Thousand Blades of Death

v1 Chapter 441: Body surgery

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Zou Tian's face turned red and stared at the daze on the ground, Ning Ci was already used to it, and she looked like this every time she saw Ma Yuan.

It's just that it's better for Huahuo to come over at this time. If Huahuo comes over, the two sisters see Ma Yuan, which makes Ningci even more troublesome.

"Miss, I will go back first."

Ningci glanced at Ma Yuan and wanted to go back, and suddenly saw Li Locke coming in from the outside.

When Li Luo saw Ma Yuan and Ning Ci, he said excitedly: "Ning Ci, how did Ma practice physical exercises with me?"

Ma Yuan nodded, looked at Ning Ci, and saw Ning Ci looking at him and said lightly, "I still have something."

Ning Ci turned to leave, Ma Yuan could not help shaking his head, if the body skill plus Ning Ci's Bagua Palm, it would be perfect.

"and many more."

Ma Yuan immediately stopped Ning Ci and Xiao Li. The two looked at him questioningly, not knowing what to do.

"Ma Yuan..."

Zou Tian stood beside him and asked softly.

Ma Yuan said with a smile: "I'm going to practice with you, Xiao Li, your physical skill plus Ning Ci's Jiu-Jitsu is the most powerful."

After listening, the two were a little stunned. Wouldn’t it be better if the two learned from each other?

Zou Tian still stared at him with small dementia eyes.

Ma Yuan looked at Zou Tian with a smile and said, "Zou Tian, ​​do you want to get up?"

Zou Tian glanced at Ma Yuan for not knowing what to say, but nodded gently and then followed him to the side.

Ningci frowned slightly after looking at it, and Xiao Li looked at them and smiled.

"Ma Yuan, what do you want to learn?"

Ma Yuan smiled faintly: "You can teach me all the physical exercises you can."

Ning Ci and Xiao Li were a little stunned after listening, and then said, "I don't use ninjutsu when you learn what to do. So I worked hard to learn ninjutsu. I have to prove it to all people, even if I don't Able to master ninjutsu, and become an outstanding ninja!"

"Relax, you can definitely become a ninja like Teacher Kai, but before this, you still teach me your physical skills."

Xiao Li nodded. For him, nothing beats fighting and practicing to make him more enthusiastic.

He looked at Ma Yuan and said with a smile: "Okay, now I will teach you Konoha Cyclone, Konoha Cyclone!"

Ning Ci glanced at the hot Li Xiao and said with exclamation: "Xiao Li!"

Xiao Li didn't speak but just glanced at him, and then pulled Ma Yuan to the side. Ma Yuan quickly learned the wooden leaf whirlwind from Xiao Li and the wooden leaf whirlwind.

Ning Ci frowned and stared at him, thinking that he was a genius. Now he knows that Ma Yuan is a real genius. For this very difficult physical technique, he quickly learned it.

But a ninja can use ninjutsu, why should he learn body skills.

Zou Tian looked at him and said lightly: "Ma Yuan, why do you still need to learn body skills."

Ma Yuan said with a smile: "It's just like you. You can use white eyes and soft fist."

Zou Tian seems to understand, but does not seem to understand, Ma Yuan looked at her and continued to say: "Zou Tian, ​​your gossip palm?"

Zou Tian immediately blushed, lowering his head and said lightly: "Well, do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Ma Yuan nodded.

"Zou Tian, ​​I can accompany you to practice gossip palms in the future."

Zou Tian smiled shyly and nodded, her eyes staring at the ground in a daze, did not speak.

"Brother Ma Yuan!"

Zou Tian raised his head and saw that the spark came quickly towards this side. When he saw Ma Yuan, he immediately rushed towards Ma Yuan.

She was much more active than Zou Tian.

Ma Yuan smiled and took Hua Huo from his back. For him, the spark was a little girl, just like his sister.

"Hua Huo, don't you need to practice today?"

Hua Huo smiled with two small rescues on his face when he laughed: "Hee hee, of course I used it. This is not already back. Brother Ma Yuan didn't notify me when you came?"

Hua Huo's small mouth mumbled and looked at Ma Yuan reluctantly.

Ma Yuan smiled and gently stroked her head twice.

"Hua Huo, I just came over. Will I tell you the next time I come?"

Hua Huo nodded happily, and then said: "Brother Ma Yuan, then I will practice with you? Just heard you said that you want to learn gossip palms with your sister, I will also."

Her small face stared at Ma Yuan with an innocent smile. Now he is not small anymore, but every time he sees Ma Yuan, he sticks to it immediately, which makes Zou Tian feel a little lost.

After all, Zou Tian's personality is different from Huahuo's personality, and the two are introverted and extroverted.

For extroverted fireworks, Ma Yuan prefers to stay with Zou Tian.

Ningci glanced at Zou Tian and stood up.

"Miss Spark, let me practice with you."

Huahuo looked at him very dissatisfiedly and said, "Why are you, and why isn't it Brother Ma Yuan?"

Xiao Li touched his head a little bit unclearly and said, "I will accompany you!"

Ma Yuan looked helplessly at several people and said, "However, it's not too early. How about continuing to practice after eating?"

Zou Tian several people nodded, Ma Yuan said: "Then we go out to eat."

Just after Ma Yuan walked outside, he saw the famous ninja walking towards him quickly, and then said, "Ma Yuan, Lord Naruto is looking for you!"

After Ma Yuan heard it, several people walked towards the headquarters immediately.

"Grandmother, don't know what's going on?"

Gang Shou glanced at both hands and said: "There is no space in the whole village. A few of you went out to find it. After all, he was very dangerous if he lost."

Several people in Naruto nodded and began to search for empty in the village, but Ma Yuan knew that empty would go back to assassinate Tsunato, it would be better to go back and wait for the rabbit.

Ma Yuan didn't tell a few people where he went, turned back to the headquarters, and waited for the arrival of the empty.

Sakura Naruto and others are looking for time outside.

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