Thousand Blades of Death

v1 Chapter 461: Three Tail Power

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Guren didn't speak, but ran quickly in the direction of Sanwei. She glanced at the bull head that had stood beside San Wei and shouted, "Bull head!"

Niutou nodded and shouted loudly: "Hurry up!"

Guren quickly ran towards Sanwei, and immediately ran to the end of Sanwei.

"Damn, look!"

"Cuijing Wall Eight Formations!"

With the sound of her ink seal, Sanao was immediately trapped in the crystal by the huge crystal!

Ma Yuan ran away in the direction of the violent Sanwei, but at the moment Sanwei has been summoned by the ghost ghost pill, but was trapped in the crystal escape by Honglian.

At the moment, Guren has lost his strength, and Chakra has reached his limit, and he is standing on the water with some decadence.

Turned his head and glanced, he walked to her side without any expression on his face.

"Guren, are you okay?"

Guren nodded slightly and said with a sneer: "It's okay, but I didn't expect the tail beast to be so violent, and the Chakra on his body is also amazing!"

Turning her head and not speaking, she was only beside her. She looked around with caution. You Guiwan was embraced by the pharmacist in her arms, and stared at Honglian quietly beside the straight words.

"I didn't expect Sanwei to have such a power. No wonder the people in the organization want to collect all the tail beasts. Honglian is not a rival of Sanwei."

After the pharmacist talked, he held the ghost pills in his arms tightly and put them on the side.

Guren looked at the three tails trapped in the crystal on the boat.

Suddenly, the crystal that trapped the three tails gradually split.

The pharmacist's pocket looked at Honglian nervously and said, "Honglian, now leave You Gui Pill now!"

Guren looked worried at the ghost pill on the ship and immediately shouted angrily: "Your opponent is me!"

After she finished speaking, she ran towards the already violent three tails, and countless crystal swords pierced the body of the three tails, but all the blades were crushed by the hard shell of the three tails in an instant.

Sanwei was facing down towards Red Lotus, and the already tired Red Lotus was immediately thrown on the ground beside him, and Red Lotus looked at the bull head beside him and said, "Bull head, what are you doing there, still? Hurry and take the ghost pill away!"

Suddenly, Yukimaru stood up and shouted loudly in the air, and Daoguang burst from his body and spread it directly into the air.

Although Sanwei had not moved, in a flash, Sanwei shattered the crystal column that trapped it, and then roared violently in the lake water.

With the anger of Sanwei, the lake immediately surged towards the shore, and Kakashi and others who were trapped in the mist were dispelled by the waves made by Sanwei and dispelled the surrounding smoke. Several people stared in shock. Three tails on the lake.

"This is the power of Sanwei!"

Kakashi stared in shock at the already angry three tails in the lake.

Ma Yuan had reached Sanwei's side, but with the angry roar of Sanwei in the lake, he had to stand still.

"It seems that the furious three tails are quite powerful!"

He thought secretly in his heart but didn't think about the past now.

Chakra in the three-tailed body is very violent, even very shocking, if the moment passes, even he cannot guarantee that he can subdue the three-tailed.

Although it is said that Mio ran away in the last battle, then he did not know where he went. It turned out that he was here.

The people of Xiao organization have already started to go here, and they must subdue Sanwei before the people of Xiao organization come here.

Although Ma Yuan thought so in his mind, it is better for him to take refuge in a place nearby. After all, the power of the three tails in the rage is unimaginable.

Guren, who had just fallen into the water, saw the three-dimensional space created by Sanwei using Chakra's power.

She struggled to rescue the ghost pill that fell in the water, and using Jing Dun, the two reached the surface of the water.

The pharmacist standing next to him with a grin on his face, pushed his glasses off and said, "It's worthy of Sanwei, the power is terrible, but amazing!"

Ma Yuan smiled softly, then turned and walked towards Kakashi and others in the distance. Suddenly he looked around his eyes with vigilance.

"Da She Wan, if you have anything to say, don't bother."

In the twisted space, Da She Wan's face suddenly appeared, staring at him coldly and said, "Let's do less business!"

Ma Yuan sneered: "I want to do whatever I want, what has to do with you, and when I find you, you are also my defeat!"

Dashe Maru said with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Ma Yuan raised his hand and waved it gently. The entire twisted space had returned to its original shape, and he walked towards Kakashi and others.

When Kakashi saw him, he asked, "What just happened?"

"The pharmacist's pocket, Honglian with a child is fighting Sanwei."

After Zhi Nao listened, he was slightly stunned, paying attention to the bug in his hand, and said nothing else.

Kakashi continued: "That is to say, their goal now is to capture the three tails. If they are given the power of the three tails, the consequences will be disastrous."

Ma Yuan nodded and said with a smile: "This time the task is very difficult."

Sai brought Zou Tian back in the air to check, and Zou Tian worriedly said: "There are amazing Chakras around, and the fog around seems to make people hallucinate."

Ma Yuan nodded slightly and then said, "Now wait for Parker to come back and make a decision."

Kakashi nodded, it seems that not only Lu Wan has a cold mind, but Ma Yuan's ability is many times stronger than Lu Wan.

The ghost ghost pill that had just rushed to the shore looked at the red lotus beside his eyes.

Guren looked worriedly at the distance and said, "If Konoha is attacking now, it's too dangerous. Now go and join Lin'er and them."

At the moment, Parker had arrived at Muye Village. After finishing the information with Tsunato, Tsunato said angrily: "We must not let Sanwei fall into the hands of this group of people, and immediately summon people!"

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