been crushed and crushed by the sand of my love, and also turned into beach sand, among the broken stones, like the fireflies in the night.

This is not okay. If you continue to fight like this, but you don’t have any offensive power anymore. Lee Locke suddenly remembered that he was in the previous battle. The guy in Yinren Village also used this trick to buffer the strength of Table Lotus and hide. Opened a killing robbery.

This is not okay, but I have consumed a lot of physical strength and Chakra to use such physical techniques. If it is unfavorable, I will not be able to do it again and again. The flower of the wood leaf is going to bloom. It's brilliant

Li Locke thought this way, and then accelerated his speed of rotation, and then turned his body over at the moment of landing, and at the same time, he threw it with both hands. The bandage that wrapped my eros was suddenly given by the huge centrifugal force of the watch lotus flower. It flew out fiercely, like a huge spiral artillery shell, and hit the huge stone carving handprint in the center of the field. The huge force even broke the finger directly, and then I The strength of Ai Luo's body was completely removed, and the sound fell on the ground, and the worn bandage wrapped around him looked embarrassed.

Before I landed, I slammed Ronaldo out. Li Locke failed to land successfully, but fell heavily on the ground. Fortunately, the position he fell was just crushed by Iro. Because of the sand, most of the force is offset by the sand. Although it looks gray-faced, the injuries on the body are not heavy. It can be said that the wedding dress I love Luo is really good enough.

"After discovering that the stone slab underneath was crushed into sand, it was discovered that the attack of Epiphany would become very weak, so it changed direction within the first time and threw it out with huge centrifugal force to the maximum He exerts his power... Although I know that he certainly did not think so much in a short time, but it is really a good fighting instinct to make such the most correct judgment in such a short time. "..." Kakashi said with emotion, and then said to the smug triumphant: "Are you really sure, this kid is not the product of your drunken mess?! There is nothing like this with you. The relationship is so deceptive that the child is really doubtful, you will tell me the truth quietly, I will not say it, Li Locke is your own...

Facing Kakasi's sudden awakening of the soul of gossip, Kay suddenly petrified and burst into tears in the wind. He burst into tears and said, "My youth will not leave such a stain."

The unsuccessful conversation between Kay and Kakashi Ma Yuan did not have the interest of eavesdropping with knowledge and domineering. He looked at the field and sighed for a long time.

It seems that Li Locke can only achieve this level. The original best chance of victory was lost by him, but this was not because Li Lock failed to grasp it, but because of his current Ability cannot seize this opportunity.

Now Xiao Li, in fact, is really full of money, but only 15 years old, just when the teenager is just developing, all aspects of the body are growing in the body, so the physical quality is still far less developed than adults. It is really a great pity that it is not able to fully exert the power of body surgery due to physical limitations.

And because of the physical limitations, after using the watch lotus flower, Li Locke immediately rushed up and attacked. This is the biggest chance to defeat Iro. It is a pity, because watch lotus flower has put the sand on my love Luo The armor shattered the whole, and the other sand was still far away from him. As long as Li Lok’s strongest speed was played again, as long as he punched, he could keep this in a state of protection and insomnia. In this state, the waste wood that has never been properly exercised was knocked down.

But it's too late to say anything now. . . . . . Still looking forward to the eight-door Dunjia. . . . . . Ma Yuan thought this way and put his eyes on the game on the field again.

Sure enough, because of using Lilianhua, it is still a big consumption for the current Xiao Li. The original rapid attack and speed have now become slower, and because of the forced change of the direction of the landing of Lilianhua, obviously It also caused a certain damage to Li Locke's body, which can be seen from some inconsistencies in his movements.

And because Li Luoke's speed has slowed down, the rhythm of the battle fell on my Ai Luo again, because I had a very bad fight with Ai Luo before, so now I Ai Luo is very excited, and the attack on his hand is also Becoming more fierce made Li Locke frightened and parried, making it difficult to launch a powerful attack like before.

If this continues. . . . . . Will lose!

Everyone on the field sees it this way, because Li Locke can’t get close to Iero, and he doesn’t have any ninjutsu or illusion to carry out a long-range attack, and can only avoid and consume under the attack of Iero. With your own physical strength, if you continue this way, you will be abruptly tortured.

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