Thousand Blades of Death

v11 ~: 79. Persecution

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His whole body was surrounded by doubt and fear, and his body could not move. He lay on his back on the humble bed, his chest and waist tightly bound by belts.

If you just can’t get up, it’s okay, but what if you have no consciousness in your hands and feet?

It was only the body that was bound, and there were no restraints on the limbs, but-no feeling, as if that were not his hands and feet.

"--It seems that you are awake."

The voice of his fiancee sounded from outside the field of vision. The culprit who trapped him here finally appeared.

"Sola?! This is... me, why am I here?"

"Lancer rescued you from desperation and brought you here. Why, don't you remember?"


Heavy blow. He was actually attacked by those half-tone magicians in the city of Einzberen.

But he did block the enemy's bullet with Moon Spirit Liquid, but his memory of his belief that he had won has been blurred.

The memory was interrupted there, and I seemed to feel a sudden pain-it seemed to be the case. When he woke up, he found himself lying on his back. Therefore, he could not judge how long the time had passed.

Sola put his fingertips on Kenneth's wrist like a doctor, but he didn't feel himself touched.

"The whole body's magic circuit shows signs of running away, and the internal organs are almost broken, and even the muscles and nerves are damaged to varying degrees. It is a miracle to die without being on the spot.


"In short, I only have time to regenerate your organs, the nerves are helpless. Even if I gradually recover, it will be difficult to get up and walk. And—"

Listening to her plain words, Kenneth felt that despair was gradually approaching herself.

Self-injury caused by magical runaway. This is the desperation that accompanies every magician at all times.

Although Kenes always believed that he would not make such a low-level mistake. But he knew what it meant.

"And-Kenneth, your magic circuit is over, and you can no longer use magic."


This name was once called "prodigy" Rhodes. Ellmiroy's man shed tears.

He didn't understand how he would encounter such a thing. He knew that the whole world was blessing Kenneth. His genius was originally destined to his unlimited future and glory.

Everything that Kennes had originally believed was ruthlessly destroyed, and the sound of cracking collapsed before him. Faced with this ruthless fact and incomprehensible status quo, he could only cry timidly. Now Kenes is like a child who has just realized what horror is.

"Don't cry, Kenes. It's too early to give up."

Sola whispered comfortably, gently stroking his cheek. Her tenderness to her fiance will always appear when he needs it.

"The Holy Grail war continues. Kenes, this is the result of strategy. As long as I as the source of magic power is still there, Lancer must continue to abide by the contract with us. We have not failed."


"If the holy grail can really fulfill all its wishes, then it can also heal the body, right. As long as you win, everything will be restored after the holy grail is in hand."


Her words gave Kennes great encouragement and hope. Fiancee gave him incentives. More than anything, it can make him courageous.

But-why is there an uncomfortable anxiety like the wind at the moment. Quietly brushed his chest.

I wonder if it was because of seeing his doubts that Sola held his right wrist with a motherly smile. His hands could not move, and there were still two spells on the back of his hands.

"So, Kenneth... give me this spell, and I will take your place as Lancer's Master. Let me take the Holy Grail for you."


He instinctively refused immediately. Now all he had was the spell—it must not be let go, Kenes's soul shouted.

Looking at Kanesi with an inexplicable expression of fear, Sola whispered softly like a child.

"You can't believe me? Although I don't have any magic marks, it is still a magician of the Sophia Li family. As the fiancée of the Achpolud family, is there anything wrong with the battle of Rod Elumeroi?"

"No. But..."

The words are correct.

Indeed, Kenneth can't even protect herself now, and it will be difficult to participate in Lancer's battles in the future, and there will be cases where assassins like Ainz Belen will be placed on the side of the Master during the Servant battle. If you meet yourself again, you will really die.

As a magician, Sola's status is far lower than Kenes. But in the Holy Grail war, there was also Weber who called Iskandar. And the murderous Master who seems to have entered into a contract with Caster. If reasonable tactics can be adopted, it is not impossible for Sola to win.

And to make Servant obedient, the spell is indispensable. but--

Kenneth remembered it. Late at the end of the first battle, Sola looked at Lancer's eyes so warmly. She had never looked at herself as her fiance with such eyes. That look. As if intoxicated in a dream.

If she is only appreciating a beautiful man, forget it. That's just a minor problem with women, and husbands shouldn't hold on to such things.

But Lancer is not just a beautiful man.

"...Sola, do you think Lancer will be loyal to you instead?"

Kenneth tried to make himself ask in a calm tone. Sola nodded without hesitation.

"He was just summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War and pursued the Holy Grail as I did. Even if he changed the Master, he would answer for his purpose."


Kenneth said in his heart. Sola may not know that Ying Ling Di Lumu. Audi is not that kind of person.

Indeed, the heroic spirit serves as a Servant summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War. It's not without reason. It is precisely because they want to realize their wishes, they assist their Master to participate in the battle for the Holy Grail.

Both of them have their own wishes to join the cruel battlefield. ,, ..

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